Reachability from the Capital
2021-03-28 02:27
标签:cts osi win b2b als .com 缩点 vector extra There are nn cities and mm roads in Berland. Each road connects a pair of cities. The roads in Berland are one-way. What is the minimum number of new roads that need to be built to make all the cities reachable from the capital? New roads will also be one-way. The first line of input consists of three integers nn, mm and ss (1≤n≤5000,0≤m≤5000,1≤s≤n1≤n≤5000,0≤m≤5000,1≤s≤n) — the number of cities, the number of roads and the index of the capital. Cities are indexed from 11 to nn. The following mm lines contain roads: road ii is given as a pair of cities uiui, vivi (1≤ui,vi≤n1≤ui,vi≤n, ui≠viui≠vi). For each pair of cities (u,v)(u,v), there can be at most one road from uu to vv. Roads in opposite directions between a pair of cities are allowed (i.e. from uu to vv and from vv to uu). Print one integer — the minimum number of extra roads needed to make all the cities reachable from city ss. If all the cities are already reachable from ss, print 0. The first example is illustrated by the following: For example, you can add roads (6,46,4), (7,97,9), (1,71,7) to make all the cities reachable from s=1s=1. The second example is illustrated by the following: In this example, you can add any one of the roads (5,15,1), (5,25,2), (5,35,3), (5,45,4) to make all the cities reachable from s=5s=5. 强连通缩点后统计入度为0的个数ans,然后看首都的入度是否为0;如果是则ans-1; Reachability from the Capital 标签:cts osi win b2b als .com 缩点 vector extra 原文地址:题目描述
9 9 1
1 2
1 3
2 3
1 5
5 6
6 1
1 8
9 8
7 1Output
5 4 5
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1Output
文章标题:Reachability from the Capital