Apache Commons Pool

2021-02-07 09:19


标签:been   lin   try   etc   soc   eal   mil   method   object   

对于commons pool就不作介绍了,文章分两部分:源码分析,例子。


在Commons pool之中主要有几个概念:

  • ObjectPool:提供所有对象的存取管理。

  • PooledObject:池化的对象,是对对象的一个包装,加上了对象的一些其他信息,包括对象的状态(已用、空闲),对象的创建时间等。

  • PooledObjectFactory:工厂类,负责池化对象的创建,对象的初始化,对象状态的销毁和对象状态的验证。













 * This wrapper is used to track the additional information, such as state, for
 * the pooled objects.

* This class is intended to be thread-safe. *

* * @param the type of object in the pool * * @since 2.0 */ public class DefaultPooledObject implements PooledObject { private final T object; //状态及统计信息 private PooledObjectState state = PooledObjectState.IDLE; private final long createTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private volatile long lastBorrowTime = createTime; private volatile long lastUseTime = createTime; private volatile long lastReturnTime = createTime; private volatile boolean logAbandoned = false; private volatile CallStack borrowedBy = NoOpCallStack.INSTANCE; private volatile CallStack usedBy = NoOpCallStack.INSTANCE; private volatile long borrowedCount = 0; public DefaultPooledObject(final T object) { this.object = object; } //都是些状态和统计的get&set,省略了 ...... /** * Allocates the object. * * @return {@code true} if the original state was {@link PooledObjectState#IDLE IDLE} */ @Override public synchronized boolean allocate() { if (state == PooledObjectState.IDLE) { state = PooledObjectState.ALLOCATED; lastBorrowTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastUseTime = lastBorrowTime; borrowedCount++; if (logAbandoned) { borrowedBy.fillInStackTrace(); } return true; } else if (state == PooledObjectState.EVICTION) { // TODO Allocate anyway and ignore eviction test state = PooledObjectState.EVICTION_RETURN_TO_HEAD; return false; } // TODO if validating and testOnBorrow == true then pre-allocate for // performance return false; } /** * Deallocates the object and sets it {@link PooledObjectState#IDLE IDLE} * if it is currently {@link PooledObjectState#ALLOCATED ALLOCATED}. * * @return {@code true} if the state was {@link PooledObjectState#ALLOCATED ALLOCATED} */ @Override public synchronized boolean deallocate() { if (state == PooledObjectState.ALLOCATED || state == PooledObjectState.RETURNING) { state = PooledObjectState.IDLE; lastReturnTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); borrowedBy.clear(); return true; } return false; } ...... }


Commons Pool之中有很多内部Factory继承自PooledObjectFactory,不过都是些基础的定制,没有太大的意义,PooledObjectFactory主要还是一种设计和接口定义,具体的实现交给用户。所以我们只分析基本BasePooledObjectFactory。




public interface PooledObjectFactory {

   * Creates an instance that can be served by the pool and wrap it in a
   * PooledObject to be managed by the pool.
  PooledObject makeObject() throws Exception;

   * Destroys an instance no longer needed by the pool.
   * 如果创建对象出现异常,或者创建的对象不可用,需要将对象进行销毁
  void destroyObject(PooledObject p) throws Exception;

   * Ensures that the instance is safe to be returned by the pool.
   * 确认对象可用
  boolean validateObject(PooledObject p);

   * Reinitializes an instance to be returned by the pool.
   * 重新初始化需要由池返回的实例, 也就是每次返回的时候都做一次重新初始化
  void activateObject(PooledObject p) throws Exception;

   * Uninitializes an instance to be returned to the idle object pool.
   * 取消需要返回的实例的初始化
   * 举个例子: StringBuffer的对象池中,取出对象的时候讲StringBuffer原先的缓存清空
  void passivateObject(PooledObject p) throws Exception;

提供了创建对象的接口:makeObject(), 以及对象入池出池相关管理的接口。这些接口都是会在相应的逻辑之中进行调用,接口逻辑由用户提供。

// 是一个抽象类,所有的用户自定义Factory都继承自BasePooledObjectFactory
public abstract class BasePooledObjectFactory extends BaseObject implements PooledObjectFactory {
    public abstract T create() throws Exception;

     * Wrap the provided instance with an implementation of PooledObject
     * 对实际存储的对象T,使用PooledObject进行包装,以便于ObjectPool管理
    public abstract PooledObject wrap(T obj);

    public PooledObject makeObject() throws Exception {
        return wrap(create());

    public void destroyObject(final PooledObject p) throws Exception  {

    public boolean validateObject(final PooledObject p) {
        return true;

    public void activateObject(final PooledObject p) throws Exception {

    public void passivateObject(final PooledObject p) throws Exception {

BasePooledObjectFactory所做的工作就是包装内部池化对象,并且影藏了makeObject接口,并对外提供create()创建池化对象,wrap()用于包装对象。create() & wrap()是BasePooledObjectFactory派生类必须要实现的两个接口。后面的例子中就能看到。

Object Pool





从方法名称可以看出, 主要是添加、借出、归还接口。看下接口注释就可以理解更加清晰:

public interface ObjectPool extends Closeable {

     * Creates an object using the  PooledObjectFactory or other
     * implementation dependent mechanism, passivate it, and then place it in
     * the idle object pool. addObject is useful for "pre-loading"
     * a pool with idle objects. (Optional operation).
     * @throws Exception
     *              when {@link PooledObjectFactory#makeObject} fails.
     * @throws IllegalStateException
     *              after {@link #close} has been called on this pool.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
     *              when this pool cannot add new idle objects.
		// 为什么addObject()没有参数? 因为是工厂模式,创建委托给factory来做
    void addObject() throws Exception, IllegalStateException,

    default void addObjects(final int count) throws Exception {
        for (int i = 0; i 
     * Instances returned from this method will have been either newly created
     * with {@link PooledObjectFactory#makeObject} or will be a previously
     * idle object and have been activated with
     * {@link PooledObjectFactory#activateObject} and then validated with
     * {@link PooledObjectFactory#validateObject}.

* By contract, clients must return the borrowed instance * using {@link #returnObject}, {@link #invalidateObject}, or a related * method as defined in an implementation or sub-interface. *


* The behaviour of this method when the pool has been exhausted * is not strictly specified (although it may be specified by * implementations). *

* * @return an instance from this pool. * * @throws IllegalStateException * after {@link #close close} has been called on this pool. * @throws Exception * when {@link PooledObjectFactory#makeObject} throws an * exception. * @throws NoSuchElementException * when the pool is exhausted and cannot or will not return * another instance. */ T borrowObject() throws Exception, NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException; /** * Clears any objects sitting idle in the pool, releasing any associated * resources (optional operation). Idle objects cleared must be * {@link PooledObjectFactory#destroyObject(PooledObject)}. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException * if this implementation does not support the operation * * @throws Exception if the pool cannot be cleared */ void clear() throws Exception, UnsupportedOperationException; /** * Closes this pool, and free any resources associated with it. */ @Override void close(); //需要关注下Active和Idle的数量是如何维护的 int getNumActive(); int getNumIdle(); void invalidateObject(T obj) throws Exception; void returnObject(T obj) throws Exception; }



public abstract class BaseObjectPool extends BaseObject implements ObjectPool


private volatile boolean closed = false;





public class GenericObjectPool extends BaseGenericObjectPool
        implements ObjectPool, GenericObjectPoolMXBean, UsageTracking {
    // --- configuration attributes --------------------------------------------
    private volatile int maxIdle = GenericObjectPoolConfig.DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE;
    private volatile int minIdle = GenericObjectPoolConfig.DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE;
    private final PooledObjectFactory factory;

    // --- internal attributes -------------------------------------------------

     * All of the objects currently associated with this pool in any state. It
     * excludes objects that have been destroyed. The size of
     * {@link #allObjects} will always be less than or equal to {@link
     * #_maxActive}. Map keys are pooled objects, values are the PooledObject
     * wrappers used internally by the pool.
    private final Map, PooledObject> allObjects =
        new ConcurrentHashMap();
     * The combined count of the currently created objects and those in the
     * process of being created. Under load, it may exceed {@link #_maxActive}
     * if multiple threads try and create a new object at the same time but
     * {@link #create()} will ensure that there are never more than
     * {@link #_maxActive} objects created at any one time.
    private final AtomicLong createCount = new AtomicLong(0);
    private long makeObjectCount = 0;
    private final Object makeObjectCountLock = new Object();
    private final LinkedBlockingDeque> idleObjects;

    // JMX specific attributes
    private static final String ONAME_BASE =

    // Additional configuration properties for abandoned object tracking
    private volatile AbandonedConfig abandonedConfig = null;

     * Creates a new GenericObjectPool using defaults from GenericObjectPoolConfig
    public GenericObjectPool(final PooledObjectFactory factory) {
        this(factory, new GenericObjectPoolConfig());

     * Creates a new GenericObjectPool using a specific configuration.
    public GenericObjectPool(final PooledObjectFactory factory,
            											final GenericObjectPoolConfig config) {

        super(config, ONAME_BASE, config.getJmxNamePrefix());

        if (factory == null) {
            jmxUnregister(); // tidy up
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("factory may not be null");
        this.factory = factory;
        idleObjects = new LinkedBlockingDeque(config.getFairness());


     * Creates a new GenericObjectPool that tracks and destroys
     * objects that are checked out, but never returned to the pool.
     * @param factory   The object factory to be used to create object instances
     *                  used by this pool
     * @param config    The base pool configuration to use for this pool instance.
     *                  The configuration is used by value. Subsequent changes to
     *                  the configuration object will not be reflected in the
     *                  pool.
     * @param abandonedConfig  Configuration for abandoned object identification
     *                         and removal.  The configuration is used by value.
    public GenericObjectPool(final PooledObjectFactory factory,
            final GenericObjectPoolConfig config, final AbandonedConfig abandonedConfig) {
        this(factory, config);







另外GenericObejctPool是有默认值的, GenericObjectPool继承了BaseGenericObjectPool:





public class StringBufferFactory extends BasePooledObjectFactory {

    public StringBuffer create() throws Exception {
        return new StringBuffer();

    public PooledObject wrap(StringBuffer stringBuffer) {
        return new DefaultPooledObject(stringBuffer);

    public void passivateObject(PooledObject pooledObject) throws Exception {

public class StringbufferPoolProxy {

    private GenericObjectPool pool;

    public StringbufferPoolProxy(int minPoolSize, int maxPoolSize) {
        GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();

        pool = new GenericObjectPool(new StringBufferFactory(), poolConfig);

    public StringBuffer borrowObject() {
        System.out.println("=============in borrow object=============");
        System.out.println("pool active size: " + pool.getNumActive());
        System.out.println("pool idle size: " + pool.getNumIdle());
        try {
            return pool.borrowObject();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    public void retrurnObject(StringBuffer stringBuffer) {
        if (stringBuffer == null) {
        System.out.println("=============in return object=============");
        System.out.println("pool active size: " + pool.getNumActive());
        System.out.println("pool idle size: " + pool.getNumIdle());
public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        StringbufferPoolProxy proxy = new StringbufferPoolProxy(0, 1000);
        for(int i = 0; i 


public class MySqlConnectionFactory extends BasePooledObjectFactory {

    static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
    static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/employees?characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC&rewriteBatchedStatements=true";
    static final String USER = "root";
    static final String PASS = "123456";

    static {
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

    public Connection create() throws Exception {
        return DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL,USER,PASS);

    public PooledObject wrap(Connection connection) {
        return new DefaultPooledObject(connection);
public class MysqlConnectionPoolProxy {

    private GenericObjectPool pool;

    public MysqlConnectionPoolProxy(int minPoolSize, int maxPoolSize) {
        GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig = new GenericObjectPoolConfig();

        pool = new GenericObjectPool(new MySqlConnectionFactory(), poolConfig);

    public Connection borrowObject() {
        try {
            return pool.borrowObject();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    public void returnObejct(Connection connection) {
        if (connection != null) {
public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
        MysqlConnectionPoolProxy proxy = new MysqlConnectionPoolProxy(1, 1000);
        for(int i = 1; i 

Apache Commons Pool

标签:been   lin   try   etc   soc   eal   mil   method   object   


