2021-04-22 22:27


标签:order   arguments   aced   cep   overload   namespace   tostring   function   efi   

name)  //wrong  can not use this as a parameter

                function __construct($name)  //functions starting with __ change and set the value of any attributes that are inaccessible
                    echo "this is a $name"."
"; //$name is a new local variable to be passed in from outside , has nothing to do with $this->name $this->name = $name; //to get value from outside class to initiate class name attribute } //setter will be invoked when something outside class access inaccessible variables, for encapsulation //including protected, private and not declared variable, // but public variable will not invoke the setter and getter, because we can access public variable public function __set($property, $value) { if ($value > 100) { $current =$this->$property; //notice: $this->property(without $) will create a new attribute called property, $property $this->$property= $value; echo "You are updating $property from $current to $value"."
"; }else{ echo "Update $property failed! the $property must be greater than 100"."
"; } } public function __get($property) { return "You are trying to get inaccessible $property 's value: " . $this->$property . " via getter
"; } public function move() //by default { $this->start(); echo "$this->name is moving now"."
"; } protected function openDoor() //can be used inside of inherited class, not outside subclass { echo "the door is openning now"."
"; } private function start() { echo "$this->name is starting now"."
"; } // A destructor is called automatically when all reference to the class have been unset or a a class is destroyed //notice: it is the class that is destroyed, not the object of that class function __destruct() //can not take parameters { // TODO: Implement __destruct() method. } } //2. Instantiating Classes $veh = new Vehicle('Bench'); //this is a Bench, 'Bench' will be passed to constructor and it is called automatically //inside class using this pointer to access attributes and functions //outside class using the reference to object to access attributes and functions $veh->move();// Bench is moving now echo $veh->name; //Bench $veh->price = 20; //Update price failed! the price must be greater than 100, accessing protected variable, invoke setter $veh->price = 120; //You are updating price from 100 to 120, accessing protected variable, invoke setter echo $veh->price ;//You are trying to get inaccessible price 's value: 120 via getter echo $veh->key; //You are trying to get inaccessible key 's value: 3 via getter //3.Implementing inheritance class Car extends Vehicle { public $owner ='luoxu'; public function drive(){ echo "$this->owner is driving now
"; } function toCallOpenDoor(){ $this->openDoor(); } } //as a subclass of Vehicle, Car has all the same functionality and data //Car has declared an attribute and an operation of its own //$carObj = new Car(); //constructor also inherit from Vehicle, must pass a parameter into otherwise wrong $carObj = new Car("myCar"); echo 'calling public attribute :'.$carObj->speed."
";//10 echo 'calling protected attribute :'.$carObj->price; //You are trying to get inaccessible price 's value: 100 via getter $carObj->price=334; //You are updating price from 100 to 334 echo 'after changing protected attribute :'. $carObj->price; //You are trying to get inaccessible price 's value: 334 via getter echo 'calling its own public attribute :'.$carObj->owner."
"; //luoxu $carObj->move();//myCar is starting now myCar is moving now $carObj->drive(); //luoxu is driving now //$carObj->openDoor(); //protected function can not be used outside subclass $carObj->toCallOpenDoor(); //the door is openning now echo ($carObj instanceof Car); //true echo ($carObj instanceof Vehicle); //true echo "
"; //4. overriding function and variable //preventing inheritance and overriding with final class Person{ const HANDS=2; public $name = "Joseph"; protected $age =24; //default value public $pocket ="pocket money"; private $treasure ='Gold'; function read(){ echo "$this->name is reading CLASSIC book
"; echo "He is looking for $this->treasure and $this->pocket
"; } final public function run(){ echo "Person runs at normal speed !"; } public function showInfo(){ echo "$this->name has ".self::HANDS."hands"; } } class Kid extends Person{ public $age =8; //inherit protected variable $age, and overriding its default value public function read() //overriding superclass's function read() { // :: can be used in static, const, overridden function parent::read(); // we could call parent class's function by using keyword parent, echo "He is $this->age years old
"; //overriding parent's methods }//although parent::read() call the superclass method, php uses the attribute values from current class unless it is not overwritten //luoxu is reading CLASSIC book //luoxu is from current(sub) class //He is looking for Gold and pocket money //Gold and pocket money is from superclass because they are not provided in the current subclass ////He is 8 years old //8 is from current(sub) class // public function run() //can not be overridden with final function } $k = new Kid(); $k->name = "luoxu"; //access attribute directLy from parent class $k->read(); //5.Implementing Interfaces //php doesn't support mulitiple inheritance, which means that each class can inherit from only one parent //multiple inheritance can be confusing from a maintenance perspective, so various mechanism have been developed // to exploit the advantages of multiple inheritance without paying maintenance cost. //interface and trait are such mechanism interface Eatable{ function eat(); } interface Sleepable{ function sleep(); } class Adult extends Person implements Eatable,Sleepable { //inherit from one class an multiple interfaces public $name ="Adult person" ; public function eat() //has to implement all function in the interface Eatable { // TODO: Implement eat() method. echo "$this->name is eating "; } public function sleep() //has to implement all function in the interface Eatable { // TODO: Implement sleep() method. } } $aObj = new Adult(); $aObj->eat(); //Adult person is eating //6. Using traits //th key difference between traitsand interfaces is that traits include an implementation, as opposed to merely // specifying an interface that must be implemented //Example 1 trait logger{ public function logMsg($message, $level ="DEBUG"){ echo "write $message to a logger in traits
"; } } class file{ public function logMsg(){ echo "write $message to a file parent class parent class
";} } class fileStorage extends file{ use logger; function store($data,$msg){ //…… $this->logMsg($msg); //calling function in traits } public function logMsg(){ echo "write $message to a file Storage current class
";} } $fs = new fileStorage(); $fs-> store('data','message to be showed!'); //if those functions have same name, priorities: current class function > traits function > parent function //Example 2 //one nice thing about traits is that you can combine multiple traits which have methods with the same name trait fileLogger{ public function logMsg($message, $level ="DEBUG"){ echo "write $message to a log file
"; } } trait sysLogger{ public function logMsg($message, $level ="ERROR"){ echo "write $message to a syslog
"; } } class loggerStorage{ use fileLogger, sysLogger{ //Trait method 'logMsg'in sysLogger collides with 'fileLogger' //we should specify which one to use fileLogger::logMsg insteadof sysLogger; //this line explicitly tells php to use logMsg() from fileLogger trait sysLogger::logMsg as private logSysMsg; //rename logMsg in sysLogger, and also set visibility //however, we also want to access logMsg() from sysLogger, we rename it using keyword 'as' } function store($msg){ //...... $this->logMsg($msg); $this->logSysMsg($msg); } } $ls = new loggerStorage(); $ls->logMsg('using method in trait like member method'); //$ls->logSysMsg(); private modifier ,inaccessible $ls->store("message for storage"); //7. Display a large block of static HTML without processing with PHP //you simply use an end php tag(? >), type your HTML, then re-enter php with an open php tag( php) function displayHTML($size){ echo "codes below will show HTML codes to browser to display a table
"; ?> //display variable value in html code
this is a =$size?>block of static HTML tags
this is a =$size?> block of static HTML tags
this is a =$size?>block of static HTML tags
PI don't use this because there may be no object instance to refer to } } echo Math::PI; // way to access constant echo Math::area(29); // way to access static function //2. instanceof usage : echo ($carObj instanceof Car); //true //type hint function checkHint(Math $m, String $s,int $i,bool $b, array $a,callable $c){ //...... type hint for interface //type hint does not work for trait } // checkHint(new Math(),'string',1,true,[],displayHTML('large')); //type must match correspondingly //3.late static bindings, late means call whichClass() a bit later for subclass B at runtime class A{ public $name; public $age; public static function whichClass(){ echo __CLASS__; } public static function test(){ // self::whichClass(); //B::test() outputs A //because test() is executed in the context of the parent class A static::whichClass(); //B::test() outputs B //static modifier makes php use class that was actually called at runtime } //This method will be invoked by a clone operator and will prepend "Copy " to the name and age properties. public function __clone(){ // TODO: Implement __clone() method. $this->name = "COPY".$this->name; $this->age = "COPY".$this->age; } function __call($funName, $arguments) { echo "The function you called:" . $funName . "(parameter:" ; // Print the method's name that is not existed. print_r($arguments); // Print the parameter list of the method that is not existed. echo ")does not exist!!
\n"; } } class B extends A{ public static function whichClass(){ echo __CLASS__; } } A::test(); //both are A B::test(); //4.__clone is invoked by use of the clone keyword. It is used to manipulate object state upon cloning, // after the object has been actually cloned $a =new A(); $a->name ="Joseph"; $a->age =23; $copyA = clone $a; // triggers the __clone magic method, $copyA is a second copy data, independent with $a echo $copyA->name." ".$copyA->age; //COPYJoseph COPY23 $a->name ="luoxu"; $a->age =25; echo $copyA->name." ".$copyA->age; //COPYJoseph COPY23 //5. Abstract class, which can not be instantiated, as well as abstract method //to make sure every subclass contains or overrides some particular function //this can be done with an interface abstract class ClsAbstract{ abstract function test(); } //6.__call() $a->run("teacher",11);//The function you called:run(parameter:Array ( [0] => teacher [1] => 11 ) )does not exist!! // If the method which is not existed is called within the object, then the __call() method will be called automatically. //7.__autoload() check here //9. Iterator //Using foreach to iterate through the attributes of an object class myClass{ public $a= 1; public $b= 2; public $c= 3; } $x = new myClass(); foreach($x as $attribute ){ echo $attribute; //123 } //get more info here class ArrIterator implements Iterator{ // implements Traversable //Interface for external iterators or objects that can be iterated themselves internally private $arr; private $index; private $length; function __construct($obj){ $this->arr =$obj->data; $this->length = count($obj->data); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function current() ////abstract method from iterator { // TODO: Implement current() method. return $this->arr[$this->index]; } public function next() { // TODO: Implement next() method. $this->index++; } public function key() { // TODO: Implement key() method. return $this->index ; } public function valid() { // TODO: Implement valid() method. return $this->index length; } public function rewind() { // TODO: Implement rewind() method. $this->index =0; } } class ObjArr implements IteratorAggregate{ //// implements Traversable /// //Interface to create and get an external Iterator. public $data = array(); /** * @inheritDoc */ function __construct($arr) { $this->data = $arr; } public function getIterator() ////abstract method from iterator { // TODO: Implement getIterator() method. return new ArrIterator($this); } } $oa = new ObjArr(array(3,4,5,5,6,77)); ////iterate array in a object-oriented mode $iterator = $oa->getIterator(); for($iterator->rewind();$iterator->valid();$iterator->next()){ echo $iterator->key().'=>'.$iterator->current(); } //10. Generator, check out more //the key difference between a generator and a function that fills a array with all possible values, is that it uses lazy execution //Only one value is created and held in memory at any time, generator is helpful in large dataset that will not easily fit in memory. //Generators are a special type of function in PHP that always returns a Generator object. Generator function // definitions are similar to regular function definitions, with one exception. // Instead of using a return keyword, they use a yield keyword. // Generator implements Iterator { // /* Methods */ // public current ( void ) : mixed // public getReturn ( void ) : mixed // public key ( void ) : mixed // public next ( void ) : void // public rewind ( void ) : void // public send ( mixed $value ) : mixed // public throw ( Throwable $exception ) : mixed // public valid ( void ) : bool // public __wakeup ( void ) : void // } function myGeneratorFunction() { yield; } $returnValue = myGeneratorFunction(); echo get_class($returnValue),"\n"; //Generator //Although our function is defined with the regular old function keyword, PHP’s internals treat it differently // because the function includes the yield keyword. PHP will always treat a function that includes the yield keyword // as a generator function, and a generator function will always return a Generator object $values = [1,2,3,4,5]; // using foreach foreach($values as $number) { echo $number, "\n"; } // using an iterator $iterator = new ArrayIterator($values); //Construct an ArrayIterator while($number = $iterator->current()) { echo $number, "\n"; $iterator->next(); } /////////////////////////////////// # 1. Define a Generator Function function generator_range($min, $max) { #3b. Start executing once `current`'s been called for($i=$min;$icurrent(), "\n"; //call current function #4a. Resume execution and call `next` on the generator object $generator->next(); //execute the rest of loop with increment $i #5 echo out value we yielded when calling `next` above echo $generator->current(), "\n"; // // give this a try when you have some free time foreach(generator_range(1, 5) as $value) { echo $value, "\n"; } echo "
"; //11.__toString() //if __toString() is not provided in the class, echo $person; will produces fatal error class Doctor { public $sex; public $name; public $age; public function __construct($name="", $age=25, $sex='Male') { $this->name = $name; $this->age = $age; $this->sex = $sex; } public function __toString() { return var_export($this,true); } function showInfo(){ echo "Name $this->name"; } } $person = new Doctor('John'); // Initially assigned. echo $person; // Doctor::__set_state(array( 'sex' => 'Male', 'name' => 'John', 'age' => 25, )) //12. Using reflection API $class = new ReflectionClass('Doctor'); //get basic info of unknown class echo "
            echo "
"; //13. Namespaces //By default, all constant, class and function names are placed in a global space — //like they were before namespaces were supported //check here more //14. Exception try { // do something, maybe throw some exceptions } catch (Exception $e) { // handle exception } finally { echo "Always runs!"; } class myException extends Exception { function __toString() //overrides __toString() change the way it display error message { return "Exception ".$this->getCode() .": ".$this->getMessage()."
" ."in ".$this->getFile()." on line ".$this->getLine()."
"; } } try { throw new myException("A terrible error has occurred", 42); } catch (myException $m) { echo $m; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; }


标签:order   arguments   aced   cep   overload   namespace   tostring   function   efi   


