g-api notes
2021-01-24 18:12
标签:log tail ESS ext top opened oca compile gate 目录 g-api notes A: It seems GOrigin means the source of a edge, it consists of 2 parts: from which node‘s which index (a node may have multiple outputs?) A: when break down to the apply() function. the paramaters are converted to: cv::GComputation ac(in, out); A: because only when apply the input shape can be determined m_priv->m_lastCompiled = compile(GMetaArgs(in_metas), std::move(args)); A: because use in_metas to determine graph‘s every node‘s shapes A: TODO??? A: ??? A:refer following callstack g-api notes 标签:log tail ESS ext top opened oca compile gate 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cutepig/p/12041551.html
GMat(); // Empty constructor
GMat(const GNode &n, std::size_t out); // Operation result constructor
GOrigin& priv(); // Internal use only
const GOrigin& priv() const; // Internal use only
Q: What is GOrigin? What the meaning of parameters GMat(const GNode &n, std::size_t out)
Q: how does cv::Mat convert to cv::gapi::own::Mat? how memory is handled?
> opencv_world400d.dll!cv::GComputation::apply(
std::vector[cv::util::variant[cv::Mat,cv::Scalar_[double],cv::UMat,cv::gapi::own::Mat,cv::gapi::own::Scalar,cv::detail::VectorRef],std::allocator[cv::util::variant[cv::Mat,cv::Scalar_[double],cv::UMat,cv::gapi::own::Mat,cv::gapi::own::Scalar,cv::detail::VectorRef] ] ] && ins,
std::vector[cv::util::variant[cv::Mat *,cv::Scalar_[double] *,cv::UMat *,cv::gapi::own::Mat *,cv::gapi::own::Scalar *,cv::detail::VectorRef],std::allocator[cv::util::variant[cv::Mat *,cv::Scalar_[double] *,cv::UMat *,cv::gapi::own::Mat *,cv::gapi::own::Scalar *,cv::detail::VectorRef] ] ] && outs,
std::vector[cv::GCompileArg,std::allocator[cv::GCompileArg] ] && args) Line 102 C++
void cv::GComputation::apply(GRunArgs &&ins, GRunArgsP &&outs, GCompileArgs &&args)
const auto in_metas = descr_of(ins);
// FIXME Graph should be recompiled when GCompileArgs have changed
if (m_priv->m_lastMetas != in_metas)
if (m_priv->m_lastCompiled &&
m_priv->m_lastCompiled.canReshape() &&
formats_are_same(m_priv->m_lastMetas, in_metas))
m_priv->m_lastCompiled.reshape(in_metas, args);
// FIXME: Had to construct temporary object as compile() takes && (r-value)
m_priv->m_lastCompiled = compile(GMetaArgs(in_metas), std::move(args));
m_priv->m_lastMetas = in_metas;
m_priv->m_lastCompiled(std::move(ins), std::move(outs));
ac.apply(input_frame, output_frame);Q: Why not compile in GComputation ctor, but in apply()?
Q: Why compile inputs is in_metas but not out_metas?
cv::gimpl::GCompiler::GCompiler(const cv::GComputation &c,
GMetaArgs &&metas,
GCompileArgs &&args)
: m_c(c), m_metas(std::move(metas)), m_args(std::move(args))
using namespace std::placeholders;
m_all_kernels = getKernelPackage(m_args);
auto lookup_order = getCompileArg<:glookuporder>(m_args).value_or(gapi::GLookupOrder());
auto dump_path = getGraphDumpDirectory(m_args);
m_e.addPass("init", "check_cycles", ade::passes::CheckCycles());
m_e.addPass("init", "expand_kernels", std::bind(passes::expandKernels, _1,
m_all_kernels)); // NB: package is copied
m_e.addPass("init", "topo_sort", ade::passes::TopologicalSort());
m_e.addPass("init", "init_islands", passes::initIslands);
m_e.addPass("init", "check_islands", passes::checkIslands);
// TODO:
// - Check basic graph validity (i.e., all inputs are connected)
// - Complex dependencies (i.e. parent-child) unrolling
// - etc, etc, etc
// Remove GCompoundBackend to avoid calling setupBackend() with it in the list
m_e.addPass("init", "resolve_kernels", std::bind(passes::resolveKernels, _1,
std::ref(m_all_kernels), // NB: and not copied here
m_e.addPass("init", "check_islands_content", passes::checkIslandsContent);
m_e.addPass("meta", "initialize", std::bind(passes::initMeta, _1, std::ref(m_metas)));
m_e.addPass("meta", "propagate", std::bind(passes::inferMeta, _1, false));
m_e.addPass("meta", "finalize", passes::storeResultingMeta);
// moved to another stage, FIXME: two dumps?
// m_e.addPass("meta", "dump_dot", passes::dumpDotStdout);
// Special stage for backend-specific transformations
// FIXME: document passes hierarchy and order for backend developers
m_e.addPass("exec", "fuse_islands", passes::fuseIslands);
m_e.addPass("exec", "sync_islands", passes::syncIslandTags);
if (dump_path.has_value())
m_e.addPass("exec", "dump_dot", std::bind(passes::dumpGraph, _1,
// Process backends at the last moment (after all G-API passes are added).
ade::ExecutionEngineSetupContext ectx(m_e);
auto backends = m_all_kernels.backends();
for (auto &b : backends)
Q: How does ade work? What is the meaning of these passes, eg
m_e.addPass("init", "check_cycles", ade::passes::CheckCycles());
m_e.addPass("init", "expand_kernels", std::bind(passes::expandKernels, _1,
m_all_kernels)); // NB: package is copied
m_e.addPass("init", "topo_sort", ade::passes::TopologicalSort());
m_e.addPass("init", "init_islands", passes::initIslands);
m_e.addPass("init", "check_islands", passes::checkIslands);
Q: How to impl a MergeChannel() operator?
Q: How is registered kernels dispatched?
opencv_world400d.dll!GCPUCanny::run(const cv::Mat & in, double thr1, double thr2, int apSize, bool l2gradient, cv::Mat & out) Line 161 C++