Using .NET Standard with Full Framework .NET

2021-03-27 22:27


标签:getting   vol   unless   ESS   ttl   previous   standard   eal   nta   

Using .NET Standard with Full Framework .NET

.NET Standard has been around long enough now that most people are reasonably familiar with this somewhat ‘unnatural‘ concept. The idea of targeting or consuming a library that is not really a library but a specification which in turn affects the build process and runtime binding takes a bit getting used to.

Things have gotten a little clearer recently with better documentation from Microsoft and clearer designations on what versions of the various .NET runtimes support what version of .NET Standard. With more implementations out in the wild now too, it‘s easier to see and realize the benefits of .NET Standard whereas in the early days of .NET Core and .NET Standard much of .NET Standard seemed sort of academic.

But there‘s still a lot of confusion for people who are not keeping up with all the latest .NET tech. It‘s not a concept that comes naturally unless you‘ve been following the evolution of .NET and it‘s torturous versioning paths. Rather, seeing it in action is the best way to make sense of it - at least that‘s how it worked for me.

I‘ve talked about .NET Standard in previous posts (and here) so I won‘t rehash it here. This post is about a more specific scenario which is using .NET Standard libraries in full .NET Framework, which has its own set of peculiarities.

But first a short explanation of .NET Standard.


Using .NET Standard with Full Framework .NET

标签:getting   vol   unless   ESS   ttl   previous   standard   eal   nta   


