win7(amd显卡) 安装 pyopencl
2021-02-16 20:17
标签:software retain 显卡 app 目录 att 打印数组 例程 路径 但是并没有成功,错误提示说有个mako未安装,虽然说不装也没关系,但是想着不费事就装了,继续报错。 似乎想要装pyopencl,得先装opencl,于是amd官网下opencl sdk(2.9.1,版本在表格里,一目了然),安装路径似乎没得选,在program files x86 文件夹。继续报错。 这次的报错报到VS里了,我是不是该庆幸装了VS社区版……说CL/cl.h 找不到。试图打开的程序也叫cl…… 这是个头文件啊……cl.exe,莫非是compile + link?不妨写个helloworld编译一下……(masm里的编译连接一体机好像也叫cl)然后编译失败。 提示是找不到xxx.h,或者xxx.lib,这个的教程很好找,在环境变量里把lib和include文件夹都包括进去。于是在环境变量里新建一个Include,一个Lib,然后按着教程加进去一堆来自windows的自带库目录(好像多半来自Microsoft sdk 和 windows kit),反正最后helloworld.c 可以编译了,cl果然就是一键编译连接,宛如gcc还不用设定文件名。 此时,还记得amd sdk 文件夹(叫 AMD APP SDK)么?打开一看,也有一个include目录一个lib目录。直接把include加进环境变量即可,但lib下还有一层,x86还是x86_64各位自己试试吧,我也搞不明白我的64位机为何要用x86……一个检验的方法是,在helloworld.c 开头加一句 #include 至少我就这么安装成功了,无警告。 示例程序:(来自,这里把py2的print改成了py3的) 别急,如果你开始看到提示输入,不妨看看选项……方括号里是号码,后面是内容,你负责输入号码回车。比如我输入了两次0,最后会有个提示: 意思是如果在环境变量里事先说好,就不用选了。我配置环境变量无果,但是把下面的代码加在文件开头起了作用——(感谢stackflow) 再次运行,上面一段没有了,直接是结果。然而代码没看懂,那个CPU==GPU大概是说cpu和gpu算出来结果一致吧,还有numpy打印数组中间竟然用省略号…… (2018-2-2 于地球) win7(amd显卡) 安装 pyopencl 标签:software retain 显卡 app 目录 att 打印数组 例程 路径 原文地址: install pyopencl
pip install pyopencl
# example provided by Eilif Muller
from __future__ import division
// Thread block size
#define BLOCK_SIZE %(block_size)d
// Matrix dimensions
// (chosen as multiples of the thread block size for simplicity)
#define WA %(w_a)d // Matrix A width
#define HA %(h_a)d // Matrix A height
#define WB %(w_b)d // Matrix B width
#define HB WA // Matrix B height
#define WC WB // Matrix C width
#define HC HA // Matrix C height
* Copyright 1993-2009 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
* NVIDIA Corporation and its licensors retain all intellectual property and
* proprietary rights in and to this software and related documentation.
* Any use, reproduction, disclosure, or distribution of this software
* and related documentation without an express license agreement from
* NVIDIA Corporation is strictly prohibited.
* Please refer to the applicable NVIDIA end user license agreement (EULA)
* associated with this source code for terms and conditions that govern
* your use of this NVIDIA software.
/* Matrix multiplication: C = A * B.
* Device code.
#define AS(j, i) As[i + j * BLOCK_SIZE]
#define BS(j, i) Bs[i + j * BLOCK_SIZE]
//! Matrix multiplication on the device: C = A * B
//! WA is A's width and WB is B's width
__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(BLOCK_SIZE,BLOCK_SIZE,1)))
matrixMul( __global float* C, __global float* A, __global float* B)
__local float As[BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE];
__local float Bs[BLOCK_SIZE*BLOCK_SIZE];
// Block index
int bx = get_group_id(0);
int by = get_group_id(1);
// Thread index
int tx = get_local_id(0);
int ty = get_local_id(1);
// Index of the first sub-matrix of A processed by the block
int aBegin = WA * BLOCK_SIZE * by;
// Index of the last sub-matrix of A processed by the block
int aEnd = aBegin + WA - 1;
// Step size used to iterate through the sub-matrices of A
int aStep = BLOCK_SIZE;
// Index of the first sub-matrix of B processed by the block
int bBegin = BLOCK_SIZE * bx;
// Step size used to iterate through the sub-matrices of B
int bStep = BLOCK_SIZE * WB;
// Csub is used to store the element of the block sub-matrix
// that is computed by the thread
float Csub = 0.0f;
// Loop over all the sub-matrices of A and B
// required to compute the block sub-matrix
for (int a = aBegin, b = bBegin;
a 0
queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx,
#queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
if False:
a_height = 4096
#a_height = 1024
a_width = 2048
#a_width = 256
#b_height == a_width
b_width = a_height
elif False:
# like PyCUDA
a_height = 2516
a_width = 1472
b_height = a_width
b_width = 2144
a_width = 50*block_size
a_height = 100*block_size
b_width = 50*block_size
b_height = a_width
c_width = b_width
c_height = a_height
h_a = numpy.random.rand(a_height, a_width).astype(numpy.float32)
h_b = numpy.random.rand(b_height, b_width).astype(numpy.float32)
h_c = numpy.empty((c_height, c_width)).astype(numpy.float32)
kernel_params = {"block_size": block_size,
"w_a":a_width, "h_a":a_height, "w_b":b_width}
if "NVIDIA" in queue.device.vendor:
options = "-cl-mad-enable -cl-fast-relaxed-math"
options = ""
prg = cl.Program(ctx, KERNEL_CODE % kernel_params,
kernel = prg.matrixMul
#print prg.binaries[0]
assert a_width % block_size == 0
assert a_height % block_size == 0
assert b_width % block_size == 0
# transfer host -> device -----------------------------------------------------
mf = cl.mem_flags
t1 = time()
d_a_buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=h_a)
d_b_buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=h_b)
d_c_buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.WRITE_ONLY, size=h_c.nbytes)
push_time = time()-t1
# warmup ----------------------------------------------------------------------
for i in range(5):
event = kernel(queue, h_c.shape[::-1], (block_size, block_size),
d_c_buf, d_a_buf, d_b_buf)
# actual benchmark ------------------------------------------------------------
t1 = time()
count = 20
for i in range(count):
event = kernel(queue, h_c.shape[::-1], (block_size, block_size),
d_c_buf, d_a_buf, d_b_buf)
gpu_time = (time()-t1)/count
# transfer device -> host -----------------------------------------------------
t1 = time()
cl.enqueue_copy(queue, h_c, d_c_buf)
pull_time = time()-t1
# timing output ---------------------------------------------------------------
gpu_total_time = gpu_time+push_time+pull_time
print("GPU push+compute+pull total [s]:", gpu_total_time)
print("GPU push [s]:", push_time)
print("GPU pull [s]:", pull_time)
print("GPU compute (host-timed) [s]:", gpu_time)
print("GPU compute (event-timed) [s]: ", (event.profile.end-event.profile.start)*1e-9)
gflop = h_c.size * (a_width * 2.) / (1000**3.)
gflops = gflop / gpu_time
print("GFlops/s:", gflops)
# cpu comparison --------------------------------------------------------------
t1 = time()
h_c_cpu =,h_b)
cpu_time = time()-t1
print("GPU==CPU:",numpy.allclose(h_c, h_c_cpu))
print("CPU time (s)", cpu_time)
print("GPU speedup (with transfer): ", cpu_time/gpu_total_time)
print("GPU speedup (without transfer): ", cpu_time/gpu_time)
Choose platform:
import os
os.environ['PYOPENCL_CTX'] = '0:0'