2021-01-14 09:11
标签:ade red bsp 相互转换 tor from creat enc format 元组和列表 元组列表转和ndarray 数组之间转换 Convert between OpenCV image and PIL image Convert between PIL image and NumPy ndarray Convert between PIL image and PyOpenCV matrix Convert between OpenCV image and NumPy ndarray python中PIL.Image,OpenCV,Numpy图像格式相互转换 标签:ade red bsp 相互转换 tor from creat enc format 原文地址: = (1, 2) # a is a tuple
b = list(a) # b is a list
c = tuple(b) # c is a tuple
a = (1, 2) # a is a tuple
b = np.array(a) # b is an numpy array
c = tuple(b) # c is a tuple
a = [1, 2] # a is a python array
b = np.array(a) # b is a numpy array
c = list(b) # c is a python list
1 # color image
2 cimg = cv.LoadImage("ponzo.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) # cimg is a OpenCV image
3 pimg = Image.fromstring("RGB", cv.GetSize(cimg), cimg.tostring()) # pimg is a PIL image
4 cimg2 = cv.CreateImageHeader(pimg.size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3) # cimg2 is a OpenCV image
5 cv.SetData(cimg2, pimg.tostring())
7 Note: OpenCV stores color image in BGR format. So, the converted PIL image is also in BGR-format. The standard PIL image is stored in RGB format.
9 # gray image
10 cimg = cv.LoadImage("ponzo.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE) # cimg is a OpenCV image
11 pimg = Image.fromstring("L", cv.GetSize(cimg), cimg.tostring()) # img is a PIL image
12 cimg2 = cv.CreateImageHeader(pimg.size, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1) # img2 is a OpenCV image
13 cv.SetData(cimg2, pimg.tostring())
image =“ponzo.jpg”) # image is a PIL image
array = numpy.array(image) # array is a numpy array
image2 = Image.fromarray(array) # image2 is a PIL image
image =“ponzo.jpg”) # image is a PIL image
mat = pyopencv.Mat.from_pil_image(image) # mat is a PyOpenCV matrix
image2 = mat.to_pil_image() # image2 is a PIL image
cimg = cv.LoadImage("ponzo.jpg", cv.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) # cimg is a OpenCV image
pimg = Image.fromstring("RGB", cv.GetSize(cimg), cimg.tostring()) # pimg is a PIL image
array = numpy.array(pimg) # array is a numpy array
pimg2 = cv.fromarray(array) # pimg2 is a OpenCV image