Optimizing Graphics in Unity 学习
2021-02-19 09:19
标签:project scene htm graph collect ons erer size layer https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/optimizing-graphics-in-unity 1. Rendering 2. Camera 3. Textures 4. Multithreaded Rendering & Graphics Jobs 5. Framebuffer 6. Shaders 1. Rendering 2. Camera Clear On mobile tile-based renderers, the clear command is particularly important. Unity takes care of the details, so you only have to set the clear flags on the Camera and avoid using the "Don‘t Clear" flag when targeting mobile devices. The underlying behavior of the clear command depends on the platform and graphics driver, but depending on the clear flag you choose, it can impact performance significantly, because Unity has to either clear the previous content, set flags to ignore the previous content, or read previous content back from the buffer. Clear flags On mobile, avoid Unity‘s default Skybox (appropriately named Default-Skybox), which is computationally expensive and which is enabled by default in all new Scenes. Discard and Restore buffer Tile-based Rendering RenderTexture Switching FrameBuffer Compression Culling Frustum Culling Occlusion Culling Multiple Cameras Per-Layer culling distances Skinned Motion Vectors Fillrate Overdarw Overdraw view Transparency Alpha Blending Draw Order Z-testing Draw Call Batching Instancing Geometry Level of Detail (LOD) Static Scenes High-Quality LODs Runtime Mesh Combination Animation LODs 3. Textures Asset Auditing Texture Compression ASTC PVRTC GPU Upload Load Behavior Awake Behavior Memory Behavior 4. Multithreaded Rendering & Graphics Jobs Singlethreaded Rendering (single client, no worker thread) Multithreaded Rendering (single client, single worker thread) Renderthread Availability Performance Considerations Profiling Multithreaded Rendering Jobified Rendering (multiple clients, single worker thread) Graphics Jobs (multiple clients, no worker thread) Availability Profiling Rendering GfxThreadableDevice Functions 5. Framebuffer Double & Triple Buffering Color Buffer Stencil & Depth Buffer Native Resolution Buffer Size Final Blit 6. Shaders Mobile Shaders Lightmaps Project Imports Default Shaders Shader Build Report Shader Memory Shader Keywords Shader Variants Shader Variant Collections Shader Preloading Built-in shaders Optimizing Graphics in Unity 学习 标签:project scene htm graph collect ons erer size layer 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/revoid/p/12685486.html
文章标题:Optimizing Graphics in Unity 学习