
2018-09-06 11:14



OneFile Search Engine (ofSearch v1.0)
All Rights Reserved

This program is freeware. This program is NOT in the Public Domain.
You can freely use this program in your own site.

You cannot re-distribute the code, by any means,
without the express written authorization by the author.

Use this program at your own risk.

Globals --------------------------------------

Const ValidFiles = htmltxt
Const RootFld = ./

Dim Matched
Dim Regex
Dim GetTitle
Dim fs
Dim rfLen
dim RootFolder
Dim DocCount
Dim DocMatchCount
Dim MatchedCount

Procedure: SearchFiles()
Public Sub SearchFiles(FolderPath)
Dim fsFolder
Dim fsFolder2
Dim fsFile
Dim fsText
Dim FileText
Dim FileTitle
Dim FileTitleMatch
Dim MatchCount
Dim OutputLine

Get the starting folder
Set fsFolder = fs.GetFolder(FolderPath)
Iterate thru every file in the folder
For Each fsFile In fsFolder.Files
Compare the current file extension with the list of valid target files 0 Then
DocCount = DocCount + 1
Open the file to read its content
Set fsText = fsFile.OpenAsTextStream
FileText = fsText.ReadAll
Apply the regex search and get the count of matches found
MatchedCount = MatchedCount + MatchCount
0 Then
DocMatchCount = DocMatchCount + 1
Apply another regex to get the html documents title
Set FileTitleMatch = GetTitle.Execute(FileText)
0 Then
Strip the title tags

