python报"TypeError: object of type 'Greenlet' has no len()"
2020-12-03 08:42
标签:参数 spawn fun 代码 let pytho UNC ror join TypeError: object of type ‘Greenlet‘ has no len() 问题代码: gevent.joinall( gevent.spawn(func1), gevent.spawn(func2), gevent.spawn(func3), ) 应该为: gevent.joinall([ gevent.spawn(func1), gevent.spawn(func2), gevent.spawn(func3), ]) 总结:gevent.joinall()的参数应该为列表形式[ gevent.spawn(func1), gevent.spawn(func2), gevent.spawn(func3),] python报"TypeError: object of type 'Greenlet' has no len()" 标签:参数 spawn fun 代码 let pytho UNC ror join 原文地址:
文章标题:python报"TypeError: object of type 'Greenlet' has no len()"