【转】Selenium - 封装WebDrivers (C#)

2021-04-20 17:25


标签:scrollto   jpeg   nts   drag   immediate   pts   使用   turn   delete   


Web element仍然使用OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement, 本类库将Selenium原装支持的各浏览器统一为OnDriver, 并将常用操作封装。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using QA = OpenQA.Selenium;
using UI = OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;

namespace XWebDriver
    public class OneDriver
        private QA.IWebDriver wd = null;
        private Browsers browser = Browsers.IE;
        public OneDriver(Browsers theBrowser)
            this.browser = theBrowser;
            wd = InitWebDriver();

        private QA.IWebDriver InitWebDriver()
            QA.IWebDriver theDriver = null;
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                        QA.IE.InternetExplorerOptions _ieOptions = new QA.IE.InternetExplorerOptions();
                        _ieOptions.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
                        theDriver = new QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver(_ieOptions);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                        theDriver = new QA.Chrome.ChromeDriver();
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                        theDriver = new QA.Firefox.FirefoxDriver();
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                        theDriver = new QA.Safari.SafariDriver();
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                        theDriver = new QA.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver();
                        QA.IE.InternetExplorerOptions _ieOptions = new QA.IE.InternetExplorerOptions();
                        _ieOptions.IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true;
                        theDriver = new QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver(_ieOptions);
                    }; break;
            return theDriver;

        #region public members
        /// Effects throughout the life of web driver
        /// Set once only if necessary
        public void ImplicitlyWait(double seconds)

        /// Wait for the expected condition is satisfied, return immediately
        public void WaitForPage(string title)
            UI.WebDriverWait _wait = new UI.WebDriverWait(wd, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            _wait.Until((d) => { return d.Title.ToLower().StartsWith(title.ToLower()); });
            //to do

        public void WaitForElement(string id)
            UI.WebDriverWait _wait = new UI.WebDriverWait(wd, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            _wait.Until((d) => { return OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI.ExpectedConditions.ElementExists(QA.By.Id(id));});            

        /// Load a new web page in current browser
        public void GoToUrl(string url)

        public void Refresh()

        public void Back()

        public void Forward()

        /// Get the url of current browser window
        public string GetUrl()
            return wd.Url;

        /// Get page title of current browser window
        public string GetPageTitle()
            return wd.Title;

        /// Get all cookies defined in the current page
        public Dictionary GetAllCookies()
            Dictionary cookies = new Dictionary();
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                        var allCookies= ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;
                        foreach (QA.Cookie cookie in allCookies)
                            cookies[cookie.Name] = cookie.Value;
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                        var allCookies = ((QA.Chrome.ChromeDriver)wd).Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;
                        foreach (QA.Cookie cookie in allCookies)
                            cookies[cookie.Name] = cookie.Value;
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                        var allCookies = ((QA.Firefox.FirefoxDriver)wd).Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;
                        foreach (QA.Cookie cookie in allCookies)
                            cookies[cookie.Name] = cookie.Value;
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                        var allCookies = ((QA.Safari.SafariDriver)wd).Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;
                        foreach (QA.Cookie cookie in allCookies)
                            cookies[cookie.Name] = cookie.Value;
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                        var allCookies = ((QA.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver)wd).Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;
                        foreach (QA.Cookie cookie in allCookies)
                            cookies[cookie.Name] = cookie.Value;
                    }; break;
                        var allCookies = ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).Manage().Cookies.AllCookies;
                        foreach (QA.Cookie cookie in allCookies)
                            cookies[cookie.Name] = cookie.Value;
                    }; break;

            return cookies;

        /// Delete all cookies from the page
        public void DeleteAllCookies()
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                    }; break;
                    }; break;

        /// Set focus to a browser window with a specified title
        public void GoToWindow(string title, bool exactMatch)
            string theCurrent = wd.CurrentWindowHandle;
            IList windows = wd.WindowHandles;
            if (exactMatch)
                foreach (var window in windows)
                    if (wd.Title.ToLower() == title.ToLower())
                foreach (var window in windows)
                    if (wd.Title.ToLower().Contains(title.ToLower()))


        /// Set focus to a frame with a specified name
        public void GoToFrame(string name)
            QA.IWebElement theFrame = null;
            var frames = wd.FindElements(QA.By.TagName("iframe"));
            foreach (var frame in frames)
                if (frame.GetAttribute("name").ToLower() == name.ToLower())
                    theFrame = (QA.IWebElement)frame;
            if (theFrame != null)

        public void GoToFrame(QA.IWebElement frame)

        /// Switch to default after going to a frame
        public void GoToDefault()

        /// Get the alert text
        public string GetAlertString()
            string theString = string.Empty;
            QA.IAlert alert = null;
            alert = wd.SwitchTo().Alert();
            if (alert != null)
                theString = alert.Text;
            return theString;

        /// Accepts the alert
        public void AlertAccept()
            QA.IAlert alert = null;
            alert = wd.SwitchTo().Alert();
            if (alert != null)

        /// Dismisses the alert
        public void AlertDismiss()
            QA.IAlert alert = null;
            alert = wd.SwitchTo().Alert();
            if (alert != null)

        /// Move vertical scroll bar to bottom for the page
        public void PageScrollToBottom()
            var js = "document.documentElement.scrollTop=10000";
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                        ((QA.Chrome.ChromeDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                        ((QA.Firefox.FirefoxDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                        ((QA.Safari.SafariDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                        ((QA.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;

        /// Move horizontal scroll bar to right for the page
        public void PageScrollToRight()
            var js = "document.documentElement.scrollLeft=10000";
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                        ((QA.Chrome.ChromeDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                        ((QA.Firefox.FirefoxDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                        ((QA.Safari.SafariDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                        ((QA.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;

        /// Move vertical scroll bar to bottom for an element
        public void ElementScrollToBottom(QA.IWebElement element)
            string id = element.GetAttribute("id");
            string name = element.GetAttribute("name");
            var js = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                js = "document.getElementById(‘" + id + "‘).scrollTop=10000";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
                js = "document.getElementsByName(‘" + name + "‘)[0].scrollTop=10000";
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                        ((QA.Chrome.ChromeDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                        ((QA.Firefox.FirefoxDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                        ((QA.Safari.SafariDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                        ((QA.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;

        /// Get a screen shot of the current window
        public void TakeScreenshot(string savePath)
            QA.Screenshot theScreenshot = null;
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                        theScreenshot = ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).GetScreenshot();
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                        theScreenshot = ((QA.Chrome.ChromeDriver)wd).GetScreenshot();
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                        theScreenshot = ((QA.Firefox.FirefoxDriver)wd).GetScreenshot();
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                        theScreenshot = ((QA.Safari.SafariDriver)wd).GetScreenshot();
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                        theScreenshot = ((QA.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver)wd).GetScreenshot();
                    }; break;   
                        theScreenshot = ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).GetScreenshot();
                    }; break;
            if (theScreenshot != null)
                theScreenshot.SaveAsFile(savePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

        /// Find the element of a specified id
        public QA.IWebElement FindElementById(string id)
            QA.IWebElement theElement = null;
            theElement = (QA.IWebElement)wd.FindElement(QA.By.Id(id));
            return theElement;

        /// Find the element of a specified name
        public QA.IWebElement FindElementByName(string name)
            QA.IWebElement theElement = null;
            theElement = (QA.IWebElement)wd.FindElement(QA.By.Name(name));
            return theElement;
        /// Find the element by xpath
        public QA.IWebElement FindElementByXPath(string xpath)
            QA.IWebElement theElement = null;
            theElement = (QA.IWebElement)wd.FindElement(QA.By.XPath(xpath));
            return theElement;

        public QA.IWebElement FindElementByLinkText(string text)
            QA.IWebElement theElement = null;
                theElement = wd.FindElement(QA.By.LinkText(text));
            catch { }
            return theElement;

        public IList FindElementsByLinkText(string text)
            IList theElement = null;
            theElement = (IList)wd.FindElements(QA.By.LinkText(text));
            return theElement;

        public IList FindElementsByPartialLinkText(string text)
            IList theElement = null;
            theElement = (IList)wd.FindElements(QA.By.PartialLinkText(text));
            return theElement;

        public IList FindElementsByClassName(string clsName)
            IList theElement = null;
            theElement = (IList)wd.FindElements(QA.By.ClassName(clsName));
            return theElement;

        public IList FindElementsByTagName(string tagName)
            IList theElement = null;
            theElement = (IList)wd.FindElements(QA.By.TagName(tagName));
            return theElement;

        public IList FindElementsByCssSelector(string css)
            IList theElement = null;
            theElement = (IList)wd.FindElements(QA.By.CssSelector(css));
            return theElement;

        public IList FindElementsByXPathName(string xpath)
            IList theElement = null;
            theElement = (IList)wd.FindElements(QA.By.XPath(xpath));
            return theElement;

        /// Executes javascript
        public void ExecuteJS(string js)
            switch (this.browser)
                case Browsers.IE:
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Chrome:
                        ((QA.Chrome.ChromeDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Firefox:
                        ((QA.Firefox.FirefoxDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.Safari:
                        ((QA.Safari.SafariDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                case Browsers.PhantomJS:
                        ((QA.PhantomJS.PhantomJSDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;
                        ((QA.IE.InternetExplorerDriver)wd).ExecuteScript(js, null);
                    }; break;

        public void ClickElement(QA.IWebElement element)
            (new QA.Interactions.Actions(wd)).Click(element).Perform();

        public void DoubleClickElement(QA.IWebElement element)
            (new QA.Interactions.Actions(wd)).DoubleClick(element).Perform();

        public void ClickAndHoldOnElement(QA.IWebElement element)
            (new QA.Interactions.Actions(wd)).ClickAndHold(element).Perform();

        public void ContextClickOnElement(QA.IWebElement element)
            (new QA.Interactions.Actions(wd)).ContextClick(element).Perform();

        public void DragAndDropElement(QA.IWebElement source, QA.IWebElement target)
            (new QA.Interactions.Actions(wd)).DragAndDrop(source, target).Perform();

        public void SendKeysToElement(QA.IWebElement element, string text)
            (new QA.Interactions.Actions(wd)).SendKeys(element, text).Perform();

        /// Quit this server, close all windows associated to it
        public void Cleanup()

    public enum Browsers

【转】Selenium - 封装WebDrivers (C#)

标签:scrollto   jpeg   nts   drag   immediate   pts   使用   turn   delete   


