
2021-03-14 04:30


java beans specification

9 customization

When a user is composing an application in an application builder we want to allow them to
customize the appearance and behaviour of the various beans they are using.
We allow this customization to occur in two different ways. When a bean exports a set of properties, then an application builder can use these properties to construct a GUI property sheet
that lists the properties and provides a property editor for each property. The user can then use
this property sheet to update the various properties of the bean.
This kind of simple property sheet is likely to work well for simple to medium sized beans.
However for larger and more complex beans, we want to allow more sophisticated kinds of
component customization. For example, we would like to allow component writers to provide
customization “wizards” that guide users through the different steps of customizing a bean,
rather than simply facing them with property sheet choices.
We therefore allow each Java Bean to be accompanied by a customizer class that controls the
customization of the bean. This customizer class should be an AWT component that can be run
to customize a target bean. It can provide whatever GUI behaviour it wishes to control the customization of the target bean

