2021-07-14 00:18
标签:cut [] return tin 使用 type bre 设置 break 检测U盘: 格式化磁盘: 使用批处理 : FORMAT G: /Y /FS:NTFS /V:My_LABEL /Q 其中: G: is a drive letter for formating. (需要格式化的磁盘) /Y is used to force the format and bypass the confirmation (确认) Do you really want to format the drive ? /FS is used to choose the file system either FAT32 Or NTFS (设置格式) /V is for labeling the drive after format (格式化后的磁盘名) /Q is used to perform quick format (使用快速格式化) C#实现后台格式化U盘的功能 标签:cut [] return tin 使用 type bre 设置 break 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/everydaygift/p/9555591.html1 DriveInfo[] s = DriveInfo.GetDrives();
2 var result = string.Empty;
3 foreach (DriveInfo i in s)
4 {
5 if (i.DriveType == DriveType.Removable) //这里就是可移动的设备了
6 {
7 break;
8 }
9 }
Yes /No
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