How do I duplicate a resource reference in code behind in WPF?

2021-04-08 18:27


标签:ref   modified   media   binding   not   wan   com   little   product   


In my application, I have a color resources. I have one element that uses that color as a dynamic resource in xaml.

          Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="425">
     "MyColor">Red"Top" Width="80" Height="80" Margin="10">
           "TopBrush" Color="{DynamicResource MyColor}"/>
           "Bottom" Width="80" Height="80" Margin="10">

In the code, I want to duplicate this resource reference.

  using System.Windows;
  using System.Windows.Media;

  namespace ResourcePlay {
     public partial class MainWindow : Window {
        public MainWindow() {

           // I want to copy the resource reference, not the color.
           BottomBrush.Color = TopBrush.Color;

           // I‘d really rather do something like this.
           var reference = TopBrush.GetResourceReference(SolidColorBrush.ColorProperty);

           // I want this to change the colors of both elements
           Resources["MyColor"] = Colors.Green;

However, SetResourceReference only works for FrameworkElements or FrameworkContentElements. SolidColorBrush is just a Freezable. Also, I have no idea how to get a resource reference in code behind.

Is there a way to do this in WPF so that both of the colors change at the same time? In my real application, the problem isnt quite so simple, so I cant just add a second DynamicResource in xaml.
Il Vic suggested using reflection. Expanding on that, I was able to build some extension methods for DependencyObject that do what I want. I dont really like using reflection in code, and if someone else knows a better way to implement this, Id love to see it. At least this will be helpful whenever Im trying to debug DynamicResources from code behind.

  public static class DependencyObjectExtensions
     public static object GetDynamicResourceKey(this DependencyObject obj, DependencyProperty prop)
        // get the value entry from the depencency object for the specified dependency property
        var dependencyObject = typeof(DependencyObject);
        var dependencyObject_LookupEntry = dependencyObject.GetMethod("LookupEntry", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        var entryIndex = dependencyObject_LookupEntry.Invoke(obj, new object[] { prop.GlobalIndex });
        var effectiveValueEntry_GetValueEntry = dependencyObject.GetMethod("GetValueEntry", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        var valueEntry = effectiveValueEntry_GetValueEntry.Invoke(obj, new object[] { entryIndex, prop, null, 0x10 });

        // look inside the value entry to find the ModifiedValue object
        var effectiveValueEntry = valueEntry.GetType();
        var effectiveValueEntry_Value = effectiveValueEntry.GetProperty("Value", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        var effectiveValueEntry_Value_Getter = effectiveValueEntry_Value.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
        var rawEntry = effectiveValueEntry_Value_Getter.Invoke(valueEntry, new object[0]);

        // look inside the ModifiedValue object to find the ResourceReference
        var modifiedValue = rawEntry.GetType();
        var modifiedValue_BaseValue = modifiedValue.GetProperty("BaseValue", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        var modifiedValue_BaseValue_Getter = modifiedValue_BaseValue.GetGetMethod(nonPublic: true);
        var resourceReferenceValue = modifiedValue_BaseValue_Getter.Invoke(rawEntry, new object[0]);

        // check the ResourceReference for the original ResourceKey
        var resourceReference = resourceReferenceValue.GetType();
        var resourceReference_resourceKey = resourceReference.GetField("_resourceKey", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
        var resourceKey = resourceReference_resourceKey.GetValue(resourceReferenceValue);

        return resourceKey;

     public static void SetDynamicResourceKey(this DependencyObject obj, DependencyProperty prop, object resourceKey)
        var dynamicResource = new DynamicResourceExtension(resourceKey);
        var resourceReferenceExpression = dynamicResource.ProvideValue(null);
        obj.SetValue(prop, resourceReferenceExpression);

The second method uses DynamicResourceExtension to avoid some nastiness with Activator, but the first method feels incredibly brittle.

I can use these methods in my original example as follows:

  public MainWindow() {

     var key = TopBrush.GetDynamicResourceKey(SolidColorBrush.ColorProperty);
     BottomBrush.SetDynamicResourceKey(SolidColorBrush.ColorProperty, key);

     Resources["MyColor"] = Colors.Green;

This will work for any DependencyProperty, provided it is set to a DynamicResource when we try to get the resource key. A little more finesse would be needed for production code.


How do I duplicate a resource reference in code behind in WPF?

标签:ref   modified   media   binding   not   wan   com   little   product   


