[Javascript] HTML5 DOM project

2021-05-02 07:27


标签:assets   tno   fir   html   storage   rop   last   script   val   

import ‘./assets/css/style.css‘;

const app = document.getElementById(‘app‘);

app.innerHTML = `

Todo List

You have items

    `; // state let todos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(‘todos‘)) || []; // selectors const root = document.querySelector(‘.todos‘); const list = root.querySelector(‘.todos-list‘); const count = root.querySelector(‘.todos-count‘); const clear = root.querySelector(‘.todos-clear‘); const form = document.forms.todos; const input = form.elements.todo; // functions function saveToStorage(todos) { localStorage.setItem(‘todos‘, JSON.stringify(todos)); } function renderTodos(todos) { let todoString = ‘‘; todos.forEach((todo, index) => { todoString += `
  • ${todo.label}
  • `; }); list.innerHTML = todoString; count.innerText = todos.filter(todo => !todo.complete).length; clear.style.display = todos.filter(todo => todo.complete).length ? ‘block‘ : ‘none‘; } function addTodo(event) { event.preventDefault(); const label = input.value.trim(); const complete = false; todos = [ ...todos, { label, complete, }, ]; renderTodos(todos); saveToStorage(todos); input.value = ‘‘; } function updateTodo(event) { // find span‘s parnet node‘s data-id attribute const id = parseInt(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute(‘data-id‘), 10); const complete = event.target.checked; todos = todos.map((todo, index) => { if (index === id) { return { ...todo, complete, }; } return todo; }); renderTodos(todos); saveToStorage(todos); } function editTodo(event) { // get current node tag name if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== ‘span‘) { return; } const id = parseInt(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute(‘data-id‘), 10); const todoLabel = todos[id].label; const input = document.createElement(‘input‘); input.type = ‘text‘; input.value = todoLabel; function handleEdit(event) { // because list also has ‘change‘ event, so stop propgation event.stopPropagation(); // this point to input const label = this.value; if (label !== todoLabel) { todos = todos.map((todo, index) => { if (index === id) { return { ...todo, label, }; } return todo; }); renderTodos(todos); saveToStorage(todos); } // clean up event.target.style.display = ‘‘; // this point to input element ref this.removeEventListener(‘change‘, handleEdit); // remove input element this.remove(); } event.target.style.display = ‘none‘; event.target.parentNode.append(input); input.addEventListener(‘change‘, handleEdit); // focus has to be called in the last of function. // otherwise focus() has no effect input.focus(); } function deleteTodo(event) { if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== ‘button‘) { return; } const id = parseInt(event.target.parentNode.getAttribute(‘data-id‘), 10); // get button‘s sibling element span const label = event.target.previousElementSibling.innerText; if (window.confirm(`Delete ${label}?`)) { todos = todos.filter((todo, index) => index !== id); renderTodos(todos); saveToStorage(todos); } } function clearCompleteTodos() { const count = todos.filter(todo => todo.complete).length; if (count === 0) { return; } if (window.confirm(`Delete ${count} todos?`)) { todos = todos.filter(todo => !todo.complete); renderTodos(todos); saveToStorage(todos); } } // init function init() { renderTodos(todos); // Add Todo form.addEventListener(‘submit‘, addTodo); // Update Todo list.addEventListener(‘change‘, updateTodo); // Edit Todo list.addEventListener(‘dblclick‘, editTodo); // Delete Todo list.addEventListener(‘click‘, deleteTodo); // Complete All Todos clear.addEventListener(‘click‘, clearCompleteTodos); } init();


    [Javascript] HTML5 DOM project

    标签:assets   tno   fir   html   storage   rop   last   script   val   


