
2018-09-07 11:47


if (is_array($value) && ! $delete)
foreach ($value as $suboption => $subvalue)
$this->{$option}[$suboption] = $subvalue;
$this->$option = $value;

// these are the functions, which are intended to be overriden in user classes

* @parammixed
* @returnobjectDomNode
* @accessprivate
function insertNewResult(&$metadata)
if ($this->xmlroot)
return $this->xmlroot->new_child($this->tagNameResult, NULL);
$this->xmlroot = $this->xmldoc->add_root($this->tagNameResult);
//PHP 4.0.6 had $root->name as tagname, check for that here...
if (!isset($this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname}))
$this->tagname = name;
return $this->xmlroot;


*to be written
* @paramobject DomNode $parent_row
* @parammixed $res
* @parammixed $key
* @parammixed &metadata
* @returnobject DomNode
* @access private
function insertNewRow($parent_row, $res, $key, &$metadata)
return$parent_row->new_child($this->tagNameRow, Null);

*to be written
* @paramobject DomNode $parent
* @parammixed $res
* @parammixed $key
* @parammixed &$metadata
* @parammixed &$subrow
* @returnobject DomNode
* @access private
function insertNewElement($parent, $res, $key, &$metadata, &$subrow)
return$parent->new_child($metadata[$key][name], $this->xml_encode(trim$res[$key]));

*to be written
* @parammixed $key
* @parammixed $value
* @parammixed &$metadata
* @access private
function addTableInfo($key, $value, &$metadata) {


// end functions, which are intended to be overriden in user classes

// here come some helper functions...

* make utf8 out of the input data and escape & with & and < with <
* (we assume that when theres no space after < its a tag, which we need in the xml)
*Im not sure, if this is the standard way, but it works for me.
* @paramstring text to be utfed.
* @access private
function xml_encode ($text)
if (function_exists(iconv) && isset($this->encoding_from) && isset($this->encoding_to))
$text = iconv($this->encoding_from,$this->encoding_to,ereg_replace(&,&,ereg_replace(< ,< ,$text)));

if (! isset($text) )
if (isset($php_errormsg))
$errormsg = error: $php_errormsg;
return PEAR::raiseError($errormsg,Null,PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
else {
return $text;
//$text = utf8_encode(ereg_replace(&,&,ereg_replace(< ,< ,$text)));
$text = trim(ereg_replace(&,&,ereg_replace(< ,< ,$text)));
//echo $text;
return $text;

* There seemed to be no built in function that would merge two arrays recursively and clobber
*any existing key/value pairs. Array_Merge() is not recursive, and array_merge_recursive
*seemed to give unsatisfactory results... it would append duplicate key/values.
*So heres a cross between array_merge and array_merge_recursive
* @paramarray first array to be merged
* @paramarray second array to be merged
* @returnarray merged array
* @access private
function array_merge_clobber($a1,$a2)
!is_array($a2)) return false;
$newarray = $a1;
while (list($key, $val) = each($a2))
if (is_array($val) && is_array($newarray[$key]))
$newarray[$key] = $this->array_merge_clobber($newarray[$key], $val);
$newarray[$key] = $val;
return $newarray;

* Adds a xml string to $this->xmldoc.
* Its inserted on the same level as a normal resultset, means just as a children of <root>
* if a xpath expression is supplied, it takes that for selecting only part of the xml-file
* the clean code works only with php 4.0.7
* for php4.0.6 :
* I found no cleaner method than the below one. its maybe nasty (xmlObject->string->xmlObject),
*but it works. If someone knows how to add whole DomNodes to another one, let me know...
* @paramstring xml string
* @parammixed xpatheither a string with the xpath expression or an array with xpath=>xpath expressionand root=tag/subtag/etc, which are the tags to be inserted before the result
* @access private

function doXmlString2Xml ($string,$xpath = Null)

//check if we have a recent domxml. otherwise use the workaround...
$version = explode(.,phpversion());

if (! ($version[0] <= 4 and $version[1] <= 0 and $version[2] < 7) ){

if (is_array($xpath))
if (isset($xpath[root]))
$root = $xpath[root];
$xpath = $xpath[xpath];

$tmpxml = xmldoc($string);
$subroot = $this->xmlroot;

if (isset($root))
$roots = explode(/,$root);
foreach ($roots as $rootelement)
if ( strlen($rootelement) > 0 )
$subroot = $subroot->new_child($rootelement,);

//$this->xmlroot->addchild does some strange things when added nodes from xpath.... so this comment helps out
$newchild = $subroot->add_child($this->xmldoc->create_comment(the purpose of this comment is a workaround in sql2php.php line .__LINE__));

// if no xpath is given, just take the whole file
if ( (is_null($xpath)))
$xctx = $tmpxml->xpath_new_context();
$xnode = xpath_eval($xctx,$xpath);
foreach ($xnode->nodeset as $node)

else {
$MainXmlString = $this->xmldoc->dumpmem();
$string = preg_replace(/<\?xml.*\?>/,,$string);

$MainXmlString = preg_replace(/<.$this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname}.\/>/,<.$this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname}.></.$this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname}.>,$MainXmlString);
$MainXmlString = preg_replace(/<\/.$this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname}.>/,$string.</.$this->xmlroot->{$this->tagname}.>,$MainXmlString);

$this->xmldoc = xmldoc($MainXmlString);
$this->xmlroot = $this->xmldoc->root();


* sets the encoding for the db2xml transformation
* @paramstring $encoding_from encoding to transform from
* @paramstring $encoding_to encoding to transform to
* @access public
function setEncoding ($encoding_from = ISO-8859-1, $encoding_to =UTF-8)
$this->encoding_from = $encoding_from;
$this->encoding_to = $encoding_to;
* @param array $parentTables parent to child relation
* @access public

function SetParentTables($parentTables)
foreach ($parentTables as $table => $parent)

* returns the content of the first match of the xpath expression
* @paramstring $expr xpath expression
* @returnmixed content of the evaluated xpath expression
* @accesspublic

function getXpathValue ($expr)

$xpth = $this->xmldoc->xpath_new_context();
$xnode = xpath_eval($xpth,$expr);

if (isset ($xnode->nodeset[0]))
$firstnode = $xnode->nodeset[0];

$children = $firstnode->children();
$value = $children[0]->content;
return $value;

return Null;

* get the values as an array from the childtags from the first match of the xpath expression
* @paramstring xpath expression
* @returnarray with key->value of subtags
* @accesspublic

function getXpathChildValues ($expr)
$xpth = $this->xmldoc->xpath_new_context();
$xnode = xpath_eval($xpth,$expr);

if (isset ($xnode->nodeset[0]))
foreach ($xnode->nodeset[0]->children() as $child)
$children = $child->children();
$value[$child->{$this->tagname}] = $children[0]->content;
return $value;
return Null;


