将HTML表单数据存储为XML格式 - 1

2018-09-06 11:09





将提交的数据写为xml(标准化越来越近了)文档,则需要通过Microsoft xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM Object创建一个新的xml(标准化越来越近了)文档。Microsoft xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM Object

在xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM Object被创建出来之后,通过创建目标(此目标是关于组成xml(标准化越来越近了)文档中每一层的ELEMENTS而言)xml(标准化越来越近了)的结构会
被演示出来。接下来,会举例说明xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM是怎样被创建出来的。创建root element之后,将它附加在xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM文件上。然后
创建child elements并附加在root element上,最后存储文档。

演示Microsoft xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM 对象


Dim objDom
Dim objRoot
Dim objChild1
Dim objChild2
Dim objPI

xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM 对象使用Server对象的CreateObject方法创建
Set objDom = Server.CreateObject(Microsoft.xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM)
createElemnet方法又一个string参数,这个string 表示该element的名称。

Set objRoot = objDom.createElement(rootElement)

Use the appendChild Method of the xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM Object to add the objRoot
Element Reference to the xml(标准化越来越近了) Document.

objDom.appendChild objRoot

Now, following the same steps, you will create references to the
child elements for the xml(标准化越来越近了) Document. The only difference is, when the
child elements are appended to the document, you will call the
appendChild Method of the Ixml(标准化越来越近了)DOMElement Object rather than the
appendChild Method of the xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM Object. By using the Ixml(标准化越来越近了)DOMElement
to append the children, you are differentiating (and applying tiered
structure to) the child elements from the root element.

Set objChild1 = objDom.createElement(childElement1)
objRoot.appendChild objChild1
Set objChild1 = objDom.createElement(childElement2)
objRoot.appendChild objChild2

The final step to take care of before saving this document is to add
an xml(标准化越来越近了) processing instruction. This is necessary so that xml(标准化越来越近了) parsers
will recognize this document as an xml(标准化越来越近了) document.

Set objPI = objDom.createProcessingInstruction(xml(标准化越来越近了),vertsion=1.0)

Call the insertBefore Method of the xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM Object in order to insert
the processing instruction before the root element (the zero element
in the xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM childNodes Collection).

Calling the Save Method of the xml(标准化越来越近了)DOM Object will save this xml(标准化越来越近了)
document to your disk drive. In this case, the document will be saved
to the c: drive and will be named Myxml(标准化越来越近了)Doc.xml(标准化越来越近了). When saving an
xml(标准化越来越近了) document, if the file does not exist, it will be created. If it
does exist, it will be overwritten.

objDom.Save c:Myxml(标准化越来越近了)Doc.xml(标准化越来越近了)


