java python AES 加密 对比
2021-02-02 19:14
标签:rate text final string random base ati name cno 测试可行!!! java python AES 加密 对比 标签:rate text final string random base ati name cno 原文地址:**
* aes解密
* @param
* @param content 密文
* @return
public static String AESDncode(String appkey, String content) {
try {
// 1.构造密钥生成器,指定为AES算法,不区分大小写
KeyGenerator keygen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
// 2.根据ecnodeRules规则初始化密钥生成器
SecureRandom secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG");
// 生成一个128位的随机源,根据传入的字节数组
keygen.init(128, secureRandom);
// 3.产生原始对称密钥
SecretKey original_key = keygen.generateKey();
// 4.获得原始对称密钥的字节数组
byte[] raw = original_key.getEncoded();
// 5.根据字节数组生成AES密钥
SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(raw, "AES");
// 6.根据指定算法AES自成密码器
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
// 7.初始化密码器,第一个参数为加密(Encrypt_mode)或者解密(Decrypt_mode)操作,第二个参数为使用的KEY
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
// 8.将加密并编码后的内容解码成字节数组
byte[] byte_content = new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(content);
* 解密
byte[] byte_decode = cipher.doFinal(byte_content);
String AES_decode = new String(byte_decode, "utf-8");
return AES_decode;
} catch (Exception e) {
// 如果有错就返加nulll
return null;
import base64
import hashlib
from Crypto.Cipher import AES as _AES
class AES:
def __init__(self, key: str):
"""Init aes object used by encrypt or decrypt.
AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding same as aes in java default.
self.aes =, _AES.MODE_ECB)
def get_sha1prng_key(key: str) -> bytes:
"""encrypt key with SHA1PRNG.
same as java AES crypto key generator SHA1PRNG.
SecureRandom secureRandom = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG" );
keygen.init(128, secureRandom);
:param string key: original key.
:return bytes: encrypt key with SHA1PRNG, 128 bits or 16 long bytes.
signature: bytes = hashlib.sha1(key.encode()).digest()
signature: bytes = hashlib.sha1(signature).digest()
return signature[:16]
def padding(s: str) -> str:
"""Padding PKCS5"""
pad_num: int = 16 - len(s) % 16
return s + pad_num * chr(pad_num)
def unpadding(s):
"""Unpadding PKCS5"""
padding_num: int = ord(s[-1])
return s[: -padding_num]
def encrypt_to_bytes(self, content_str):
"""From string encrypt to bytes ciphertext.
content_bytes = self.padding(content_str).encode()
ciphertext_bytes = self.aes.encrypt(content_bytes)
return ciphertext_bytes
def encrypt_to_base64(self, content_str):
"""From string encrypt to base64 ciphertext.
ciphertext_bytes = self.encrypt_to_bytes(content_str)
ciphertext_bs64 = base64.b64encode(ciphertext_bytes).decode()
return ciphertext_bs64
def decrypt_from_bytes(self, ciphertext_bytes):
"""From bytes ciphertext decrypt to string.
content_bytes = self.aes.decrypt(ciphertext_bytes)
content_str = self.unpadding(content_bytes.decode())
return content_str
def decrypt_from_base64(self, ciphertext_bs64):
"""From base64 ciphertext decrypt to string.
ciphertext_bytes = base64.b64decode(ciphertext_bs64)
content_str = self.decrypt_from_bytes(ciphertext_bytes)
return content_str
def encrypt_to_bytes(content_str, encrypt_key: str):
"""From string encrypt to bytes ciphertext.
aes: AES = AES(encrypt_key)
ciphertext_bytes = aes.encrypt_to_bytes(content_str)
return ciphertext_bytes
def encrypt_to_base64(content_str, encrypt_key: str) -> str:
"""From string encrypt to base64 ciphertext.
aes: AES = AES(encrypt_key)
ciphertext_bs64 = aes.encrypt_to_base64(content_str)
return ciphertext_bs64
def decrypt_from_bytes(ciphertext_bytes, decrypt_key: str) -> str:
"""From bytes ciphertext decrypt to string.
aes: AES = AES(decrypt_key)
content_str = aes.decrypt_from_bytes(ciphertext_bytes)
return content_str
def decrypt_from_base64(ciphertext_bs64, decrypt_key: str) -> str:
"""From base64 ciphertext decrypt to string.
aes: AES = AES(decrypt_key)
content_str = aes.decrypt_from_base64(ciphertext_bs64)
return content_str
if __name__ == "__main__":
key = "57bf1661-3aad-4786-89a2-e187b38966ea"
ct = "uafBlgURdmIJtSSe5Li/V1mByS3XZrpjXL+F/FCJmmro1bczVkVuHBBGcIk+Msi6hRSdCyJGZ+ox\nRHEA/QL0WjNXqw0BhgXE6oWYe/d0o3w="
ret = decrypt_from_base64(ct, key)