2018-09-07 12:47
<?php public function getFirstChar($s){ $s0 = mb_substr($s,0,3); //获取名字的姓 $s = iconv(UTF-8,gb2312, $s0); //将UTF-8转换成GB2312编码 //dump($s0); if (ord($s0)>128) { //汉字开头,汉字没有以U、V开头的 $asc=ord($s{0})*256+ord($s{1})-65536; if($asc>=-20319 and $asc<=-20284)return A; if($asc>=-20283 and $asc<=-19776)return B; if($asc>=-19775 and $asc<=-19219)return C; if($asc>=-19218 and $asc<=-18711)return D; if($asc>=-18710 and $asc<=-18527)return E; if($asc>=-18526 and $asc<=-18240)return F; if($asc>=-18239 and $asc<=-17760)return G; if($asc>=-17759 and $asc<=-17248)return H; if($asc>=-17247 and $asc<=-17418)return I; if($asc>=-17417 and $asc<=-16475)return J; if($asc>=-16474 and $asc<=-16213)return K; if($asc>=-16212 and $asc<=-15641)return L; if($asc>=-15640 and $asc<=-15166)return M; if($asc>=-15165 and $asc<=-14923)return N; if($asc>=-14922 and $asc<=-14915)return O; if($asc>=-14914 and $asc<=-14631)return P; if($asc>=-14630 and $asc<=-14150)return Q; if($asc>=-14149 and $asc<=-14091)return R; if($asc>=-14090 and $asc<=-13319)return S; if($asc>=-13318 and $asc<=-12839)return T; if($asc>=-12838 and $asc<=-12557)return W; if($asc>=-12556 and $asc<=-11848)return X; if($asc>=-11847 and $asc<=-11056)return Y; if($asc>=-11055 and $asc<=-10247)return Z; }else if(ord($s)>=48 and ord($s)<=57){ //数字开头 switch(iconv_substr($s,0,1,utf-8)){ case 1:return Y; case 2:return E; case 3:return S; case 4:return S; case 5:return W; case 6:return L; case 7:return Q; case 8:return B; case 9:return J; case 0:return L; } }else if(ord($s)>=65 and ord($s)<=90){ //大写英文开头 return substr($s,0,1); }else if(ord($s)>=97 and ord($s)<=122){ //小写英文开头 return strtoupper(substr($s,0,1)); } else { return iconv_substr($s0,0,1,utf-8); //中英混合的词语,不适合上面的各种情况,因此直接提取首个字符即可 } } public function addPeople() { $userName = array(张三,马大帅,李四,王五,小二,猫蛋,狗蛋,王花,三毛,小明,李刚,张飞); sort($userName); foreach($userName as $name){ $char = $this->getFirstChar($name); $nameArray = array(); if(count($charArray[$char])!=0){ $nameArray = $charArray[$char]; } array_push($nameArray,$name); $charArray[$char] = $nameArray; } ksort($charArray); $this->assign(_list,$charArray); }
<foreach name=_list item=vo key=k> <p>{$k}</p> <foreach name=vo item=l> <span class=name>{$l}</span> </foreach> </foreach>