
2018-09-06 13:00


<%@ Language=JavaScript %>

<!--#include file = include/SetGlobals.asp-->
<!--#include file = include/DBPath.asp-->

// output relevant meta tags
Init( Subscription );

// output common top of page
--> Subscription, 3 );

// output page content
Content ( );

// output common bottom of page
Footer( );

<% /* standard page elements */ %>
<!--#include file = utils/Init.asp-->
<!--#include file = utils/Database.asp-->
<!--#include file = utils/Header.asp-->
<!--#include file = utils/Footer.asp-->

// ============================================
// the content of this page
// ============================================
function Content ( )

// if the form has an email address, validate it first
// so that if it fails we can show the form to fix
var sEmail = ; 0);

// has the form been submitted?
if ( bSubmitted )
// get the email address from the form...
sEmail = + Request.Form ( email );

// validate the email address and moan if it fails
if ( !IsValidEmail ( sEmail ) )
// pretend the form hasn been sent yet
bSubmitted = false;

// show the form if not submitted yet
if ( !bSubmitted )

