
2018-09-06 11:13



本 程 式 方 法 介 绍 利 用 客 户 端 注 册 DLL 文 件。
下 一 回 讲 解 客 户 端 如 何 获 得 DLL 文 件。
<head id=head1>
<meta content=text/html charset=gb2312 http-equiv=Content-Type>
<title id=title>Client useasp to register the exist dll file</title>
<body bgColor=skyblue topMargin=0 leftMargin=0 rightMargin=0 bottomMargin=0>
<p align=center>
<table><tr><td>Client use asp to register the exist dll file</td></tr></table>
<input type=button value=Register dll name=reg_dll language=vbscript onclick=fun_reg()>
<script language=vbscript>
we had produce the WebReport.dll file and place in the client
win <98 windowssystemWebReport.dll
win 98 windowssystem32WebReport.dll
win nt40 winntsystemWebReport.dll
win 2000 winntsystem32WebReport.dll
sub fun_reg()
Dim WshShell,fso
Set WshShell = CreateObject(Wscript.Shell)
Set fso = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)

If fso.FileExists(windowssystemWebReport.dll) Then
WshShell.run regsvr32 /s windowssystemWebReport.dll , 1, true
msgbox Register windowssystemWebReport.dll file sucess!

elseIf fso.FileExists(windowssystem32WebReport.dll) Then
WshShell.run regsvr32 /s windowssystem32WebReport.dll , 1, true
msgbox Register windowssystem32WebReport.dll file sucess!

elseIf fso.FileExists(winntsystemWebReport.dll) Then
WshShell.run regsvr32 /s winntsystemWebReport.dll , 1, true
msgbox Register winntsystemWebReport.dll file sucess!

elseIf fso.FileExists(d:winntsystem32WebReport.dll) Then
WshShell.run regsvr32 /s d:winntsystem32WebReport.dll , 1, true
msgbox Register d:winntsystem32WebReport.dll file sucess!
msgbox Not found the register dll file!
end if
set fso=nothing
set WshShell=nothing

end sub

