.NTE Core Web API Example

2021-06-05 11:04


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In this article, we review the process of creating ASP.NET WEB API application using ASP.NET Core. The main focus will be on the application productivity.

The article is divided into two parts:

  • Part 1. Creating a test RESTful WEB API application
  • Part 2. Using various approaches to increase the application‘s productivity

Part 1. Creating a Test RESTful WEB API Service

In Part 1, we will create an asynchronous RESTful WEB API service that be able to search products in a database and get price lists of different suppliers for the particular product.

For coding, we need Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (updated to .NET Core 2.1) and Microsoft SQL Server (any version).

We will review the following:

  • Controllers – Services – Repositories – Database architecture
  • Creating a database in Microsoft SQL Server
  • Creating a RESTful WEB API application
  • Working with the database using Entity Framework Core (EFC)
  • Asynchronous design pattern
  • Enforce database data integrity
  • Using Swagger service to examine APIs

The Application Architecture

We will build our WEB API application using Controllers – Services – Repositories – Database architecture.

Controllers are responsible for routing – they accept http requests and invoke appropriate methods of services with parameters received from the request parameters or body. By convention, we named classes that encapsulate business logic as “Services”. After processing a request, a service returns a result of IActionResulttype to a controller. The controller does not care about the type of service result and just transmits it to the user with the http response. All methods of receiving the data from or storing the data in a database are encapsulated in Repositories. If the Service needs some data, it requests the Repository without knowing where and how the data is stored.

This pattern provides maximum decoupling of application layers and makes it easy to develop and test the application.

The Database

In our application, we use a Microsoft SQL Server. Let us create a database for our application and fill it with test data and execute the next query in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:

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USE [master]

USE [SpeedUpCoreAPIExampleDB] 

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Products] (
    [ProductId] INT         IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [SKU]       NCHAR (50)  NOT NULL,
    [Name]      NCHAR (150) NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Prices] (
    [PriceId]   INT             IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
    [ProductId] INT             NOT NULL,
    [Value]     DECIMAL (18, 2) NOT NULL,
    [Supplier]  NCHAR (50)      NOT NULL,

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Prices]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_Prices_Products] FOREIGN KEY([ProductId])
REFERENCES [dbo].[Products] ([ProductId])
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Prices] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Prices_Products]

INSERT INTO Products ([SKU], [Name]) VALUES (aaa‘, Product1‘);
INSERT INTO Products ([SKU], [Name]) VALUES (aab‘, Product2‘);
INSERT INTO Products ([SKU], [Name]) VALUES (abc‘, Product3‘);

INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (1, 100, Bosch‘);
INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (1, 125, LG‘);
INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (1, 130, Garmin‘);

INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (2, 140, Bosch‘);
INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (2, 145, LG‘);
INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (2, 150, Garmin‘);

INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (3, 160, Bosch‘);
INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (3, 165, LG‘);
INSERT INTO Prices ([ProductId], [Value], [Supplier]) VALUES (3, 170, Garmin‘);


Now we have a database with the name SpeedUpCoreAPIExampleDB, filled with the test data.

The Products table consists of a products list. The SKU field is for searching for products in the list.


The Prices table consists of a list of prices.


The relationship between these tables can be represented schematically:


Note! We have created a FOREIGN KEY FK_Prices_Products with the CASCADE delete rule so that the MS SQL server be able to provide data integrity between the Products and Prices tables on deleting records from the Products table.

Creating ASP.NET Core WEB API Application

In Microsoft Visual Studio, start new .NET Core project SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.


Then select Web API:


Since we are making a Web API Сore application, we should install Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc NuGet package. Go to menu Main menu > Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manager NuGet Packages For Solutionand input Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc. Select and install the package:


The next step is to create a data model of our application. Since we have already created the database, it seems logical to use a scaffolding mechanism to generate the data model from the database structure. But we will not use scaffolding because the database structure will not entirely reflect the application data model - in the database, we follow the convention of naming tables with plural names like “Products” and “Prices”, considering the tables to be sets of rows “Product” and “Price” respectively. In our application, we want to name entity classes “Product” and “Price”, but after scaffolding, we would have entities with the names “Products” and “Prices” created and some other objects that reflect the relationship between entities would also be created automatically.

Therefore, we would have to rewrite the code. That is why, we decided to create the data model manually.

In the Solution Explorer, right click your project and select Add > New Folder.

Name it Models. In the Models folder, let us create two entity classes, Product.cs and Price.cs.

Right click the Models folder then select Add Item > Class > Product.cs.


Enter the text of Product class:

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namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models
    public class Product
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public string Sku { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

And for the Price.cs:

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namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models
    public class Price
        public int PriceId { get; set; }
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public decimal Value { get; set; }
        public string Supplier { get; set; }

In the Price class, we use the Value field to store price values - we cannot name the field “Price” as fields cannot have the same name as the name of a class (we also use “Value” field in Prices table of our database). Later in the Database context class, we will map these entities to database tables “Products” and “Prices”.

Note that in the model, we do not have any relationship between the Products and Prices entities.

Database Access with Entity Framework Core

To access the database, we will use Entity Framework Core. For this, we need to install an EntityFrameworkCore provider for our database. Go to menu Main menu > Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Manager NuGet Packages For Solution and input Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer in the Browse field, as we are using a Microsoft SQL Server. Select and install the package:


To inform the Entity Framework how to work with our data model, we should create a Database context class. For this, let us create a new folder Contexts, right click on it and select Add > New Item > ASP.NET Core > Code > Class. Name the class DefaultContext.cs.

Enter the following text of the class:

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using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Contexts
    public class DefaultContext : DbContext
        public virtual DbSet Products { get; set; }
        public virtual DbSet Prices { get; set; }

        public DefaultContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options)

In the following lines, we mapped data model entities classes to database tables:

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public virtual DbSet Products { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet Prices { get; set; }

According to the Entity Framework Core naming convention for entity key names, model key fields should have name "Id" or EntitynameId (case insensitive) to be mapped by EFC to database keys automatically. We use the "ProductId" and "PriceId" names, which meet the convention. If we use nonstandard names for key fields, we would have to configure the keys in a DbContext explicitly.

The next step for the Database context is to declare it in the Startup class of our application. Open the Startup.cs file in the root of the application and in the ConfigureServices method, add "using" directives:

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using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Contexts;

and correct the ConfigureServices procedure.

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public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddDbContext(options =>

The last step is to configure the Connection string of the database. For this, find the appsettings.json file in the root of our application and add the following ConnectionStrings session:

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"ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultDatabase": "Server=localhost;Database=SpeedUpCoreAPIExampleDB;Integrated Security=True;"

But be aware, that in the root of the application, there is also an appsettings.Development.json configuration file. By default, this file is used during the development process. So, you should duplicate the ConnectionStringssession there or Configuration.GetConnectionString may return null.

Now, our application is ready to work with the database.

Asynchronous Design Pattern

Asynchronously working is the first step of increasing productivity of our application. All the benefits of the Asynchrony will be discussed in Part 2.

We want all our repositories be working asynchronously, so they will return Task and all methods will have names with the Async suffix. The suffix does not make a method asynchronous. It is used by convention to represent our intentions regarding the method. The combination async – await implements the asynchronous pattern.


We will create two Repositories – one for the Product entity and another for the Price entity. We will declare repositories methods in the appropriate interface first, to make the repositories ready for the dependency injection.

Let us create a new folder Interfaces for the interfaces. Right click the Interfaces folder and add a new class with the name IProductsRepository.cs and change its code for:

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using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Repositories
    public interface IProductsRepository
        Task> GetAllProductsAsync();
        Task GetProductAsync(int productId);
        Task> FindProductsAsync(string sku);
        Task DeleteProductAsync(int productId);

Then for the IPricesRepository.cs:

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using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces
    public interface IPricesRepository
        Task> GetPricesAsync(int productId);

Repositories Implementation

Create a new folder Repositories and add the ProductsRepository class with the code:

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using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Contexts;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Repositories
    public class ProductsRepository : IProductsRepository
        private readonly DefaultContext _context;

        public ProductsRepository(DefaultContext context)
            _context = context;

        public async Task> GetAllProductsAsync()
            return await _context.Products.ToListAsync();

        public async Task GetProductAsync(int productId)
            return await _context.Products.Where(p => p.ProductId == productId).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

        public async Task> FindProductsAsync(string sku)
            return await _context.Products.Where(p => p.Sku.Contains(sku)).ToListAsync();

        public async Task DeleteProductAsync(int productId)
            Product product = await GetProductAsync(productId);

            if (product != null)

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return product;

In the ProductsRepository class constructor, we injected DefaultContext using dependency injection.

Then create PricesRepository.cs with the code:

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using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Contexts;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Repositories
    public class PricesRepository : IPricesRepository
        private readonly DefaultContext _context;

        public PricesRepository(DefaultContext context)
            _context = context;

        public async Task> GetPricesAsync(int productId)
            return await _context.Prices.Where(p => p.ProductId == productId).ToListAsync();

The last step is to declare our repositories in the Startup class. Add "using" directives in the ConfigureServices method of the Startup.cs:

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using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Repositories;

and after DefaultContext declaration:

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Note! The sequence of declarations matters for the dependency injection – if you want to inject DefaultContext into repositories, the DefaultContext should be declared before repositories. For repositories, we use Scoped lifetime model because the system registers Database context with Scoped model automatically. And a repository that uses the context should have the same lifetime model.


Our “Services” classes encapsulate all the business logic except accessing the database – for this, they have repositories injected. All services methods run asynchronously and return IActionResult depending on the result of data processing. Services handle errors as well and perform output result formatting accordingly.

Before we start Implementation of the services, let us think of the data we are going to send back to a user. For example, our model class “Price” has two fields “PriceId” and “ProductId” that we use for obtaining data from the database, but they mean nothing for users. More than that, we can occasionally uncover some sensitive data if our APIs respond with the entire entity. Besides that, we will use “Price” field to return a price value that is more common when working with pricelists. And we will use the “Id” field to return ProductId. “Id” name will correspond to the name of the API’s parameters for product identification (which will be observed in “Controllers” section).

So, it is a good practice to create a Data Model for output with a limited set of fields.

Let us create a new folder, ViewModels and add two classes there:

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namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.ViewModels
    public class ProductViewModel
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Sku { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }


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namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.ViewModels
    public class PriceViewModel
        public decimal Price { get; set; }
        public string Supplier { get; set; }

These classes are shortened and safe versions of entity classes, Product and Price without extra fields and with adjusted fields names.

Services Interfaces

One service can do all the job, but we will create as many services as repositories. As usual, we start from declaring services method in interfaces.

Right click on the Interfaces folder and create a new class, IProductsService, with the following code:

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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces
    public interface IProductsService
        Task GetAllProductsAsync();
        Task GetProductAsync(int productId);
        Task FindProductsAsync(string sku);
        Task DeleteProductAsync(int productId);

And then, IPricesService with the code:

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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces
    public interface IPricesService
        Task GetPricesAsync(int productId);

Implementation of the Services

Create a new folder, Services, and add a new class, ProductsService:

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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.ViewModels;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Services
    public class ProductsService : IProductsService
        private readonly IProductsRepository _productsRepository;

        public ProductsService(IProductsRepository productsRepository)
            _productsRepository = productsRepository;

        public async Task FindProductsAsync(string sku)
                IEnumerable products = await _productsRepository.FindProductsAsync(sku);

                if (products != null)
                    return new OkObjectResult(products.Select(p => new ProductViewModel()
                        Id = p.ProductId,
                        Sku = p.Sku.Trim(),
                        Name = p.Name.Trim()
                    return new NotFoundResult();
                return new ConflictResult();

        public async Task GetAllProductsAsync()
                IEnumerable products = await _productsRepository.GetAllProductsAsync();

                if (products != null)
                    return new OkObjectResult(products.Select(p => new ProductViewModel()
                        Id = p.ProductId,
                        Sku = p.Sku.Trim(),
                        Name = p.Name.Trim()
                    return new NotFoundResult();
                return new ConflictResult();

        public async Task GetProductAsync(int productId)
                Product product = await _productsRepository.GetProductAsync(productId);

                if (product != null)
                    return new OkObjectResult(new ProductViewModel()
                        Id = product.ProductId,
                        Sku = product.Sku.Trim(),
                        Name = product.Name.Trim()
                    return new NotFoundResult();
                return new ConflictResult();

        public async Task DeleteProductAsync(int productId)
                Product product = await _productsRepository.DeleteProductAsync(productId);

                if (product != null)
                    return new OkObjectResult(new ProductViewModel()
                        Id = product.ProductId,
                        Sku = product.Sku.Trim(),
                        Name = product.Name.Trim()
                    return new NotFoundResult();
                return new ConflictResult();

And the PricesService:

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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Models;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.ViewModels;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Services
    public class PricesService : IPricesService
        private readonly IPricesRepository _pricesRepository;

        public PricesService(IPricesRepository pricesRepository)
            _pricesRepository = pricesRepository;

        public async Task GetPricesAsync(int productId)
                IEnumerable pricess = await _pricesRepository.GetPricesAsync(productId);

                if (pricess != null)
                    return new OkObjectResult(pricess.Select(p => new PriceViewModel()
                        Price = p.Value,
                        Supplier = p.Supplier.Trim()
                    .OrderBy(p => p.Price)
                    .ThenBy(p => p.Supplier)
                    return new NotFoundResult();
                return new ConflictResult();

Data Integrity between the Products and Prices Tables

In the ProductsService, we have the DeleteProductAsync method, which invokes an appropriate method for the PricesRepository to delete a product data row from the Products table. We have also established a relationship between the Products and Prices tables by means of the FK_Prices_Products foreign key. Since the FK_Prices_Products foreign key has a CASCADE delete rule, when deleting records from the Products table the related records from the Prices table will also be deleted automatically.

There are some other possible approaches to enforce data integrity without Foreign Keys with cascade delete in a database. For instance, we can configure Entity Framework to perform the cascade deleting with the WillCascadeOnDelete() method. But this also demands to reengineer our data model. Another approach is to realize a method DeletePricessAsync in the PricesService and call it with the DeleteProductAsyncmethod. But we must think of doing this in a single transaction, because our application can fail when a Producthas already been deleted but not the prices. So, we can lose data integrity.

In our example, we use the Foreign Keys with cascade delete to enforce data integrity.

Note! Obviously, in a real application, the DeleteProductAsync method should not be invoked so easily because the important data can be lost by accident or intentionally. In our example, we use it just to expose the data integrity idea.

Services Pattern

In the constructor of a service, we inject appropriate repository via dependency injection. Each method gets data from the repository inside try – catch construction and returns the IActionResult accordingly to the data processing result. When returning a dataset, the data translates to a class from the ViewModel folder.

Note, that responses OkObjectResult()NotFoundResult()ConflictResult(), etc. correspond to Controller’s ControllerBase Ok()NotFound()Conflict() methods respectively. A Service sends its response to a Controller with the same IActionResult type, as a Controller sends to a user. This means that a Controller can pass the response directly to a user without the necessity to adjust it.

The last step for the services is to declare them in the Startup class. Add using directive:

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using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Services;

and declare Services in ConfigureServices method after repositories declaration:

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As our services are lightweight and stateless, we can use the Transient Services scope model.

The final ConfigureServices method at this stage is:

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public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    services.AddDbContext(options =>



The Controllers

In our design pattern, we have not left much for the controllers but just to be gateways for incoming requests - no business logic, data access, error handling and so on. A controller will receive incoming requests according to its routes, call an appropriate method of a service, that we injected via dependency injection, and returns the results of these methods.

As usual, we will create two small controllers instead of a big one, because they work with logically different data and have different routes to their APIs:

ProductsController routes:

[HttpGet] routing

  • /api/products – returns the whole list of products
  • /api/products/1 – returns one product with Id = 1
  • /api/products/find/aaa – returns list of products which Sku field consists of parameter “sku” value “aaa”

[HttpDelete] routing

  • /api/product/1 – removes product with Id = 1 and its prices (cascading)

PricesController routes:

[HttpGet] routing

  • /api/prices/1 – returns list of prices of product with Id = 1

Creating Controllers

Right click the Controllers folder, then select Add Item > Class > ProductsController.cs and change the text for:

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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Controllers
    public class ProductsController : Controller
        private readonly IProductsService _productsService;

        public ProductsController(IProductsService productsService)
            _productsService = productsService;

        // GET /api/products
        public async Task GetAllProductsAsync()
            return await _productsService.GetAllProductsAsync();

        // GET /api/products/5
        public async Task GetProductAsync(int id)
            return await _productsService.GetProductAsync(id);

        // GET /api/products/find
        public async Task FindProductsAsync(string sku)
            return await _productsService.FindProductsAsync(sku);

        // DELETE /api/products/5
        public async Task DeleteProductAsync(int id)
            return await _productsService.DeleteProductAsync(id);

Controller’s name should have “Controller” suffix. Using the directive [Route("api/[controller]")]means that the basic route of all ProductsController, the controller’s API will be /api/products.

The same for the PricesController controller:

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using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Interfaces;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace SpeedUpCoreAPIExample.Contexts
    public class PricesController : ControllerBase
        private readonly IPricesService _pricesService;

        public PricesController(IPricesService pricesService)
            _pricesService = pricesService;

        // GET /api/prices/1
        public async Task GetPricesAsync(int id)
            return await _pricesService.GetPricesAsync(id);

Now everything is almost ready to start our application for the first time. Before we launch the application, let us look inside the launchSettings.json file in folder /Properties of the application. We can see, “launchUrl": "api/values". Let us remove that “/values”. In this file, we can also change a port number in the applicationUrl parameter: "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:49858/", in our case, the port is 49858.

And we can remove the ValuesController.cs controller from the Controllers folder. The controller was created automatically by the Visual Studio and we do not use it in our application.

Start the application by clicking Main Menu > Debug > Start Without Debugging (or press Ctrl+F5). The application will be opened in the Internet Explorer browser (by default) and the URL will be http://localhost:49858/api.

Examine the Application

We will use the Swagger tool to examine our application. It is better to use Google Chrome or Firefox browsers for this. So, open Firefox and enter https://inspector.swagger.io/builder in the URL field. You will be asked to install the Swagger Inspector Extension.


Add the Extension.


Now we have a button in the browser to start the extension. Open it, select GET method and input URL of the API:


Click Send button and you will receive a json formatted list of all products:


Check the particular Product:



Find products by part of SKU:



Then check PricesController API:



Check Delete API.

Change a method in Swagger for DELETE and call API:



To check the deletion result, we can call API http://localhost:49858/api/products/3 with GET method. The result will be 404 Not Found.

Calling http://localhost:49858/api/prices/3 will return an empty set of prices.


At last, we have the working ASP.NET Core RESTful WEB API service.

So far, everything has been quite trivial and just a preparation for exploring problems with the Application productivity.

But something important has already been done at this stage for increasing application performance - implementing asynchronous design pattern.

Points of Interest

In Part 2 of this article, we will use various approaches to increase the application‘s productivity.

感觉service层直接返回API Result 不太合适。



.NTE Core Web API Example

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