
2021-04-30 04:28


标签:成员   返回值   mil   链接库   hang   ble   poi   ==   time   



  1. 不能被重载
  2. 不能被声明为inline,内联函数
  3. 不能被声明为static
  4. 不能获取它的地址,Cannot have its address taken
  5. 不能被调用


int main();
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]);
  • Microsoft Specific

  如果你的代码文件使用的是Unicode wide character,你可以使用wmain,是main函数的款字符版本,其声明如下:

int wmain( );
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[], wchar_t *envp[]);


  如果main函数的返回值没有指定,编译器会提供一个值为零的返回值。另外,main wmain可以被声明为返回为void(没有返回值)。如果你将main wmain声明为void,name你就不能通过return语句将exit code返回给程序的父进程或系统。在main wmain是void的时候,你需要使用the exit function来返回exit code。

  • END Microsoft Specific
  • Command line arguments

  main或wmain的参数可以方便地在命令行中解析参数,并可以选择性地获取环境变量。argc argv的类型由语言进行定义。argc argv envp是典型的变量名称,但是你也可以任意命名:

int main( int argc, char* argv[], char* envp[]);
int wmain( int argc, wchar_t* argv[], wchar_t* envp[]);


  • argc:用于表明argv变量中参数的个数的一个int值。argc的值总是大于等于1
  • argv:一个空终止符的string组成的数组,该参数由用户输入。按照惯例,argv[0]是该程序被调用的命令;argv[1]是第一个命令行参数,之后的是第二三。。。个参数,直到argv[argc],该参数总是NULL。


  1. 第一个命令行参数总是argv[1],最后一个总是argv[argc-1]
  2. By convention, argv[0] is the command with which the program is invoked. However, it is possible to spawn a process using CreateProcess and if you use both the first and second arguments (lpApplicationName and lpCommandLine), argv[0] may not be the executable name; use GetModuleFileName to retrieve the executable name, and its fully-qualified path.
  • envp

  The envp array, which is a common extension in many UNIX systems, is used in Microsoft C++. It is an array of strings representing the variables set in the user‘s environment. This array is terminated by a NULL entry. It can be declared as an array of pointers to char (char *envp[]) or as a pointer to pointers to char (char **envp). If your program uses wmain instead of main, use the wchar_t data type instead of char. The environment block passed to main and wmain is a "frozen" copy of the current environment. If you subsequently change the environment via a call to putenv or _wputenv, the current environment (as returned by getenv or _wgetenv and the _environ or _wenviron variable) will change, but the block pointed to by envp will not change. See Customizing Command Line Processing for information on suppressing environment processing. This argument is ANSI compatible in C, but not in C++.

  •  例子:
// argument_definitions.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include string.h>

using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) {
    int iNumberLines = 0;    // Default is no line numbers.

    // If /n is passed to the .exe, display numbered listing
    // of environment variables.

    if ( (argc == 2) && _stricmp( argv[1], "/n" ) == 0 )
         iNumberLines = 1;

    // Walk through list of strings until a NULL is encountered.
    for( int i = 0; envp[i] != NULL; ++i ) {
        if( iNumberLines )
            cout ": " "\n";


  Microsoft C / C ++启动代码在解释操作系统命令行上给定的参数时使用以下规则:

  • 参数由空格(while space)分割,空格可能是space,也可能是tab
  • The caret character (^) is not recognized as an escape character or delimiter.字符^并不会被识别为转义字符或分隔符。命令行参数在传递给argv数组前,完全由系统的command-line parser处理。
  • 由双引号(“”)包围的字符串不管里面有多少个空格都会被解释为一个参数,带有引号的字符串可以嵌入到一个参数中
  • 以反斜杠(\)开头的双引号(即:\")被解释为双引号字符。A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash (\") is interpreted as a literal double quotation mark character (").
  • 斜杠(backslash)按照字面意思进行解释,不管它是否在双引号之前
  • 如果偶数个斜杠后面跟着一个双引号,则每连续的两个斜杠被解释为一个斜杠到argv中,双引号被解释为字符串定界符,具体看下面的表格
  • 如果奇数个斜杠后面跟着一个双引号,则每连续的一对(pair)斜杠被解释为一个斜杠,双引号被解释为‘‘到argv(and the double quotation mark is "escaped" by the remaining backslash, causing a literal double quotation mark (") to be placed in argv

Results of parsing command lines

Command-Line Input argv[1] argv[2] argv[3]
"abc" d e abc d e
a\\b d"e f"g h a\\b de fg h
a\\\"b c d a\"b c d
a\\\\"b c" d e a\\b c d e


// command_line_arguments.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include using namespace std;
int main( int argc,      // Number of strings in array argv
          char *argv[],   // Array of command-line argument strings
          char *envp[] )  // Array of environment variable strings
    int count;

    // Display each command-line argument.
    cout "\nCommand-line arguments:\n";
    for( count = 0; count  )
         cout "  argv[" "]   "

通配符扩展Wildcard expansion


  Command-line arguments are handled by a routine called _setargv (or _wsetargv in the wide-character environment), which by default does not expand wildcards into separate strings in the argv string array. For more information on enabling wildcard expansion, refer to Expanding Wildcard Arguments.

Customizing C++ command-line processing

Microsoft Specific

If your program does not take command-line arguments, you can save a small amount of space by suppressing use of the library routine that performs command-line processing. This routine is called _setargv and is described in Wildcard Expansion. To suppress its use, define a routine that does nothing in the file containing the main function, and name it _setargv. The call to _setargv is then satisfied by your definition of _setargv, and the library version is not loaded.

Similarly, if you never access the environment table through the envp argument, you can provide your own empty routine to be used in place of _setenvp, the environment-processing routine. Just as with the _setargv function, _setenvp must be declared as extern "C".

Your program might make calls to the spawn or exec family of routines in the C run-time library. If it does, you shouldn‘t suppress the environment-processing routine, since this routine is used to pass an environment from the parent process to the child process.

END Microsoft Specific




标签:成员   返回值   mil   链接库   hang   ble   poi   ==   time   


