Hacker News API
2021-06-30 19:06
标签:hacker ref The ack val 整数 author 最新 首页 这些API都由https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com提供。 我们努力在不断的改进它,将来将会允许使用OAuth认证来访问每个用户的私人数据。这些API中的修改并不一定会向后兼容,所以,我们将API以版本号形式发布。我们的第一版的地址是 https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/,下面是对API的结构和用法的描述。 故事,评论,招聘,问答,以及投票都叫做条目。它们有各自唯一的ID,是不相互重复的整数形式,接口地址是: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/. 所有的条目都共有下面的属性: 举例说明,一个故事的数据结构是这样的:: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/8863.json?print=pretty 而评论的是: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/2921983.json?print=pretty Tell you what, Ill make a deal: I‘ll keep writing if you keep reading. K? 投票的是: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/126809.json?print=pretty 相关信息:https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/160705.json?print=pretty 用户的ID是区分大小写的,接口地址是 https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/user/. 举例说明: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/user/jl.json?print=pretty Firebase最酷的地方是支持实时数据更新通知。你可以订阅条目信息,这时你可以观察它们在首页的名次,那些新条目出现,或新的用户信息更新。 获取最新的排名前100条的API是这里: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories. 举例说明: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/topstories.json?print=pretty 获取当前最大ID的接口地址是 https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/maxitem. 举例说明: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/maxitem.json?print=pretty 接口地址是这里: https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/updates. 例如:https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/updates.json?print=pretty Hacker News API 标签:hacker ref The ack val 整数 author 最新 首页 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/charliedaifu/p/9974834.htmlHacker News API中的URI和版本
The item’s unique id. Required.
if the item is deleted.
The type of item. One of “job”, “story”, “comment”, “poll”, or “pollopt”.
The username of the item’s author.
Creation date of the item, in Unix Time.
The comment, Ask HN, or poll text. HTML.
if the item is dead.
The item’s parent. For comments, either another comment or the relevant story. For pollopts, the relevant poll.
The ids of the item’s comments, in ranked display order.
The URL of the story.
The story’s score, or the votes for a pollopt.
The title of the story or poll.
A list of related pollopts, in display order.
"by" : "dhouston",
"id" : 8863,
"kids" : [ 8952, 9224, 8917, 8884, 8887, 8943, 8869, 8958, 9005, 9671, 8940, 9067, 8908, 9055, 8865, 8881, 8872, 8873, 8955, 10403, 8903, 8928, 9125, 8998, 8901, 8902, 8907, 8894, 8878, 8870, 8980, 8934, 8876 ],
"score" : 111,
"time" : 1175714200,
"title" : "My YC app: Dropbox - Throw away your USB drive",
"type" : "story",
"url" : "http://www.getdropbox.com/u/2/screencast.html"
"by" : "norvig",
"id" : 2921983,
"kids" : [ 2922097, 2922429, 2924562, 2922709, 2922573, 2922140, 2922141 ],
"parent" : 2921506,
"text" : "Aw shucks, guys ... you make me blush with your compliments.
"by" : "pg",
"id" : 126809,
"kids" : [ 126822, 126823, 126993, 126824, 126934, 127411, 126888, 127681, 126818, 126816, 126854, 127095, 126861, 127313, 127299, 126859, 126852, 126882, 126832, 127072, 127217, 126889, 127535, 126917, 126875 ],
"parts" : [ 126810, 126811, 126812 ],
"score" : 46,
"text" : "",
"time" : 1204403652,
"title" : "Poll: What would happen if News.YC had explicit support for polls?",
"type" : "poll"
"by" : "pg",
"id" : 160705,
"parent" : 160704,
"score" : 335,
"text" : "Yes, ban them; I‘m tired of seeing Valleywag stories on News.YC.",
"time" : 1207886576,
"type" : "pollopt"
"about" : "This is a test",
"created" : 1173923446,
"delay" : 0,
"id" : "jl",
"karma" : 2937,
"submitted" : [ 8265435, 8168423, 8090946, 8090326, 7699907, 7637962, 7596179, 7596163, 7594569, 7562135, 7562111, 7494708, 7494171, 7488093, 7444860, 7327817, 7280290, 7278694, 7097557, 7097546, 7097254, 7052857, 7039484, 6987273, 6649999, 6649706, 6629560, 6609127, 6327951, 6225810, 6111999, 5580079, 5112008, 4907948, 4901821, 4700469, 4678919, 3779193, 3711380, 3701405, 3627981, 3473004, 3473000, 3457006, 3422158, 3136701, 2943046, 2794646, 2482737, 2425640, 2411925, 2408077, 2407992, 2407940, 2278689, 2220295, 2144918, 2144852, 1875323, 1875295, 1857397, 1839737, 1809010, 1788048, 1780681, 1721745, 1676227, 1654023, 1651449, 1641019, 1631985, 1618759, 1522978, 1499641, 1441290, 1440993, 1436440, 1430510, 1430208, 1385525, 1384917, 1370453, 1346118, 1309968, 1305415, 1305037, 1276771, 1270981, 1233287, 1211456, 1210688, 1210682, 1194189, 1193914, 1191653, 1190766, 1190319, 1189925, 1188455, 1188177, 1185884, 1165649, 1164314, 1160048, 1159156, 1158865, 1150900, 1115326, 933897, 924482, 923918, 922804, 922280, 922168, 920332, 919803, 917871, 912867, 910426, 902506, 891171, 807902, 806254, 796618, 786286, 764412, 764325, 642566, 642564, 587821, 575744, 547504, 532055, 521067, 492164, 491979, 383935, 383933, 383930, 383927, 375462, 263479, 258389, 250751, 245140, 243472, 237445, 229393, 226797, 225536, 225483, 225426, 221084, 213940, 213342, 211238, 210099, 210007, 209913, 209908, 209904, 209903, 170904, 165850, 161566, 158388, 158305, 158294, 156235, 151097, 148566, 146948, 136968, 134656, 133455, 129765, 126740, 122101, 122100, 120867, 120492, 115999, 114492, 114304, 111730, 110980, 110451, 108420, 107165, 105150, 104735, 103188, 103187, 99902, 99282, 99122, 98972, 98417, 98416, 98231, 96007, 96005, 95623, 95487, 95475, 95471, 95467, 95326, 95322, 94952, 94681, 94679, 94678, 94420, 94419, 94393, 94149, 94008, 93490, 93489, 92944, 92247, 91713, 90162, 90091, 89844, 89678, 89498, 86953, 86109, 85244, 85195, 85194, 85193, 85192, 84955, 84629, 83902, 82918, 76393, 68677, 61565, 60542, 47745, 47744, 41098, 39153, 38678, 37741, 33469, 12897, 6746, 5252, 4752, 4586, 4289 ]