
2021-06-26 17:04


# _*_coding:utf-8_*_
# 1.简述编译型与解释型语言的区别,且分别列出你知道的哪些语言属于编译型,哪些属于解释型
# 编译型:需要编译器,执行速度快,调试麻烦,跨平台差
# e.g. C\C++\

# 解释型:不需要编译器,执行一行翻译一行,执行速度慢,调试方便
# 跨平台性好,依赖解释器运行
# e.g. Python\Java

# 2.执行 Python 脚本的两种方式是什么
# 交互式环境:输入代码立即执行,得到结果
# 命令行:python3 test.txt 以文件的方式将代码永久保存

# 3.Pyhton 单行注释和多行注释分别用什么?
# 单行注释用#
# 多行注释用 ‘‘‘ …………
# …………
# ‘‘‘

# 4.布尔值分别有什么?
# True False bool值在判断中用

# 5.声明变量注意事项有那些?
# 1.变量的命名应该能够反应出值的状态
# 2.变量名只能是字母、数字、下划线
# 3.变量名的第一个字符不能是数字
# 4.不能是PYTHON的关键字

# 6.如何查看变量在内存中的地址?
# print(id(a))

# 7.写代码
# 1.实现用户输入用户名和密码,当用户名为 seven 且 密码为 123 时,显示登陆成功,否则登陆失败!
# username = ‘seven‘
# pwd = ‘123‘
# name = input(‘Please enter your username:‘)
# password = input(‘Please enter your password:‘)
# if name == username and password == pwd:
# print("login successful!")
# else:
# print("login failed!")

# 2.实现用户输入用户名和密码,当用户名为 seven 且 密码为 123 时,显示登陆成功,否则登陆失败,失败时允许重复输入三次
# username = ‘seven‘
# pwd = ‘123‘
# count = 1
# while count # name = input(‘Please enter your username:‘)
# password = input(‘Please enter your password‘)
# if name == username and pwd == password:
# print(‘login successful‘)
# break
# else:
# print(‘login failed‘)
# count += 1

# 3.实现用户输入用户名和密码,当用户名为 seven 或 alex 且 密码为 123 时,显示登陆成功,否则登陆失败,失败时允许重复输入三次
# username = ‘seven‘
# username1 = ‘alex‘
# pwd = ‘123‘
# count = 1
# while count # name = input(‘Please enter your username:‘)
# password = input(‘Please enter your password‘)
# if (name == username) or (name == username1) and pwd == password:
# print(‘login successful‘)
# break
# else:
# print(‘login failed‘)
# count += 1
# 8.写代码
# a. 使用while循环实现输出2-3+4-5+6...+100 的和
# tag = 1
# count = 2
# sum = 0
# while count#
# sum = sum + tag * count
# tag *= -1
# count += 1
# print(sum)

# b. 使用 while 循环实现输出 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12
# count = 0
# while count# count +=1
# if count == 6 or count == 10:
# continue
# print(count)
# c.使用 while 循环实现输出 1-100 内的所有奇数
# count = 0
# while count # count +=1
# if count%2 ==1:
# print(count)

# d. 使用 while 循环实现输出 1-100 内的所有偶数
# count = 0
# while count # count += 1
# if count % 2 == 0:
# print(count)

# 9.现有如下两个变量,请简述 n1 和 n2 是什么关系?
# n1 = 123456
# n2 = n1
# print(id(n1),id(n2))
# id地址相同 计算值绑定两个变量名

# 作业:编写登陆接口
# 基础需求:
# 让用户输入用户名密码
# 认证成功后显示欢迎信息
# 输错三次后退出程序

# user_info = {
# ‘oOC‘:{‘password‘:‘123‘,‘count‘:0},
# ‘Egon‘:{‘password‘:‘123‘,‘count‘:0},
# ‘David‘:{‘password‘:‘123‘,‘count‘:0},
# }
# while True:
# name = input(‘username>>: ‘)
# if not name in user_info:
# print(‘用户不存在‘)
# continue
# if user_info[name][‘count‘]>2:
# print(‘尝试次数过多,锁定‘)
# continue
# password = input(‘password>>: ‘)
# if password == user_info[name][‘password‘]:
# print(‘login successful‘)
# break
# else:
# print(‘密码输入错误‘)
# user_info[name][‘count‘]+=1

# 升级需求

# dic = {
# ‘egon1‘: {‘password‘: ‘123‘, ‘count‘: 0},
# ‘egon2‘: {‘password‘: ‘123‘, ‘count‘: 0},
# ‘egon3‘: {‘password‘: ‘123‘, ‘count‘: 0},
# }
# count = 0
# while True:
# name = input(‘u>>: ‘)
# if name not in dic:
# print(‘User does not exist: ‘)
# continue
# with open(‘db.txt‘, ‘r‘) as f:
# lock_users =‘|‘)
# if name in lock_users:
# print(‘user %s locked‘ %name)
# break
# if dic[name][‘count‘] > 2:
# print(‘try too much times,locked‘)
# with open(‘db.txt‘, ‘a‘) as f:
# f.write(‘%s|‘ % name)
# break
# password = input(‘p>> ‘)
# if password == dic[name]:
# print(‘login successful‘)
# break
# else:
# print(‘login failed‘)
# dic[name][‘count‘] += 1

