C# 给类做事件的一般做法

2021-07-10 20:05


标签:情况下   was   net   ati   sed   gate   vat   end   stand   


第一个示例演示如何引发和使用一个没有数据的事件。 它包含一个名为 Counter 类,该类具有一个名为 ThresholdReached 的事件。 当计数器值等于或者超过阈值时,将引发此事件。 EventHandler 委托与此事件关联,因为没有提供任何事件数据。

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Counter c = new Counter(new Random().Next(10));
            c.ThresholdReached += c_ThresholdReached;

            Console.WriteLine("press ‘a‘ key to increase total");
            while (Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar == a)
                Console.WriteLine("adding one");

        static void c_ThresholdReached(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("The threshold was reached.");

    class Counter
        private int threshold;
        private int total;

        public Counter(int passedThreshold)
            threshold = passedThreshold;

        public void Add(int x)
            total += x;
            if (total >= threshold)

        protected virtual void OnThresholdReached(EventArgs e)
            EventHandler handler = ThresholdReached;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, e);

        public event EventHandler ThresholdReached;

下一个示例演示如何引发和使用提供数据的事件。 EventHandler 委托与此事件关联,示例还提供了一个自定义事件数据对象的实例。

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Counter c = new Counter(new Random().Next(10));
            c.ThresholdReached += c_ThresholdReached;

            Console.WriteLine("press ‘a‘ key to increase total");
            while (Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar == a)
                Console.WriteLine("adding one");

        static void c_ThresholdReached(object sender, ThresholdReachedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("The threshold of {0} was reached at {1}.", e.Threshold,  e.TimeReached);

    class Counter
        private int threshold;
        private int total;

        public Counter(int passedThreshold)
            threshold = passedThreshold;

        public void Add(int x)
            total += x;
            if (total >= threshold)
                ThresholdReachedEventArgs args = new ThresholdReachedEventArgs();
                args.Threshold = threshold;
                args.TimeReached = DateTime.Now;

        protected virtual void OnThresholdReached(ThresholdReachedEventArgs e)
            EventHandler handler = ThresholdReached;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, e);

        public event EventHandler ThresholdReached;

    public class ThresholdReachedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public int Threshold { get; set; }
        public DateTime TimeReached { get; set; }

下一个示例演示如何声明事件的委托。 该委托名为 ThresholdReachedEventHandler。 这只是一个示例。 通常不需要为事件声名委托,因为可以使用 EventHandler 或者 EventHandler 委托。 只有在极少数情况下才应声明委托,例如,在向无法使用泛型的旧代码提供类时,就需要如此。

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Counter c = new Counter(new Random().Next(10));
            c.ThresholdReached += c_ThresholdReached;

            Console.WriteLine("press ‘a‘ key to increase total");
            while (Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar == a)
                Console.WriteLine("adding one");

        static void c_ThresholdReached(Object sender, ThresholdReachedEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("The threshold of {0} was reached at {1}.", e.Threshold, e.TimeReached);

    class Counter
        private int threshold;
        private int total;

        public Counter(int passedThreshold)
            threshold = passedThreshold;

        public void Add(int x)
            total += x;
            if (total >= threshold)
                ThresholdReachedEventArgs args = new ThresholdReachedEventArgs();
                args.Threshold = threshold;
                args.TimeReached = DateTime.Now;

        protected virtual void OnThresholdReached(ThresholdReachedEventArgs e)
            ThresholdReachedEventHandler handler = ThresholdReached;
            if (handler != null)
                handler(this, e);

        public event ThresholdReachedEventHandler ThresholdReached;

    public class ThresholdReachedEventArgs : EventArgs
        public int Threshold { get; set; }
        public DateTime TimeReached { get; set; }

    public delegate void ThresholdReachedEventHandler(Object sender, ThresholdReachedEventArgs e);


C# 给类做事件的一般做法

标签:情况下   was   net   ati   sed   gate   vat   end   stand   


