
2018-09-06 11:24




   To just use a DSN, the format is shown on the next line:

  Const DSN_NAME = DSN=ASP101email

   Two other samples I used it with. Left in as syntax examples for DSN-less connections

  Const DSN_NAME = DBQ=C:InetPubasp101samplesdatabase.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25

  Const DSN_NAME = DBQ=C:InetPubdatabasedonations.mdb;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25


  DSN_NAME = DBQ= Server.MapPath(db_dsn.mdb) ;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25;

  Const DSN_USER = username

  Const DSN_PASS = password

   Ok, I know these are poorly named constants, so sue me!

   This script can be used without actually setting up a DSN, so

   DSN_NAME as well as the other two constants should really be named

   something more generic like CONNECTION_STRING, CONNECTION_USER, and

   CONNECTION_PASS, but I did it this way without really thinking about

   it and Im too lazy to change it now. If it bothers you, you do it!



  Sub OpenConnection

  objDC.ConnectionTimeout = 15


  End Sub

  Sub OpenRecordset(sType)

  Dim sSqlString as String - building area for SQL query

  Dim sCritOperator as String - basically = or LIKE

  Dim sCritDelimiter as String - parameter delimiter , , or #

  Set objRS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)

  Select Case sType

  Case ListTables Open RS of the Tables in the DB

  Set objRS = objDC.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)

  Case ViewTable Open the Selected Table

  Set objRS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)

  objRS.Open [ sTableName ], objDC, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

  Case DrillDown Open the Recordset built by the selected options

  Set objRS = Server.CreateObject(ADODB.Recordset)

   Build Our SQL Statement

  sSqlString = SELECT * FROM [ sTableName ]

   If were limiting records returned - insert the WHERE Clause into the SQL

  If sCritField <> Then

   Figure out if were dealinh with Numeric, Date, or String Values

  Select Case iCritDataType

  Case adSmallInt, adInteger, adSingle, adDouble, adDecimal, adTinyInt, adUnsignedTinyInt, adUnsignedSmallInt, adUnsignedInt, adBigInt, adUnsignedBigInt, adBinary, adNumeric, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary, adCurrency, adBoolean

  sCritOperator = =

  sCritDelimiter =

  Case adDate, adDBDate, adDBTime, adDBTimeStamp

  sCritOperator = =

  sCritDelimiter = #

  Case adBSTR, adChar, adWChar, adVarChar, adLongVarChar, adVarWChar, adLongVarWChar

  sCritOperator = LIKE

  sCritDelimiter =

  End Select

  sSqlString = sSqlString WHERE [ sCritField ] sCritOperator sCritDelimiter sCritValue sCritDelimiter

  End If

   If were sorting - insert the ORDER BY clause

  If sSortOrder <> none Then

  sSqlString = sSqlString ORDER BY [ sSortField ] sSortOrder

  End If

  sSqlString = sSqlString ;

   Open the actual Recordset using a Forward Only Cursor in Read Only Mode

  objRS.Open sSqlString, objDC, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

  End Select

  End Sub

  Sub CloseRecordset


  Set objRS = Nothing

  End Sub

  Sub CloseConnection


  Set objDC = Nothing

  End Sub

  Sub WriteTitle(sTitle)

  Response.Write <H2> sTitle </H2> vbCrLf

  End Sub

  Sub WriteTableHeader

  Response.Write <TABLE BORDER=1> vbCrLf

  End Sub

  Sub WriteTableRowOpen

  Response.Write <TR> vbCrLf

  End Sub

  Sub WriteTableCell(bCellIsTitle, sContents)

  Response.Write vbTab <TD>

  If bCellIsTitle Then Response.Write <B>

  Response.Write sContents

  If bCellIsTitle Then Response.Write </B>

  Response.Write </TD> vbCrLf

  End Sub

  Sub WriteTableRowClose

  Response.Write </TR> vbCrLf

  End Sub

  Sub WriteTableFooter

  Response.Write </TABLE> vbCrLf

  End Sub



   Before I start with the run-time code, let me clear up a few things.

   Ive tried (and succeeded I think!) to keep all the actual HTML

   formatting contained within Subs. Hence things should be relatively

   consistent as well as being easy to change if you say want a larger

   border or perhaps a table background color or whatever...

   This, along with my attempts to try and keep my sanity, have resulted

   in a rather large proportion of Sub/Function Calls to actual code.

   Since Im sure this is probably confusing to many newcomers to ASP

   and/or VB, Ive attempted to preface each call with the optional

   Call command. Also any SUB or FUNCTION whose name starts with the

   word Write is basically just an encapsulation of some variation of

   a Response.Write command, while the remainder of the name represents

   whatever it happens to write.

   IE. WriteTableRowClose writes the tags used to end (or close) a table row

   The actual HTML is (as usual) pretty vanilla flavored. If you want

   rocky-road or mint ting-a-ling (a marvelous piece of ice cream

   craftsmanship I might add), youll need to edit the Write functions.

   Just be aware of the fact that any change to a SUB will affect ALL

   uses of it, so check the code before you try and make a change to

   just one cell and end up changing them all!

   Okay enough of my rambling......Onwards to the Code!!!

  Dim objDC, objRS DataConnection and RecordSet

  Dim I As Integer - Standard Looping Var

  Dim strTemp As String - Temporary area for building long strings

  Dim sAction As String - Action String to choose what to do

  Dim sTableName As String - ...so we know what to do it to

  Dim sSortField As String - Field to sort by

  Dim sSortOrder As String - ...ASC or DESC

  Dim sCritField As String - Field for DrillDown

  Dim sCritValue As String - ...Value to compare to

  Dim iCritDataType As Integer - so we know how to compare

   Note to all you programmers out there!

   IE4 broke this code when my QueryString was named parameter because

   it was conv

