
2020-12-10 07:03


标签:failed   c语言实现   empty   red   sign   sage   nsf   字符   key   




bool AlicloudRequest::sendV2Request() {
    if( query_parameters.find( "Action" ) == query_parameters.end() ) {
        this->errorCode = "E_INTERNAL";
        this->errorMessage = "No action specified in request.";
        dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "No action specified in request, failing.\n" );
        return false;
    std::string protocol, host, httpRequestURI;
    if(! parseURL( serviceURL, protocol, host, httpRequestURI )) {
        this->errorCode = "E_INVALID_SERVICE_URL";
        this->errorMessage = "Failed to parse service URL.";
        dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Failed to match regex against service URL '%s'.\n", serviceURL.c_str() );
        return false;

    if( (protocol != "http" && protocol != "https" && protocol != "x509" && protocol != "euca3" && protocol != "euca3s" ) ) {
        this->errorCode = "E_INVALID_SERVICE_URL";
        this->errorMessage = "Service URL not of a known protocol (http[s]|x509|euca3[s]).";
        dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Service URL '%s' not of a known protocol (http[s]|x509|euca3[s]).\n", serviceURL.c_str() );
        return false;
    std::string hostAndPath = host + httpRequestURI;
    std::transform( host.begin(), host.end(), host.begin(), & tolower );
    if( httpRequestURI.empty() ) { httpRequestURI = "/"; }
    if( protocol == "euca3" || protocol == "euca3s" ) {
        query_parameters.erase( "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior" );
    std::string keyID;
    if( protocol != "x509" ) {
        if( ! readShortFile( this->accessKeyFile, keyID ) ) {
            this->errorCode = "E_FILE_IO";
            this->errorMessage = "Unable to read from accesskey file '" + this->accessKeyFile + "'.";
            dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Unable to read accesskey file '%s', failing.\n", this->accessKeyFile.c_str() );
            return false;
        trim( keyID );
        query_parameters.insert( std::make_pair( "AccessKeyId", keyID ) );
    std::stringstream ss;
    sssecretKeyFile, saKey ) ) {
            this->errorCode = "E_FILE_IO";
            this->errorMessage = "Unable to read from secretkey file '" + this->secretKeyFile + "'.";
            dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Unable to read secretkey file '%s', failing.\n", this->secretKeyFile.c_str() );
            return false;
        trim( saKey );

    unsigned int mdLength = 0;
    unsigned char messageDigest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];

    const unsigned char * hmac = HMAC( EVP_sha1(), saKey.c_str(), saKey.length(),
        (const unsigned char *)stringToSign.c_str(), stringToSign.length(), messageDigest, & mdLength );
    if( hmac == NULL ) {
        this->errorCode = "E_INTERNAL";
        this->errorMessage = "Unable to calculate query signature (SHA1 HMAC).";
        dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Unable to calculate SHA1 HMAC to sign query, failing.\n" );
        return false;

    char * base64Encoded = condor_base64_encode( messageDigest, mdLength );
    std::string signatureInBase64 = base64Encoded;
    free( base64Encoded );

    std::string postURI;
    if( protocol == "x509" ) {
        postURI = "https://" + hostAndPath;
    } else if( protocol == "euca3" ) {
        postURI = "http://" + hostAndPath;
    } else if( protocol == "euca3s" ) {
        postURI = "https://" + hostAndPath;
    } else {
        postURI = this->serviceURL;
    dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Request URI is '%s'\n", postURI.c_str() );

    size_t index = canonicalQueryString.find( "AccessKeyId=" );
    if( index != std::string::npos ) {
        size_t skipLast = canonicalQueryString.find( "&", index + 14 );
        char swap = canonicalQueryString[ index + 15 ];
        canonicalQueryString[ index + 15 ] = '\0';
        char const * cqs = canonicalQueryString.c_str();
        if( skipLast == std::string::npos ) {
            dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Post body is '%s...'\n", cqs );
        } else {
            dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Post body is '%s...%s'\n", cqs, cqs + skipLast );
        canonicalQueryString[ index + 15 ] = swap;
    } else {
        dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Post body is '%s'\n", canonicalQueryString.c_str() );
    return sendPreparedRequest( protocol, postURI, canonicalQueryString );


标签:failed   c语言实现   empty   red   sign   sage   nsf   字符   key   


