几种方法验证unity是否为development build
2021-04-15 06:29
标签:androi returns nal http class htm checked settings reference 我在月初接入了uwa的性能测试SDK,需要提交一个development build的游戏安装包给uwa进行真人真机测试,本文说下如何判断安装包是否为development build。 如果是development build模式打包出来的安装包,在游戏的画面的右下角会有development build的水印,且在切换场景也不会消失 使用压缩软件,打开apk,查看libunity.so(在lib/armxx目录下),如果是development build话libunity.so 会比较大,以Unity2018.4.15f1为例 development build的有46MB。而release模式只有20MB Unity引擎提供这样一个接口来访问是否 development build,原文如下: In the Build Settings dialog there is a check box called "Development Build". If it is checked isDebugBuild will be true. In the editor 不管是通过Unity直接生成apk,还是导出android studio项目之后再生成apk,都需要加上 几种方法验证unity是否为development build 标签:androi returns nal http class htm checked settings reference 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaoqingqing/p/13332683.html直观上判断
always returns true. It is recommended to remove all calls to Debug.Log when deploying a game, this way you can easily deploy beta builds with debug prints and final builds without.using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
// Log some debug information only if this is a debug build
if (Debug.isDebugBuild)
Debug.Log("This is a debug build!");
Unity 打包设置
,就能保证导出的版本为developmentBuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(GetScenePaths(), outPath, tag, BuildOptions.Development );
文章标题:几种方法验证unity是否为development build