java Annotation Meta-annotations

2020-11-22 21:28


标签:java annotation   java   



  1. CONSTRUCTOR: Constructor declaration
  2. FIELD: Field declaration (includes enum constants) 
  3. LOCAL_VARIABLE: Local variable declaration METHOD: Method declaration
  4. PACKAGE: Package declaration
  5. PARAMETER: Parameter declaration
  6. TYPE: Class, interface (including annotation type),or enum declaration


  1. SOURCE: Annotations are discarded by thecompiler.
  2. CLASS: Annotations are available in the class file by the compiler but can be discarded by the VM. 
  3. RUNTIME: Annotations are retained by the VM at run time, so they may be read reflectively.


  1. Include this annotation in the Javadocs.


  1. Allow subclasses to inherit parent annotations.

java Annotation Meta-annotations

标签:java annotation   java   


