VS code key shortcuts for windows
2021-01-29 22:15
标签:配置 forward 符号 lang include ati war 展开 board mac上的快捷键,尽量是选择像我用vs studio上靠近。 ctrl+K+S: 显示快捷键列 ctrl+shift+p: 系统配置命令行 ctrl+p:项目中文件列表,选择文件 Alt+M:当前文件的函数列表 (Go to symbol in File) Alt+shift+O:显示所有符号(Go to all symbols) cmd+shift+e:项目结构浏览图 Alt+G:目录中搜索 Ctrl+f:文件中搜索 Alt+1: goto definition ctrl+1: go to references alt+F1 (go back):浏览后退到前一视图 (cmd+,) alt+F2 (go forward):浏览前进到后一视图(cmd+.) Ctrl+]:切换光标至匹配的括号处 option+shift+F:格式化文档代码 cmd+shift+L(ctrl+F1):编辑所选的所有同样的字符串 fn+F2:编辑所选的所有同样的符号对象 cmd+K+L:折叠所有 cmd+K+J:展开所有 Toggle Fold: ctrl+[ Go to Matching pair: ctrl+‘ 恢复默认快捷键: cmd+shift+p:调出系统命令行,选择 preferences open keyboard shortcuts, 把文件里自定义的键都删除掉 配色,拷贝不带格式,cshtml与html同样解析格式: { VS code key shortcuts for windows 标签:配置 forward 符号 lang include ati war 展开 board 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dusf/p/11684058.html
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#7700ff",
"editor.wordHighlightBackground": "#0044ff",
"editorCursor.foreground": "#ff0"
"sync.autoUpload": true,
"sync.gist": "shoufu",
"[html]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.html-language-features"
"editor.copyWithSyntaxHighlighting": false,
"window.zoomLevel": 0,
"emmet.includeLanguages": {
"razor": "html"
"files.associations": {
"*.cshtml": "html"
文章标题:VS code key shortcuts for windows