Zend API:深入 PHP 内核
2021-02-19 02:18
Those who know don‘t talk.
Those who talk don‘t know.
Sometimes, PHP "as is" simply isn‘t enough. Although these cases are rare for the average user, professional applications will soon lead PHP to the edge of its capabilities, in terms of either speed or functionality. New functionality cannot always be implemented natively due to language restrictions and inconveniences that arise when having to carry around a huge library of default code appended to every single script, so another method needs to be found for overcoming these eventual lacks in PHP.
As soon as this point is reached, it‘s time to touch the heart of PHP and take a look at its core, the C code that makes PHP go.
This information is currently rather outdated, parts of it only cover early stages of the ZendEngine 1.0 API as it was used in early versions of PHP 4.
More recent information may be found in the various README files that come with the PHP source and the ? Internals section on the Zend website.
"Extending PHP" is easier said than done. PHP has evolved to a full-fledged tool consisting of a few megabytes of source code, and to hack a system like this quite a few things have to be learned and considered. When structuring this chapter, we finally decided on the "learn by doing" approach. This is not the most scientific and professional approach, but the method that‘s the most fun and gives the best end results. In the following sections, you‘ll learn quickly how to get the most basic extensions to work almost instantly. After that, you‘ll learn about Zend‘s advanced API functionality. The alternative would have been to try to impart the functionality, design, tips, tricks, etc. as a whole, all at once, thus giving a complete look at the big picture before doing anything practical. Although this is the "better" method, as no dirty hacks have to be made, it can be very frustrating as well as energy- and time-consuming, which is why we‘ve decided on the direct approach.
Note that even though this chapter tries to impart as much knowledge as possible about the inner workings of PHP, it‘s impossible to really give a complete guide to extending PHP that works 100% of the time in all cases. PHP is such a huge and complex package that its inner workings can only be understood if you make yourself familiar with it by practicing, so we encourage you to work with the source.
What Is Zend? and What Is PHP?
The name Zend refers to the language engine, PHP‘s core. The term PHP refers to the complete system as it appears from the outside. This might sound a bit confusing at first, but it‘s not that complicated ( see below). To implement a Web script interpreter, you need three parts:
The interpreter part analyzes the input code, translates it, and executes it.
The functionality part implements the functionality of the language (its functions, etc.).
The interface part talks to the Web server, etc.

The following sections discuss where PHP can be extended and how it‘s done.
Extension Possibilities
As shown above, PHP can be extended primarily at three points: external modules, built-in modules, and the Zend engine. The following sections discuss these options.
External Modules
External modules can be loaded at script runtime using the function dl(). This function loads a shared object from disk and makes its functionality available to the script to which it‘s being bound. After the script is terminated, the external module is discarded from memory. This method has both advantages and disadvantages, as described in the following table:
Advantages | Disadvantages | |
External modules don‘t require recompiling of PHP. | The shared objects need to be loaded every time a script is being executed (every hit), which is very slow. | |
The size of PHP remains small by "outsourcing" certain functionality. | External additional files clutter up the disk. | |
Every script that wants to use an external module‘s functionality has to specifically include a call to dl(), or the extension tag in php.ini needs to be modified (which is not always a suitable solution). |
Third parties might consider using the extension tag in php.ini to create additional external modules to PHP. These external modules are completely detached from the main package, which is a very handy feature in commercial environments. Commercial distributors can simply ship disks or archives containing only their additional modules, without the need to create fixed and solid PHP binaries that don‘t allow other modules to be bound to them.
Built-in Modules
Built-in modules are compiled directly into PHP and carried around with every PHP process; their functionality is instantly available to every script that‘s being run. Like external modules, built-in modules have advantages and disadvantages, as described in the following table:
Advantages | Disadvantages |
No need to load the module specifically; the functionality is instantly available. | Changes to built-in modules require recompiling of PHP. |
No external files clutter up the disk; everything resides in the PHP binary. | The PHP binary grows and consumes more memory. |
The Zend Engine
Of course, extensions can also be implemented directly in the Zend engine. This strategy is good if you need a change in the language behavior or require special functions to be built directly into the language core. In general, however, modifications to the Zend engine should be avoided. Changes here result in incompatibilities with the rest of the world, and hardly anyone will ever adapt to specially patched Zend engines. Modifications can‘t be detached from the main PHP sources and are overridden with the next update using the "official" source repositories. Therefore, this method is generally considered bad practice and, due to its rarity, is not covered in this book.
Source Layout
Note: Prior to working through the rest of this chapter, you should retrieve clean, unmodified source trees of your favorite Web server. We‘re working with Apache (available at ? http://www.apache.org/) and, of course, with PHP (available at ? http://www.php.net/ - does it need to be said?).
Make sure that you can compile a working PHP environment by yourself! We won‘t go into this issue here, however, as you should already have this most basic ability when studying this chapter.
Before we start discussing code issues, you should familiarize yourself with the source tree to be able to quickly navigate through PHP‘s files. This is a must-have ability to implement and debug extensions.
The following table describes the contents of the major directories.
Directory | Contents |
php-src | Main PHP source files and main header files; here you‘ll find all of PHP‘s API definitions, macros, etc. (important). Everything else is below this directory. |
php-src/ext | Repository for dynamic and built-in modules; by default, these are the "official" PHP modules that have been integrated into the main source tree. From PHP 4.0, it‘s possible to compile these standard extensions as dynamic loadable modules (at least, those that support it). |
php-src/main | This directory contains the main php macros and definitions. (important) |
php-src/pear | Directory for the PHP Extension and Application Repository. This directory contains core PEAR files. |
php-src/sapi | Contains the code for the different server abstraction layers. |
TSRM | Location of the "Thread Safe Resource Manager" (TSRM) for Zend and PHP. |
ZendEngine2 | Location of the Zend Engine files; here you‘ll find all of Zend‘s API definitions, macros, etc. (important). |
Discussing all the files included in the PHP package is beyond the scope of this chapter. However, you should take a close look at the following files:
php-src/main/php.h, located in the main PHP directory. This file contains most of PHP‘s macro and API definitions.
php-src/Zend/zend.h, located in the main Zend directory. This file contains most of Zend‘s macros and definitions.
php-src/Zend/zend_API.h, also located in the Zend directory, which defines Zend‘s API.
Extension Conventions
Zend is built using certain conventions; to avoid breaking its standards, you should follow the rules described in the following sections.
For almost every important task, Zend ships predefined macros that are extremely handy. The tables and figures in the following sections describe most of the basic functions, structures, and macros. The macro definitions can be found mainly in zend.h and zend_API.h. We suggest that you take a close look at these files after having studied this chapter. (Although you can go ahead and read them now, not everything will make sense to you yet.)
Memory Management
Resource management is a crucial issue, especially in server software. One of the most valuable resources is memory, and memory management should be handled with extreme care. Memory management has been partially abstracted in Zend, and you should stick to this abstraction for obvious reasons: Due to the abstraction, Zend gets full control over all memory allocations. Zend is able to determine whether a block is in use, automatically freeing unused blocks and blocks with lost references, and thus prevent memory leaks. The functions to be used are described in the following table:
Function | Description |
emalloc() | Serves as replacement for malloc(). |
efree() | Serves as replacement for free(). |
estrdup() | Serves as replacement for strdup(). |
estrndup() | Serves as replacement for strndup(). Faster than estrdup() and binary-safe. This is the recommended function to use if you know the string length prior to duplicating it. |
ecalloc() | Serves as replacement for calloc(). |
erealloc() | Serves as replacement for realloc(). |
To allocate resident memory that survives termination of the current script, you can use malloc() and free(). This should only be done with extreme care, however, and only in conjunction with demands of the Zend API; otherwise, you risk memory leaks.
Directory and File Functions
The following directory and file functions should be used in Zend modules. They behave exactly like their C counterparts, but provide virtual working directory support on the thread level.
Zend Function | Regular C Function |
V_GETCWD() | getcwd() |
V_FOPEN() | fopen() |
V_OPEN() | open() |
V_CHDIR() | chdir() |
V_GETWD() | getwd() |
V_CHDIR_FILE() | Takes a file path as an argument and changes the current working directory to that file‘s directory. |
V_STAT() | stat() |
V_LSTAT() | lstat() |
String Handling
Strings are handled a bit differently by the Zend engine than other values such as integers, Booleans, etc., which don‘t require additional memory allocation for storing their values. If you want to return a string from a function, introduce a new string variable to the symbol table, or do something similar, you have to make sure that the memory the string will be occupying has previously been allocated, using the aforementioned e*() functions for allocation. (This might not make much sense to you yet; just keep it somewhere in your head for now - we‘ll get back to it shortly.)
Complex Types
Complex types such as arrays and objects require different treatment. Zend features a single API for these types - they‘re stored using hash tables.
Note: To reduce complexity in the following source examples, we‘re only working with simple types such as integers at first. A discussion about creating more advanced types follows later in this chapter.
PHP‘s Automatic Build System
PHP 4 features an automatic build system that‘s very flexible. All modules reside in a subdirectory of the ext directory. In addition to its own sources, each module consists of a config.m4 file, for extension configuration. (for example, see ? http://www.gnu.org/software/m4/manual/m4.html)
All these stub files are generated automatically, along with .cvsignore, by a little shell script named ext_skel that resides in the ext directory. As argument it takes the name of the module that you want to create. The shell script then creates a directory of the same name, along with the appropriate stub files.
Step by step, the process looks like this:
:~/cvs/php4/ext:> ./ext_skel --extname=my_module Creating directory my_module Creating basic files: config.m4 .cvsignore my_module.c php_my_module.h CREDITS EXPERIMENTAL tests/001.phpt my_module.php [done]. To use your new extension, you will have to execute the following steps: 1. $ cd .. 2. $ vi ext/my_module/config.m4 3. $ ./buildconf 4. $ ./configure --[with|enable]-my_module 5. $ make 6. $ ./php -f ext/my_module/my_module.php 7. $ vi ext/my_module/my_module.c 8. $ make Repeat steps 3-6 until you are satisfied with ext/my_module/config.m4 and step 6 confirms that your module is compiled into PHP. Then, start writing code and repeat the last two steps as often as necessary.
The default config.m4 shown in Zend API:深入 PHP 内核 is a bit more complex:
Example#1 The default config.m4.
dnl $Id: build.xml,v 1.3 2007/11/01 16:40:36 rquadling Exp $ dnl config.m4 for extension my_module dnl Comments in this file start with the string ‘dnl‘. dnl Remove where necessary. This file will not work dnl without editing. dnl If your extension references something external, use with: dnl PHP_ARG_WITH(my_module, for my_module support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --with-my_module Include my_module support]) dnl Otherwise use enable: dnl PHP_ARG_ENABLE(my_module, whether to enable my_module support, dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned: dnl [ --enable-my_module Enable my_module support]) if test "$PHP_MY_MODULE" != "no"; then dnl Write more examples of tests here... dnl # --with-my_module -> check with-path dnl SEARCH_PATH="/usr/local /usr" # you might want to change this dnl SEARCH_FOR="/include/my_module.h" # you most likely want to change this dnl if test -r $PHP_MY_MODULE/; then # path given as parameter dnl MY_MODULE_DIR=$PHP_MY_MODULE dnl else # search default path list dnl AC_MSG_CHECKING([for my_module files in default path]) dnl for i in $SEARCH_PATH ; do dnl if test -r $i/$SEARCH_FOR; then dnl MY_MODULE_DIR=$i dnl AC_MSG_RESULT(found in $i) dnl fi dnl done dnl fi dnl dnl if test -z "$MY_MODULE_DIR"; then dnl AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([Please reinstall the my_module distribution]) dnl fi dnl # --with-my_module -> add include path dnl PHP_ADD_INCLUDE($MY_MODULE_DIR/include) dnl # --with-my_module -> chech for lib and symbol presence dnl LIBNAME=my_module # you may want to change this dnl LIBSYMBOL=my_module # you most likely want to change this dnl PHP_CHECK_LIBRARY($LIBNAME,$LIBSYMBOL, dnl [ dnl PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_WITH_PATH($LIBNAME, $MY_MODULE_DIR/lib, MY_MODULE_SHARED_LIBADD) dnl AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MY_MODULELIB,1,[ ]) dnl ],[ dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([wrong my_module lib version or lib not found]) dnl ],[ dnl -L$MY_MODULE_DIR/lib -lm -ldl dnl ]) dnl dnl PHP_SUBST(MY_MODULE_SHARED_LIBADD) PHP_NEW_EXTENSION(my_module, my_module.c, $ext_shared) fi
If you‘re unfamiliar with M4 files (now is certainly a good time to get familiar), this might be a bit confusing at first; but it‘s actually quite easy.
Note: Everything prefixed with dnl is treated as a comment and is not parsed.
The config.m4 file is responsible for parsing the command-line options passed to configure at configuration time. This means that it has to check for required external files and do similar configuration and setup tasks.
The default file creates two configuration directives in the configure script: --with-my_module and --enable-my_module. Use the first option when referring external files (such as the --with-apache directive that refers to the Apache directory). Use the second option when the user simply has to decide whether to enable your extension. Regardless of which option you use, you should uncomment the other, unnecessary one; that is, if you‘re using --enable-my_module, you should remove support for --with-my_module, and vice versa.
By default, the config.m4 file created by ext_skel accepts both directives and automatically enables your extension. Enabling the extension is done by using the PHP_EXTENSION macro. To change the default behavior to include your module into the PHP binary when desired by the user (by explicitly specifying --enable-my_module or --with-my_module), change the test for $PHP_MY_MODULE to == "yes":
if test "$PHP_MY_MODULE" == "yes"; then dnl Action.. PHP_EXTENSION(my_module, $ext_shared) fi
Note: Be sure to run buildconf every time you change config.m4!
We‘ll go into more details on the M4 macros available to your configuration scripts later in this chapter. For now, we‘ll simply use the default files.
Creating Extensions
We‘ll start with the creation of a very simple extension at first, which basically does nothing more than implement a function that returns the integer it receives as parameter. Zend API:深入 PHP 内核 shows the source.
Example#2 A simple extension.
/* include standard header */ #include "php.h" /* declaration of functions to be exported */ ZEND_FUNCTION(first_module); /* compiled function list so Zend knows what‘s in this module */ zend_function_entry firstmod_functions[] = { ZEND_FE(first_module, NULL) {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; /* compiled module information */ zend_module_entry firstmod_module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, "First Module", firstmod_functions, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NO_VERSION_YET, STANDARD_MODULE_PROPERTIES }; /* implement standard "stub" routine to introduce ourselves to Zend */ #if COMPILE_DL_FIRST_MODULE ZEND_GET_MODULE(firstmod) #endif /* implement function that is meant to be made available to PHP */ ZEND_FUNCTION(first_module) { long parameter; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", ¶meter) == FAILURE) { return; } RETURN_LONG(parameter); }
This code contains a complete PHP module. We‘ll explain the source code in detail shortly, but first we‘d like to discuss the build process. (This will allow the impatient to experiment before we dive into API discussions.)
Note: The example source makes use of some features introduced with the Zend version used in PHP 4.1.0 and above, it won‘t compile with older PHP 4.0.x versions.
Compiling Modules
There are basically two ways to compile modules:
Use the provided "make" mechanism in the ext directory, which also allows building of dynamic loadable modules.
Compile the sources manually.
The second method is good for those who (for some reason) don‘t have the full PHP source tree available, don‘t have access to all files, or just like to juggle with their keyboard. These cases should be extremely rare, but for the sake of completeness we‘ll also describe this method.
Compiling Using Make
To compile the sample sources using the standard mechanism, copy all their subdirectories to the ext directory of your PHP source tree. Then run buildconf, which will create an updated configure script containing appropriate options for the new extension. By default, all the sample sources are disabled, so you don‘t have to fear breaking your build process.
After you run buildconf, configure --help shows the following additional modules:
--enable-array_experiments BOOK: Enables array experiments --enable-call_userland BOOK: Enables userland module --enable-cross_conversion BOOK: Enables cross-conversion module --enable-first_module BOOK: Enables first module --enable-infoprint BOOK: Enables infoprint module --enable-reference_test BOOK: Enables reference test module --enable-resource_test BOOK: Enables resource test module --enable-variable_creation BOOK: Enables variable-creation module
The module shown earlier in Zend API:深入 PHP 内核 can be enabled with --enable-first_module or --enable-first_module=yes.
Compiling Manually
To compile your modules manually, you need the following commands:
Action | Command |
Compiling | cc -fpic -DCOMPILE_DL_FIRST_MODULE=1 -I/usr/local/include -I. -I.. -I../Zend -c -o |
Linking | cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -o |
Note: All include paths in the example are relative to the directory ext. If you‘re compiling from another directory, change the pathnames accordingly. Required items are the PHP directory, the Zend directory, and (if necessary), the directory in which your module resides.
The link command is also a plain vanilla command instructing linkage as a dynamic module.
You can include optimization options in the compilation command, although these have been omitted in this example (but some are included in the makefile template described in an earlier section).
Note: Compiling and linking manually as a static module into the PHP binary involves very long instructions and thus is not discussed here. (It‘s not very efficient to type all those commands.)
Using Extensions
Depending on the build process you selected, you should either end up with a new PHP binary to be linked into your Web server (or run as CGI), or with an .so (shared object) file. If you compiled the example file first_module.c as a shared object, your result file should be first_module.so. To use it, you first have to copy it to a place from which it‘s accessible to PHP. For a simple test procedure, you can copy it to your htdocs directory and try it with the source in Zend API:深入 PHP 内核. If you compiled it into the PHP binary, omit the call to dl(), as the module‘s functionality is instantly available to your scripts.
For security reasons, you should not put your dynamic modules into publicly accessible directories. Even though it can be done and it simplifies testing, you should put them into a separate directory in production environments.
Example#3 A test file for first_module.so.
// remove next comment if necessary
// dl("first_module.so"); $param = 2;
$return = first_module($param);
print("We sent ‘$param‘ and got ‘$return‘");
Calling this PHP file should output the following:
We sent ‘2‘ and got ‘2‘
If required, the dynamic loadable module is loaded by calling the dl() function. This function looks for the specified shared object, loads it, and makes its functions available to PHP. The module exports the function first_module(), which accepts a single parameter, converts it to an integer, and returns the result of the conversion.
If you‘ve gotten this far, congratulations! You just built your first extension to PHP.
Actually, not much troubleshooting can be done when compiling static or dynamic modules. The only problem that could arise is that the compiler will complain about missing definitions or something similar. In this case, make sure that all header files are available and that you specified their path correctly in the compilation command. To be sure that everything is located correctly, extract a clean PHP source tree and use the automatic build in the ext directory with the fresh files; this will guarantee a safe compilation environment. If this fails, try manual compilation.
PHP might also complain about missing functions in your module. (This shouldn‘t happen with the sample sources if you didn‘t modify them.) If the names of external functions you‘re trying to access from your module are misspelled, they‘ll remain as "unlinked symbols" in the symbol table. During dynamic loading and linkage by PHP, they won‘t resolve because of the typing errors - there are no corresponding symbols in the main binary. Look for incorrect declarations in your module file or incorrectly written external references. Note that this problem is specific to dynamic loadable modules; it doesn‘t occur with static modules. Errors in static modules show up at compile time.
Source Discussion
Now that you‘ve got a safe build environment and you‘re able to include the modules into PHP files, it‘s time to discuss how everything works.
Module Structure
All PHP modules follow a common structure:
Header file inclusions (to include all required macros, API definitions, etc.)
C declaration of exported functions (required to declare the Zend function block)
Declaration of the Zend function block
Declaration of the Zend module block
Implementation of get_module()
Implementation of all exported functions
Header File Inclusions
The only header file you really have to include for your modules is php.h, located in the PHP directory. This file makes all macros and API definitions required to build new modules available to your code.
Tip: It‘s good practice to create a separate header file for your module that contains module-specific definitions. This header file should contain all the forward definitions for exported functions and include php.h. If you created your module using ext_skel you already have such a header file prepared.
Declaring Exported Functions
To declare functions that are to be exported (i.e., made available to PHP as new native functions), Zend provides a set of macros. A sample declaration looks like this:
ZEND_FUNCTION ( my_function );
ZEND_FUNCTION declares a new C function that complies with Zend‘s internal API. This means that the function is of type void and accepts INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS (another macro) as parameters. Additionally, it prefixes the function name with zif. The immediately expanded version of the above definitions would look like this:
void zif_my_function ( INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS );
void zif_my_function( int ht , zval * return_value , zval * this_ptr , int return_value_used , zend_executor_globals * executor_globals );
Since the interpreter and executor core have been separated from the main PHP package, a second API defining macros and function sets has evolved: the Zend API. As the Zend API now handles quite a few of the responsibilities that previously belonged to PHP, a lot of PHP functions have been reduced to macros aliasing to calls into the Zend API. The recommended practice is to use the Zend API wherever possible, as the old API is only preserved for compatibility reasons. For example, the types zval and pval are identical. zval is Zend‘s definition; pval is PHP‘s definition (actually, pval is an alias for zval now). As the macro INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS is a Zend macro, the above declaration contains zval. When writing code, you should always use zval to conform to the new Zend API.
The parameter list of this declaration is very important; you should keep these parameters in mind (see Zend API:深入 PHP 内核 for descriptions).
Parameter | Description |
ht | The number of arguments passed to the Zend function. You should not touch this directly, but instead use ZEND_NUM_ARGS() to obtain the value. |
return_value | This variable is used to pass any return values of your function back to PHP. Access to this variable is best done using the predefined macros. For a description of these see below. |
this_ptr | Using this variable, you can gain access to the object in which your function is contained, if it‘s used within an object. Use the function getThis() to obtain this pointer. |
return_value_used | This flag indicates whether an eventual return value from this function will actually be used by the calling script. 0 indicates that the return value is not used; 1 indicates that the caller expects a return value. Evaluation of this flag can be done to verify correct usage of the function as well as speed optimizations in case returning a value requires expensive operations (for an example, see how array.c makes use of this). |
executor_globals | This variable points to global settings of the Zend engine. You‘ll find this useful when creating new variables, for example (more about this later). The executor globals can also be introduced to your function by using the macro TSRMLS_FETCH(). |
Declaration of the Zend Function Block
Now that you have declared the functions to be exported, you also have to introduce them to Zend. Introducing the list of functions is done by using an array of zend_function_entry. This array consecutively contains all functions that are to be made available externally, with the function‘s name as it should appear in PHP and its name as defined in the C source. Internally, zend_function_entry is defined as shown in Zend API:深入 PHP 内核.
Example#4 Internal declaration of zend_function_entry.
typedef struct _zend_function_entry { char *fname; void (*handler)(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS); unsigned char *func_arg_types; } zend_function_entry;
Entry | Description |
fname | Denotes the function name as seen in PHP (for example, fopen, mysql_connect, or, in our example, first_module). |
handler | Pointer to the C function responsible for handling calls to this function. For example, see the standard macro INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERSdiscussed earlier. |
func_arg_types | Allows you to mark certain parameters so that they‘re forced to be passed by reference. You usually should set this to NULL. |
zend_function_entry firstmod_functions[] = { ZEND_FE(first_module, NULL) {NULL, NULL, NULL} };
Note: You cannot use the predefined macros for the end marker, as these would try to refer to a function named "NULL"!
The macro ZEND_FE (short for ‘Zend Function Entry‘) simply expands to a structure entry in zend_function_entry. Note that these macros introduce a special naming scheme to your functions - your C functions will be prefixed with zif_, meaning that ZEND_FE(first_module) will refer to a C functionzif_first_module(). If you want to mix macro usage with hand-coded entries (not a good practice), keep this in mind.
Tip: Compilation errors that refer to functions named zif_*() relate to functions defined with ZEND_FE.
Zend API:深入 PHP 内核 shows a list of all the macros that you can use to define functions.
Macro Name | Description |
ZEND_FE(name, arg_types) | Defines a function entry of the name name in zend_function_entry. Requires a corresponding C function. arg_types needs to be set to NULL. This function uses automatic C function name generation by prefixing the PHP function name with zif_. For example,ZEND_FE("first_module", NULL) introduces a function first_module() to PHP and links it to the C function zif_first_module(). Use in conjunction with ZEND_FUNCTION. |
ZEND_NAMED_FE(php_name, name, arg_types) | Defines a function that will be available to PHP by the name php_name and links it to the corresponding C function name. arg_types needs to be set to NULL. Use this function if you don‘t want the automatic name prefixing introduced by ZEND_FE. Use in conjunction with ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION. |
ZEND_FALIAS(name, alias, arg_types) | Defines an alias named alias for name. arg_types needs to be set to NULL. Doesn‘t require a corresponding C function; refers to the alias target instead. |
PHP_FE(name, arg_types) | Old PHP API equivalent of ZEND_FE. |
PHP_NAMED_FE(runtime_name, name, arg_types) | Old PHP API equivalent of ZEND_NAMED_FE. |
Note: You can‘t use ZEND_FE in conjunction with PHP_FUNCTION, or PHP_FE in conjunction with ZEND_FUNCTION. However, it‘s perfectly legal to mix ZEND_FE and ZEND_FUNCTION with PHP_FE and PHP_FUNCTION when staying with the same macro set for each function to be declared. But mixing is not recommended; instead, you‘re advised to use the ZEND_* macros only.
Declaration of the Zend Module Block
This block is stored in the structure zend_module_entry and contains all necessary information to describe the contents of this module to Zend. You can see the internal definition of this module in Zend API:深入 PHP 内核.
Example#5 Internal declaration of zend_module_entry.
typedef struct _zend_module_entry zend_module_entry; struct _zend_module_entry { unsigned short size; unsigned int zend_api; unsigned char zend_debug; unsigned char zts; char *name; zend_function_entry *functions; int (*module_startup_func)(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); int (*module_shutdown_func)(SHUTDOWN_FUNC_ARGS); int (*request_startup_func)(INIT_FUNC_ARGS); int (*request_shutdown_func)(SHUTDOWN_FUNC_ARGS); void (*info_func)(ZEND_MODULE_INFO_FUNC_ARGS); char *version; [ Rest of the structure is not interesting here ] };
Entry | Description |
size, zend_api, zend_debug and zts | Usually filled with the "STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER", which fills these four members with the size of the whole zend_module_entry, the ZEND_MODULE_API_NO, whether it is a debug build or normal build (ZEND_DEBUG) and if ZTS is enabled (USING_ZTS). |
name | Contains the module name (for example, "File functions", "Socket functions", "Crypt", etc.). This name will show up in phpinfo(), in the section "Additional Modules." |
functions | Points to the Zend function block, discussed in the preceding section. |
module_startup_func | This function is called once upon module initialization and can be used to do one-time initialization steps (such as initial memory allocation, etc.). To indicate a failure during initialization, return FAILURE; otherwise, SUCCESS. To mark this field as unused, use NULL. To declare a function, use the macro ZEND_MINIT. |
module_shutdown_func | This function is called once upon module shutdown and can be used to do one-time deinitialization steps (such as memory deallocation). This is the counterpart to module_startup_func(). To indicate a failure during deinitialization, return FAILURE; otherwise, SUCCESS. To mark this field as unused, use NULL. To declare a function, use the macro ZEND_MSHUTDOWN. |
request_startup_func | This function is called once upon every page request and can be used to do one-time initialization steps that are required to process a request. To indicate a failure here, return FAILURE; otherwise, SUCCESS. Note: As dynamic loadable modules are loaded only on page requests, the request startup function is called right after the module startup function (both initialization events happen at the same time). To mark this field as unused, use NULL. To declare a function, use the macro ZEND_RINIT. |
request_shutdown_func | This function is called once after every page request and works as counterpart to request_startup_func()& |