php curl批处理实现可控并发异步操作示例

2018-09-07 11:59


  本文实例讲述了php curl批处理实现可控并发异步操作。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:

  通常情况下 PHP 中的 cURL 是阻塞运行的,就是说创建一个 cURL 请求以后必须等它执行成功或者超时才会执行下一个请求:API接口访问一般会首选CURL

  在实际项目或者自己编写小工具(比如新闻聚合,商品价格监控,比价)的过程中, 通常需要从第3方网站或者API接口获取数据, 在需要处理1个URL队列时, 为了提高性能, 可以采用cURL提供的curl_multi_*族函数实现简单的并发.

   <?php include curl.class.php; function callback($response, $info, $error, $request) { echo response:<br>; print_r($response); echo <br> . date(Y-m-d H:i:s) . <br>; echo <br> . str_repeat(-, 100) . <br>; } $USER_COOKIE = (!empty($_REQUEST[cookie])) ? $_REQUEST[cookie] : file_get_contents(cookie.txt); $curl = new Curl (callback); $data = array( array( url => 秦美人 method => POST, post_data => , header => null, options => array( CURLOPT_REFERER => 神曲 method => POST, post_data => , header => null, options => array( CURLOPT_REFERER => 凡人修真 method => POST, post_data => , header => null, options => array( CURLOPT_REFERER => 神魔仙界 method => POST, post_data => , header => null, options => array( CURLOPT_REFERER => 倾世情缘 method => POST, post_data => , header => null, options => array( CURLOPT_REFERER =>


   <?php /** * cURL批量处理 工具类gt; * @link 单一的请求对象 */ class Curl_request { public $url = ; public $method = GET; public $post_data = null; public $headers = null; public $options = null; /** * * @param string $url * @param string $method * @param string $post_data * @param string $headers * @param array $options * @return void */ public function __construct($url, $method = GET, $post_data = null, $headers = null, $options = null) { $this->url = $url; $this->method = strtoupper( $method ); $this->post_data = $post_data; $this->headers = $headers; $this->options = $options; } /** * @return void */ public function __destruct() { unset ( $this->url, $this->method, $this->post_data, $this->headers, $this->options ); } } /** * 包含请求列队处理 */ class Curl { /** * 请求url个数 * @var int */ private $size = 5; /** * 等待所有cURL批处理中的活动连接等待响应时间 * @var int */ private $timeout = 5; /** * 完成请求回调函数 * @var string */ private $callback = null; /** * cRUL配置 * @var array */ private $options = array (CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => 0,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1,CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 30 ); /** * 请求头 * @var array */ private $headers = array (); /** * 请求列队 * @var array */ private $requests = array (); /** * 请求列队索引 * @var array */ private $request_map = array (); /** * 错误 * @var array */ private $errors = array (); /** * @access public * @param string $callback 回调函数 * 该函数有4个参数($response,$info,$error,$request) * $response url返回的body * $info cURL连接资源句柄的信息 * $error 错误 * $request 请求对象 */ public function __construct($callback = null) { $this->callback = $callback; } /** * 添加一个请求对象到列队 * @access public * @param object $request * @return boolean */ public function add($request) { $this->requests [] = $request; return TRUE; } /** * 创建一个请求对象并添加到列队 * @access public * @param string $url * @param string $method * @param string $post_data * @param string $headers * @param array $options * @return boolean */ public function request($url, $method = GET, $post_data = null, $headers = null, $options = null) { $this->requests [] = new Curl_request ( $url, $method, $post_data, $headers, $options ); return TRUE; } /** * 创建GET请求对象 * @access public * @param string $url * @param string $headers * @param array $options * @return boolean */ public function get($url, $headers = null, $options = null) { return $this->request ( $url, GET, null, $headers, $options ); } /** * 创建一个POST请求对象 * @access public * @param string $url * @param string $post_data * @param string $headers * @param array $options * @return boolean */ public function post($url, $post_data = null, $headers = null, $options = null) { return $this->request ( $url, POST, $post_data, $headers, $options ); } /** * 执行cURL * @access public * @param int $size 最大连接数 * @return Ambigous <boolean, mixed>boolean */ public function execute($size = null) { if (sizeof ( $this->requests ) == 1) { return $this->single_curl (); } else { return $this->rolling_curl ( $size ); } } /** * 单个url请求 * @access private * @return mixedboolean */ private function single_curl() { $ch = curl_init (); $request = array_shift ( $this->requests ); $options = $this->get_options ( $request ); curl_setopt_array ( $ch, $options ); $output = curl_exec ( $ch ); $info = curl_getinfo ( $ch ); // its not neccesary to set a callback for one-off requests if ($this->callback) { $callback = $this->callback; if (is_callable ( $this->callback )) { call_user_func ( $callback, $output, $info, $request ); } } else return $output; return true; } /** * 多个url请求 * @access private * @param int $size 最大连接数 * @return boolean */ private function rolling_curl($size = null) { if ($size) $this->size = $size; else $this->size = count($this->requests); if (sizeof ( $this->requests ) < $this->size) $this->size = sizeof ( $this->requests ); if ($this->size < 2) $this->set_error ( size must be greater than 1 ); $master = curl_multi_init (); //添加cURL连接资源句柄到map索引 for($i = 0; $i < $this->size; $i ++) { $ch = curl_init (); $options = $this->get_options ( $this->requests [$i] ); curl_setopt_array ( $ch, $options ); curl_multi_add_handle ( $master, $ch ); $key = ( string ) $ch; $this->request_map [$key] = $i; } $active = $done = null; do { while ( ($execrun = curl_multi_exec ( $master, $active )) == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM ) ; if ($execrun != CURLM_OK) break; //有一个请求完成则回调 while ( $done = curl_multi_info_read ( $master ) ) { //$done 完成的请求句柄 $info = curl_getinfo ( $done [handle] );// $output = curl_multi_getcontent ( $done [handle] );// $error = curl_error ( $done [handle] );// $this->set_error ( $error ); //调用回调函数,如果存在的话 $callback = $this->callback; if (is_callable ( $callback )) { $key = ( string ) $done [handle]; $request = $this->requests [$this->request_map [$key]]; unset ( $this->request_map [$key] ); call_user_func ( $callback, $output, $info, $error, $request ); } curl_close ( $done [handle] ); //从列队中移除已经完成的request curl_multi_remove_handle ( $master, $done [handle] ); } //等待所有cURL批处理中的活动连接 if ($active) curl_multi_select ( $master, $this->timeout ); } while ( $active ); //完成关闭 curl_multi_close ( $master ); return true; } /** * 获取没得请求对象的cURL配置 * @access private * @param object $request * @return array */ private function get_options($request) { $options = $this->__get ( options ); if (ini_get ( safe_mode ) == Off ! ini_get ( safe_mode )) { $options [CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION] = 1; $options [CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS] = 5; } $headers = $this->__get ( headers ); if ($request->options) { $options = $request->options + $options; } $options [CURLOPT_URL] = $request->url; if ($request->post_data && strtolower($request->method) == post ) { $options [CURLOPT_POST] = 1; $options [CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $request->post_data; } if ($headers) { $options [CURLOPT_HEADER] = 0; $options [CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $headers; } return $options; } /** * 设置错误信息 * @access public * @param string $msg */ public function set_error($msg) { if (! empty ( $msg )) $this->errors [] = $msg; } /** * 获取错误信息 * @access public * @param string $open * @param string $close * @return string */ public function display_errors($open = <p>, $close = </p>) { $str = ; foreach ( $this->errors as $val ) { $str .= $open . $val . $close; } return $str; } /** * @access public * @param string $name * @param string $value * @return boolean */ public function __set($name, $value) { if ($name == options $name == headers) { $this->{$name} = $value + $this->{$name}; } else { $this->{$name} = $value; } return TRUE; } /** * * @param string $name * @return mixed * @access public */ public function __get($name) { return (isset ( $this->{$name} )) ? $this->{$name} : null; } /** * @return void * @access public */ public function __destruct() { unset ( $this->size, $this->timeout, $this->callback, $this->options, $this->headers, $this->requests, $this->request_map, $this->errors ); } } // END Curl Class /* End of file curl.class.php */

  更多关于PHP相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《php curl用法总结》、《PHP网络编程技巧总结》、《PHP数组(Array)操作技巧大全》、《php字符串(string)用法总结》、《PHP数据结构与算法教程》、《php程序设计算法总结》、《PHP运算与运算符用法总结》及《php常见数据库操作技巧汇总》


