windows git bash bash: xxx: command not found

2021-03-11 08:27


标签:ack   can   nal   his   target   wordpress   and   sel   pac   


While using git-bash,  you may need the zip command to zip files. Then you will get error like “command not found“. This is because git-bash is really just a cut down version of mingw. Fortunately you can manually install the command yourself, not only zip, but any command you can get from gnuwin32.

Here are the steps you can follow.

1. Go to the following link

2. Find out whatever command you are missing
Here I need zip and bzip2 for zip command. Because zip command relies on bzip2.dll to run. Otherwise you will get error “error while loading shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”.

3. Unzip the downloaded files
Here I am downloading “” for “zip.exe” and “” for “bzip2.dll” in the bin folder. /bin/.exe

4. Copy the command exe file into git-bash folder
Here I am copying “zip.exe” and “bzip2.dll” to \Git\usr\bin.



1, download wget binary installation package, address:
2. Unzip the installation package and copy wget. Exe to C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\; (or after unzipping add the path to wget.exe from the unzipping file to the environment variable)
At this point, the installation is complete;
Perform wget validation in git bash, done;


windows git bash bash: xxx: command not found

标签:ack   can   nal   his   target   wordpress   and   sel   pac   


