Delphi CxGrid 汇总(4)
2021-02-11 10:16
51 取消过滤时移到第一行
procedure TYour_Form.AViewDataControllerFilterChanged(Sender: TObject);
Filter: TcxDataFilterCriteria;
with Sender as TcxDataFilterCriteria do
if IsEmpty then
DataController.FocusedRowIndex := 0;
52 排序后移到第一行
可以设置DataController.Options.FocusTopRowAfterSorting := True,也可以使用如下的代码:
procedure TYour_Form.Your_ViewDataControllerSortingChanged(Sender: TObject);
TcxCustomDataController(Sender).FocusedRowIndex := 0;
53 判断当前行是否第一行或最后一行
可以使用DataController的IsBOF, IsEOF方法,或者:
54 根据指定值查找记录
对于Bound View可以使用FindRecordIndexByKeyValue方法
55 编辑和显示Blob字段
该字段的Properties设置为BlobEdit,并将BlobPaintStyle 属性设为 bpsText
56 得到可见行数
57 保存后的行设置为当前行
- const
- type
- TForm1 = class(TForm)
- cxGrid1DBTableView1: TcxGridDBTableView;
- cxGrid1Level1: TcxGridLevel;
- cxGrid1: TcxGrid;
- dxMemData1: TdxMemData;
- dxMemData1Field1: TStringField;
- dxMemData1Field2: TIntegerField;
- DataSource1: TDataSource;
- cxGrid1DBTableView1RecId: TcxGridDBColumn;
- cxGrid1DBTableView1Field1: TcxGridDBColumn;
- cxGrid1DBTableView1Field2: TcxGridDBColumn;
- Timer1: TTimer;
- CheckBox1: TCheckBox;
- procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
- procedure dxMemData1AfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);
- procedure CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
- private
- procedure CMSetFocusedRecord(var Msg: TMessage); message CM_SETFOCUSEDRECORD;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- end;
- var
- Form1: TForm1;
- FocusedIdx: Integer;
- implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- dxMemData1.AppendRecord([‘‘, IntToStr(Random(1000)), Random(1000)]);
- end;
- procedure TForm1.dxMemData1AfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet);
- begin
- PostMessage(Handle, CM_SETFOCUSEDRECORD, Integer(cxGrid1DBTableView1), MakeLParam(cxGrid1DBTableView1.Controller.FocusedRowIndex, cxGrid1DBTableView1.Controller.TopRowIndex));
- end;
- procedure TForm1.CMSetFocusedRecord(var Msg: TMessage);
- begin
- TcxGridDBTableView(msg.WParam).Controller.FocusedRowIndex := Msg.LParamLo;
- TcxGridDBTableView(msg.WParam).Controller.TopRowIndex := Msg.LParamHi;
- end;
- procedure TForm1.CheckBox1Click(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- Timer1.Enabled := TCheckBox(Sender).Checked;
- end;
- end.
- ****************************************************************************
- 58 删除记录并获得焦点
- 解决:
- procedure TForm1.BtnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
- var
- FocusedRow, TopRow: Integer;
- View: TcxGridTableView;
- DataController: TcxGridDataController;
- begin
- View := cxGrid1.FocusedView as TcxGridTableView;
- DataController := View.DataController;
- // Remember the top row (the vertical scrollbar position)
- TopRow := View.Controller.TopRowIndex;
- // Remember the focused row(!) index
- FocusedRow := DataController.FocusedRowIndex;
- DataController.DeleteFocused;
- // After deletion the same row must be focused,
- // although it will correspond to a different data record
- DataController.FocusedRowIndex := FocusedRow;
- // Restore the top row
- View.Controller.TopRowIndex := TopRow;
- end;
- ****************************************************************************
- 59 cxGrid的 TableView 数据排序与对应的数据集同步
- 解决:
- delphi群: 16497064, blog:
- //描述: cxGrid的 TableView 数据排序与对应的数据集同步, 该方法主要用于打印时
- // 的排序与所见到的排序保持一致;
- //参数: @tv: 排序的cxGridTableView
- //说明: @tv: 对应的数据集只支持 ADOQuery与 ClientDataSet;
- procedure cxGridSortSyncToDataSet(tv: TcxGridDBTableView); overload;
- //描述: 功能同上, 实现代码一样, 如果有更改就同步更改
- procedure cxGridSortSyncToDataSet(tv: TcxGridDBBandedTableView); overload;
- procedure cxGridSortSyncToDataSet(tv: TcxGridDBTableView);
- const
- SortArray: array[soAscending..soDescending] of string = (’ASC’, ’DESC’);
- var
- AscFields, DescFields, S, SortOrder: string;
- IndexPrint: string;
- I: integer;
- Index: integer;
- cds: TClientDataSet;
- begin
- S := ’’;
- AscFields := ’’;
- DescFields := ’’;
- if tv.SortedItemCount = 0 then
- Exit;
- if tv.DataController.DataSource.DataSet is TADOQuery then begin
- for I := 0 to tv.SortedItemCount - 1 do begin
- SortOrder := SortArray[tv.SortedItems[I].SortOrder];
- if S ’’ then
- S := S + ’, ’;
- Index := tv.SortedItems[I].Index;
- S := S + tv.Columns[Index].DataBinding.Field.FieldName + ’ ’ + SortOrder;
- end;
- (tv.DataController.DataSource.DataSet as TADOQuery).Sort := S;
- end else if (tv.DataController.DataSource.DataSet is TClientDataSet) then begin
- Cds := tv.DataController.DataSource.DataSet as TClientDataSet;
- for I := 0 to tv.SortedItemCount - 1 do begin
- Index := tv.SortedItems[I].Index;
- S := tv.Columns[Index].DataBinding.Field.FieldName +’;’;
- AscFields := AscFields + S;
- if tv.SortedItems[I].SortOrder = soDescending then
- DescFields := DescFields + S;
- end;
- if AscFields ’’ then
- Delete(AscFields, Length(AscFields), 1); //删除 ;
- if DescFields ’’ then
- Delete(DescFields, Length(DescFields), 1);
- IndexPrint := TimeToStr(Now());
- Cds.IndexDefs.Clear;
- IndexPrint := TimeToStr(Now());
- cds.AddIndex(IndexPrint, AscFields, [], DescFields);
- cds.IndexName := IndexPrint;
- end;
- end;
- ****************************************************************************
- 60 cxGRID怎么遍历已经选择的单元格
- 解决:
- n := cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetSelectedCount;
- for i:=0 to n - 1 do
- begin
- Index := cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(i);
- if Index 0 then continue;
- AccID :=
- cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetRowvalue(
- cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetRowInfo(Index)
- ,0);
- AccID := dsData.DataSet.FieldByName(’AccountID’).AsString;
- end;
- n := cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetSelectedCount;
- for i:=0 to n - 1 do
- begin
- Index := cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetSelectedRowIndex(i);
- if Index 0 then continue;
- AccID := cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetRowvalue(
- cxGrid1DBTableView1.DataController.GetRowInfo(Index)
- ,0);//这里的0是列的索引,能指定,也可用通过GridView获取
- end;
- ****************************************************************************
- 61 动态设置显示格式
- 解决:
- procedure SetDisplayFormat(ACtrlData: TClientDataSet;
- TbView: TcxGridDBTableView);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- if ACtrlData.RecordCount 0 then Exit;
- try
- TbView.ClearItems;
- ACtrlData.First;
- for i := 0 to ACtrlData.RecordCount - 1 do
- begin
- if ACtrlData.FieldByName(‘SQBF_DisplayInGrid‘).AsString = ‘1‘ then //在表格中显示
- with TbView.CreateColumn do
- begin
- DataBinding.FieldName := ACtrlData.FieldByName(‘SQBF_FieldName‘).AsString;
- Caption := ACtrlData.FieldByName(‘SQBF_Caption‘).AsString; //字段中文标题
- Hint := ACtrlData.FieldByName(‘SQBF_Hint‘).AsString;
- Width := ACtrlData.FieldByName(‘SQBF_Width‘).AsInteger;
- HeaderAlignmentHorz := taCenter;
- end;
- ACtrlData.Next;
- end;
- except
- on E: Exception do
- SaveLog(‘设置显示格式时出错:‘ + E.Message);
- end;
- end;
62 给cxGRID加序号列
- procedure SetRowNumber(var ASender: TcxGridTableView;
- AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridIndicatorItemViewInfo;
- var ACanvas: TcxCanvas; var ADone: boolean);
- uses cxLookAndFeelPainters;
- procedure SetRowNumber(var ASender: TcxGridTableView; AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridIndicatorItemViewInfo;
- var ACanvas: TcxCanvas; var ADone: boolean);
- var
- AIndicatorViewInfo: TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo;
- ATextRect: TRect;
- AFont: TFont;
- AFontTextColor, AColor: TColor;
- begin
- AFont := ACanvas.Font;
- AColor := clBtnFace;
- AFontTextColor := clWindowText ;
- if (AViewInfo is TcxGridIndicatorHeaderItemViewInfo) then begin
- ATextRect := AViewInfo.Bounds;
- InflateRect(ATextRect, -1, -1);
- ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawHeader(ACanvas, AViewInfo.Bounds,
- ATextRect, [], cxBordersAll, cxbsNormal, taCenter, vaCenter,
- False, False, ‘序号‘, AFont, AFontTextColor, AColor);
- ADone := True;
- end ;
- if not (AViewInfo is TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo) then
- Exit;
- ATextRect := AViewInfo.ContentBounds;
- AIndicatorViewInfo := AViewInfo as TcxGridIndicatorRowItemViewInfo;
- InflateRect(ATextRect, -1, -1);
- ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawHeader(ACanvas, AViewInfo.ContentBounds,
- ATextRect, [], [bBottom, bLeft, bRight], cxbsNormal, taCenter, vaCenter,
- False, False, IntToStr(AIndicatorViewInfo.GridRecord.Index + 1),
- AFont, AFontTextColor, AColor);
- ADone := True;
- ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage(ACanvas,ATextRect, AIndicatorViewInfo.IndicatorKind);
- end;
- 如果你不要行标志的话,你可以不改控件
- 直接注释掉这一行: ASender.LookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage(ACanvas, ATextRect, AIndicatorViewInfo.IndicatorKind);
- 要标志的话,在DrawIndicatorImage 从这里跟进去(Ctrl+左键单击)
- 在 cxLookAndFeelPainters 单元中作如下修改:
- class procedure TcxCustomLookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage(ACanvas: TcxCanvas;
- const R: TRect; AKind: TcxIndicatorKind);
- var
- X, Y: Integer;
- begin
- if AKind = ikNone then Exit;
- with cxIndicatorImages, R do
- begin
- X := (Left + Right - Width); //靠右
- Y := (Top + Bottom - Height) div 2; //居中
- end;
- cxIndicatorImages.Draw(ACanvas.Canvas, X, Y, Ord(AKind) - 1);
- end;
- 注意,我已注明靠右的那一行, 就是去掉 DIV 2 了,
- 还要改一个地方:
- SKIN控件目录下的dxSkinLookAndFeelPainter单元,找到
- TdxSkinLookAndFeelPainter.DrawIndicatorImage 函数
- 的
- OffsetRect(ARect, (Left + Right - cx div 2) , (Top + Bottom - cy) div 2);
- 这一行,将 (Left + Right - cx div 2) 改为(Left + Right - cx) 也是去掉 div 2 就是靠右;
- 修改后: OffsetRect(ARect, (Left + Right - cx) , (Top + Bottom - cy) div 2);
- 使用
- procedure TForm1.cxGrid1DBTableView1CustomDrawIndicatorCell(
- Sender: TcxGridTableView; ACanvas: TcxCanvas;
- AViewInfo: TcxCustomGridIndicatorItemViewInfo; var ADone: Boolean);
- begin
- SetRowNumber(Sender,AviewInfo,ACanvas,ADone);
- end;
- 另外序号列的列宽最好改为25以上!
- 效果图:
63 cxGrid自带过滤后数据也数据集同步
在cxGrid的View Filter事件的OnBeforeChange中写代码就可以了.
- procedure TForm1.tvcxgd1DBTableView1DataControllerFilterBeforeChange( Sender: TcxDBDataFilterCriteria; ADataSet: TDataSet; const AFilterText: String);
- begin
- //这里可以增加数据集控件的
- filter:=false; //如:adoquery.filter:=false; //如果使用的是cxgrid的汉化版本,可以将AFilterText中的中文等于,小于 替换成 =
文章标题:Delphi CxGrid 汇总(4)