scheme :The components of a URL
2021-01-19 04:13
标签:each copy ref data region arc group specific The Host names can also be followed by a port number. Refer to Port numbers. Well-known port numbers for a service are normally omitted from the URL. Most servers use the well-known port numbers for HTTP and HTTPS , so most HTTP URLs omit the port number. I like to think of the term "scheme" as the region of the URL that indicates the "protocol". URL是URI的一个子集。它是Uniform Resource Locator的缩写,译为“统一资源定位 符”。 通俗地说,URL是Internet上描述信息资源的字符串,主要用在各种WWW客户程序和服务器程序上。 采用URL可以用一种统一的格式来描述各种信息资源,包括文件、服务器的地址和目录等。URL是URI概念的一种实现方式。 URL的一般格式为(带方括号[]的为可选项): protocol :// hostname[:port] / path / [;parameters][?query]#fragment URL的格式由三部分组成: ①第一部分是协议(或称为服务方式)。 ②第二部分是存有该资源的主机IP地址(有时也包括端口号)。 ③第三部分是主机资源的具体地址,如目录和文件名等。 scheme :The components of a URL 标签:each copy ref data region arc group specific The 原文地址:
The scheme and host components of a URL are not defined as case-sensitive, but the path and query string are case-sensitive. Typically, the whole URL is specified in
. A server provides services in the name of the host, but hosts and servers do not have a one-to-one mapping. Refer to Host names.
. term=bluebird
. Name and value pairs are separated from each other by an ampersand (&); for example, term=bluebird&source=browser-search
Figure 1. Syntax of an HTTP URL
the scheme
the specific protocol
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文章标题:scheme :The components of a URL