[.Net Core]Castle DynamicProxy
标签:obj ati hashcode parameter srp get tor ber object
- Castle Windsor
- Castel WIndsor is the best of breed, mature Inversion of Control Container available for .NET.
- Moq
- NSubstitute
- FakeltEasy
- Rhino Moks
- NHibernate
- Entity Framework Core
- Kind of proxy objects
- Leaking this
- Make proxy generation hooks purely functional
- Overriding Equals/GetHashCode on proxy generation hook
- Make your supporting classed serializable
- Use proxy generation hooks and interceptor selectors for fine grained control
- SRP applies to interceptors
- Behavior of by-reference parameters during interception
- Optional parameter value limitations
- Asynchronous interception
[.Net Core]Castle DynamicProxy
标签:obj ati hashcode parameter srp get tor ber object