
2021-02-04 15:16


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Install-Package HZH_Controls










  1 /// 
  2         /// The conduit style
  3         /// 
  4         private ConduitStyle conduitStyle = ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_None;
  6         /// 
  7         /// Gets or sets the conduit style.
  8         /// 
  9         /// The conduit style.
 10         [Description("样式"), Category("自定义")]
 11         public ConduitStyle ConduitStyle
 12         {
 13             get { return conduitStyle; }
 14             set
 15             {
 16                 string strOld = conduitStyle.ToString().Substring(0, 1);
 17                 string strNew = value.ToString().Substring(0, 1);
 18                 conduitStyle = value;
 19                 if (strOld != strNew)
 20                 {
 21                     this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Height, this.Size.Width);
 22                 }
 23                 Refresh();
 24             }
 25         }
 27         /// 
 28         /// The conduit color
 29         /// 
 30         private Color conduitColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 77, 59);
 31         [Description("颜色"), Category("自定义")]
 32         /// 
 33         /// Gets or sets the color of the conduit.
 34         /// 
 35         /// The color of the conduit.
 36         public Color ConduitColor
 37         {
 38             get { return conduitColor; }
 39             set
 40             {
 41                 conduitColor = value;
 42                 Refresh();
 43             }
 44         }
 46         /// 
 47         /// The liquid color
 48         /// 
 49         private Color liquidColor = Color.FromArgb(3, 169, 243);
 51         /// 
 52         /// Gets or sets the color of the liquid.
 53         /// 
 54         /// The color of the liquid.
 55         [Description("液体颜色"), Category("自定义")]
 56         public Color LiquidColor
 57         {
 58             get { return liquidColor; }
 59             set
 60             {
 61                 liquidColor = value;
 62                 if (liquidDirection != Conduit.LiquidDirection.None)
 63                     Refresh();
 64             }
 65         }
 67         /// 
 68         /// The liquid direction
 69         /// 
 70         private LiquidDirection liquidDirection = LiquidDirection.Forward;
 72         /// 
 73         /// Gets or sets the liquid direction.
 74         /// 
 75         /// The liquid direction.
 76         [Description("液体流动方向"), Category("自定义")]
 77         public LiquidDirection LiquidDirection
 78         {
 79             get { return liquidDirection; }
 80             set
 81             {
 82                 liquidDirection = value;
 83                 Refresh();
 84             }
 85         }
 87         /// 
 88         /// The liquid speed
 89         /// 
 90         private int liquidSpeed = 100;
 92         /// 
 93         /// 液体流速,越小,速度越快Gets or sets the liquid speed.
 94         /// 
 95         /// The liquid speed.
 96         [Description("液体流速,越小,速度越快"), Category("自定义")]
 97         public int LiquidSpeed
 98         {
 99             get { return liquidSpeed; }
100             set
101             {
102                 if (value 0)
103                     return;
104                 liquidSpeed = value;
105                 m_timer.Interval = value;
106             }
107         }
109         /// 
110         /// The int pen width
111         /// 
112         int intPenWidth = 0;
114         /// 
115         /// The int line left
116         /// 
117         int intLineLeft = 0;
118         /// 
119         /// The m timer
120         /// 
121         Timer m_timer;


  1 /// 
  2         /// 引发  事件。
  3         /// 
  4         /// 包含事件数据的 
  5         protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
  6         {
  7             base.OnPaint(e);
  8             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
 10             List lstArcs = new List();
 12             GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
 13             GraphicsPath linePath = new GraphicsPath();
 14             switch (conduitStyle)
 15             {
 16                 #region H    English:H
 17                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_None:
 18                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
 19                     { 
 20                         new PointF(0, 0), 
 21                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
 22                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
 23                         new PointF(0, this.Height)
 24                     });
 25                     path.CloseAllFigures();
 26                     linePath.AddLine(0, this.Height / 2, this.Width, this.Height / 2);
 27                     break;
 28                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Up_None:
 29                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
 30                     { 
 31                         new PointF(0, 0), 
 32                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
 33                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
 34                         new PointF(0+intPenWidth, this.Height)
 35                     });
 36                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);
 37                     path.CloseAllFigures();
 39                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
 40                     linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width, this.Height / 2);
 42                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
 43                     break;
 44                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Down_None:
 45                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
 46                     { 
 47                         new PointF(intPenWidth, 0), 
 48                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
 49                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
 50                         new PointF(0, this.Height)
 51                     });
 52                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);
 53                     path.CloseAllFigures();
 55                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, this.Height / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 179, 91);
 56                     linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth + 1, this.Height / 2, this.Width, this.Height / 2);
 58                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
 59                     break;
 60                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_Up:
 61                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
 62                     { 
 63                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right-intPenWidth, this.Height),
 64                         new PointF(0, this.Height),
 65                         new PointF(0, 0), 
 66                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right-intPenWidth, 0)
 67                     });
 68                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
 69                     path.CloseAllFigures();
 71                     linePath.AddLine(0, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height / 2);
 72                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 91, -91);
 74                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
 75                     break;
 76                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_Down:
 77                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
 78                     { 
 79                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
 80                         new PointF(0, this.Height),
 81                         new PointF(0, 0), 
 82                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right-intPenWidth, 0)
 83                     });
 84                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);
 85                     path.CloseAllFigures();
 87                     linePath.AddLine(0, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth - 1, this.Height / 2);
 88                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
 90                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
 91                     break;
 92                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Down_Up:
 93                     path.AddLine(new Point(intPenWidth, 0), new Point(this.Width, 0));
 94                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
 95                     path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height), new Point(0, this.Height));
 96                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);
 97                     path.CloseAllFigures();
 99                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, this.Height / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 179, 91);
100                     //linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height / 2);
101                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 91, -91);
103                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
104                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
105                     break;
106                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Up_Down:
107                     path.AddLine(new Point(0, 0), new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, 0));
108                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);
109                     path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width, this.Height), new Point(intPenWidth, this.Height));
110                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);
111                     path.CloseAllFigures();
113                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
114                     linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth - 1, this.Height / 2);
115                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
117                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
118                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
119                     break;
120                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Up_Up:
121                     path.AddLine(new Point(0, 0), new Point(this.Width, 0));
122                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
123                     path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height), new Point(intPenWidth, this.Height));
124                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);
125                     path.CloseAllFigures();
127                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
128                     //linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height / 2);
129                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 91, -91);
131                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
132                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
133                     break;
134                 case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Down_Down:
135                     path.AddLine(new Point(intPenWidth, 0), new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, 0));
136                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);
137                     path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width, this.Height), new Point(0, this.Height));
138                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);
139                     path.CloseAllFigures();
141                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, this.Height / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 179, 91);
142                     linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth + 1, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth - 1, this.Height / 2);
143                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
145                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
146                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
147                     break;
148                 #endregion
150                 #region V    English:V
151                 case ConduitStyle.Vertical_None_None:
152                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
153                     { 
154                         new PointF(0, 0), 
155                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
156                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
157                         new PointF(0, this.Height)
158                     });
159                     path.CloseAllFigures();
160                     linePath.AddLine(this.Width / 2, 0, this.Width / 2, this.Height);
161                     break;
162                 case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Left_None:
163                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
164                     { 
165                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, intPenWidth),
166                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
167                         new PointF(0, this.Height),
168                         new PointF(0, 0)
169                     });
170                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);
171                     path.CloseAllFigures();
173                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
174                     linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height);
176                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
177                     break;
178                 case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Right_None:
179                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
180                     { 
181                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
182                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
183                         new PointF(0, this.Height),
184                         new PointF(0, intPenWidth)
185                     });
186                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);
187                     path.CloseAllFigures();
189                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 271, -91);
190                     linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth + 1, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height);
192                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
193                     break;
194                 case ConduitStyle.Vertical_None_Left:
195                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
196                     { 
197                         new PointF(0, this.Height),
198                         new PointF(0, 0),
199                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
200                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height-intPenWidth),
201                     });
202                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
203                     path.CloseAllFigures();
205                     linePath.AddLine(this.Width / 2, 0, this.Width / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
206                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), -1, 91);
208                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
209                     break;
210                 case ConduitStyle.Vertical_None_Right:
211                     path.AddLines(new PointF[]
212                     { 
213                         new PointF(0, this.Height-intPenWidth),
214                         new PointF(0, 0),
215                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
216                         new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
217                     });
218                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);
219                     path.CloseAllFigures();
221                     linePath.AddLine(this.Width / 2, 0, this.Width / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth - 1);
222                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
224                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
225                     break;
226                 case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Left_Right:
227                     path.AddLine(this.Width, intPenWidth, this.Width, this.Height);
228                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);
229                     path.AddLine(0, this.Height - intPenWidth, 0, 0);
230                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);
231                     path.CloseAllFigures();
233                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
234                     //linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
235                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
237                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
238                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
239                     break;
240                 case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Right_Left:
241                     path.AddLine(this.Width, 0, this.Width, this.Height - intPenWidth);
242                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
243                     path.AddLine(0, this.Height, 0, intPenWidth);
244                     path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);
245                     path.CloseAllFigures();
247                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 271, -91);
248                     //linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
249                     linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), -1, 91);
251                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
252                     lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 

