goldengate Director web页面不能正确识别到goldengate 实例的状态
2021-01-19 04:20
标签:oal when null before turned login not period bak 在MOS上查到,Cannot Get Director To Recognize GoldenGate Instances--EOF from GGSCI - unexpected end of stream.Closing connection (Doc ID 1568098.1) 困扰大半年了,按4步处理,状态即显示正常(运行)了。 goldengate Director web页面不能正确识别到goldengate 实例的状态 标签:oal when null before turned login not period bak 原文地址: TO:
Management Pack for Oracle GoldenGate - Version and later
Oracle GoldenGate - Version to [Release 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
When launching Director, it shows the instance is not running, but when we login to the source, all GoldenGate process are running.
When testing the connection with the Director Admin tool the following error is returned:
‘Sending AllStat command...
GGSCI Connection error: EOF from GGSCI - unexpected end of stream.Closing connection...
Closed. All done.
1. Logon to the Director Admin Tool, click on the Monitor Agent tab. Make sure value of Go Back Hours is 0, the default.
2. Logon to the Director Admin Tool, click on the Monitor Agent tab. The default for "Log Purge Hours" is 72 hours. Please
reduce it to your interested retention period
3. Stop the Director server
4. On the OGG instances being monitored
os> cd
os> cp ggserr.log ggserr.log.bak
os> cat /dev/null > ggserr.log
5. truncate the logentryb, statentryb tables directly from the DB. If needed you could take a export dump before truncating
6. Restart Director server
文章标题:goldengate Director web页面不能正确识别到goldengate 实例的状态