
2018-09-06 12:12


<%@ Language=JavaScript %>

<!--#include file = include/SetGlobals.asp-->

// get the page to display from the URL
var sPage = + Request.QueryString ( page );

// make sure its a page we allow them to view!
switch ( sPage )
case Wider:
case COM:
case Handle404:
case Categories:
case CategoryPage:
case Columns:
case ResultsPage:
case Date:
case Contact:
case Subscribe:
case MailToList:

Response.Redirect ( NaughtyNaughty! );

// output relevant meta tags
Init( ASP source example );

// output common top of page
--> Source, 3 );

// output page content
Content ( );

// output common bottom of page
Footer ( );

<% /* standard page elements */ %>
<!--#include file = utils/Init.asp-->
<!--#include file = utils/Header.asp-->
<!--#include file = utils/Footer.asp-->
<!--#include file = utils/ShowFile.asp-->

// ============================================
// the content of this page
// ============================================
function Content ( )

// create handle to FileSystemObject
var oFSO = Server.CreateObject ( Scripting.FileSystemObject );

// each source file that we show source for could have a related
// documentation file for us to display before and after the
// source. for now, I use a generic header and footer file. the
// true tells ShowFile to pass through any HTML to the browser.

ShowFile ( oFSO, Generic.pre, true, false );

switch ( sPage )
case Categories:
case CategoryPage:
case Columns:

ShowSource ( oFSO, sPage + .asp, true );

// show any extra utility file(s) too
switch ( sPage )
case Wider

