2018-09-23 20:28
# encoding: utf-8 import json import re import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding(utf8) CAUTION_PRINT_HEAD = caution: # 创建一个xstr类,用于处理从文件中读出的字符串tr = instr # 删除“//”标志后的注释 def rmCmt(self): qtCnt = cmtPos = slashPos = 0 rearLine = self.instr # rearline: 前一个“//”之后的字符串, # 双引号里的“//”不是注释标志,所以遇到这种情况,仍需继续查找后续的“//” while rearLine.find(//) >= 0: # 查找“//” slashPos = rearLine.find(//) cmtPos += slashPos # print slashPos: + str(slashPos) headLine = rearLine[:slashPos] while headLine.find() >= 0: # 查找“//”前的双引号 qtPos = headLine.find() if not self.isEscapeOpr(headLine[:qtPos]): # 如果双引号没有被转义 qtCnt += 1 # 双引号的数量加1 headLine = headLine[qtPos+1:] # print qtCnt if qtCnt % 2 == 0: # 如果双引号的数量为偶数,则说明“//”是注释标志 # print self.instr[:cmtPos] return self.instr[:cmtPos] rearLine = rearLine[slashPos+2:] # print rearLine cmtPos += 2 # print self.instr return self.instr # 判断是否为转义字符 def isEscapeOpr(self, instr): if len(instr) <= 0: return False cnt = 0 while instr[-1] == \\: cnt += 1 instr = instr[:-1] if cnt % 2 == 1: return True else: return False # 从json文件的路径JsonPath读取该文件,返回json对象 def loadJson(JsonPath): try: srcJson = open(JsonPath, r) except: print CAUTION_PRINT_HEAD + cannot open + JsonPath quit() dstJsonStr = for line in srcJson.readlines(): if not re.match(r\s*//, line) and not re.match(r\s*\n, line): xline = xstr(line) dstJsonStr += xline.rmCmt() # print dstJsonStr dstJson = {} try: dstJson = json.loads(dstJsonStr) return dstJson except: print CAUTION_PRINT_HEAD + JsonPath + is not a valid json file quit() # 带缩进地在屏幕输出json字符串 def printRes(resStr): resStr = resStr.replace(,, ,\n) resStr = resStr.replace({, {\n) resStr = resStr.replace(:{, :\n{) resStr = resStr.replace(}, \n}) resStr = resStr.replace([, \n[\n) resStr = resStr.replace(], \n]) resStr = resStr resArray = resStr.split(\n) preBlank = for line in resArray: if len(line) == 0: continue lastChar = line[len(line)-1] lastTwoChars = line[len(line)-2:] if lastChar in {}, ]} or lastTwoChars in {},, ],}: preBlank = preBlank[:len(preBlank)-2] try: print preBlank + line.decode(utf-8) except: print(preBlank + [%This line cannot be decoded%]) if lastChar == { or lastChar == [: preBlank += *2