
2021-01-21 06:14


标签:child   ast   ase   ctrl   UNC   handle   oba   bcd   ace   

class SignalDemo { public $time_start; public $pid_childs = []; public $pid_childs_kill = []; public $config; public $master_pid; public $master_status = 1; public $str = ‘无‘; public function __construct($config) { $this->config = $config; $this->time_start = date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s‘); } public function run() { declare(ticks=1); //pcntl_signal_dispatch(); $this->master_pid = posix_getpid();//主id $this->clear();//清屏 $this->command();//指令 $this->installSignal();//安装信号 //获取多进程任务 $task_info = $this->config[‘task_info‘]; foreach ($task_info as $info) { $this->forkOneTask($info);//开启子进程 } while ($this->master_status) { $this->printStr();//输出信息 //守护子进程,以下是模拟子进程结束 foreach ($this->pid_childs as $k => $pid) { posix_kill($pid, SIGUSR1); pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status); unset($this->pid_childs[$k]); $this->str = ‘主进程把子进程:‘ . $pid . ‘杀掉了‘; $this->printStr(); sleep(20); } $this->str = ‘无‘; sleep(1); } echo ‘您按了 ctrl+c,主进程结束~~~‘; } //开启一个进程 public function forkOneTask($info) { $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid === -1) { echo ‘error‘; exit; } if ($pid) { $this->pid_childs[] = $pid; } else { //子进程 while (true) { //做你想做的事。。。。。 sleep(2); if (is_array($this->pid_childs_kill) && in_array(posix_getpid(), $this->pid_childs_kill)) { exit(); } } } } //安装信号 public function installSignal($handler = ‘signalHandler‘) { pcntl_signal(SIGINT, array($this, $handler)); pcntl_signal(SIGHUP, array($this, $handler)); pcntl_signal(SIGUSR1, array($this, $handler)); } //收到信号回调 public function signalHandler($signal) { switch ($signal) { case SIGINT: if (posix_getpid() == $this->master_pid) { $this->master_status = 0; //设置主进程完毕 } else { //子进程逻辑 $this->pid_childs_kill[] = posix_getpid(); } break; case SIGUSR1: $this->pid_childs_kill[] = posix_getpid(); break; } } //运行指令 public function command() { // 检查运行命令的参数 global $argv; $start_file = $argv[0]; // 命令 $command = isset($argv[1]) ? trim($argv[1]) : ‘start‘; // 进程号 $pid = isset($argv[2]) ? $argv[2] : ‘‘; // 根据命令做相应处理 switch ($command) { case ‘start‘: break; case ‘stop‘: exec("ps aux | grep $start_file | grep -v grep | awk ‘{print $2}‘", $info); if (count($info) $v) { $loadavg[$k] = round($v, 2); } return implode(", ", $loadavg); } //打印到屏幕 public function printStr() { $display_str = ‘‘; $display_str .= "----------------------- PHP多进程与信号模拟操作 -------------------" . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= ‘开始时间:‘ . $this->time_start . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= "现在时间:" . date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s‘) . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= ‘Load average: ‘ . $this->getSysLoad() . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= "PHP version:" . PHP_VERSION . "" . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= "当前子进程数: " . count($this->pid_childs) . "个,PID:(" . implode(‘,‘, $this->pid_childs) . ")" . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= "当前主进程PID: " . posix_getpid() . "" . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= "通知: " . $this->str . "" . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= "----------------------- By:DuZhenxun --------------------------" . PHP_EOL; $display_str .= "Press Ctrl+C to quit." . PHP_EOL; $display_str = $this->clearLine($this->replaceStr($display_str));//替换文字,清屏 echo $display_str; } //文字替换 public function replaceStr($str) { $line = "\033[1A\n\033[K"; $white = "\033[47;30m"; $green = "\033[32;40m"; $yellow = "\033[33;40m"; $red = "\033[31;40m"; $purple = "\033[35;40m"; $end = "\033[0m"; $str = str_replace(array(‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘), array($line, $white, $green, $yellow, $red, $purple), $str); $str = str_replace(array(‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘, ‘‘), $end, $str); return $str; } //shell 替换显示 function clearLine($message, $force_clear_lines = NULL) { static $last_lines = 0; if (!is_null($force_clear_lines)) { $last_lines = $force_clear_lines; } // 获取终端宽度 $toss = $status = null; $term_width = exec(‘tput cols‘, $toss, $status); if ($status || empty($term_width)) { $term_width = 64; // Arbitrary fall-back term width. } $line_count = 0; foreach (explode("\n", $message) as $line) { $line_count += count(str_split($line, $term_width)); } // Erasure MAGIC: Clear as many lines as the last output had. for ($i = 0; $i ‘a_1‘, ‘info‘ => ‘abcd‘], [‘task_id‘ => ‘a_2‘, ‘info‘ => ‘222‘], [‘task_id‘ => ‘a_3‘, ‘info‘ => ‘3333‘], [‘task_id‘ => ‘a_4‘, ‘info‘ => ‘3333‘], ]; $obj = new SignalDemo($config); $obj->run();


标签:child   ast   ase   ctrl   UNC   handle   oba   bcd   ace   


