PP: Multilevel wavelet decomposition network for interpretable time series analysis

2021-04-20 19:26


标签:col   time   which   forms   时序   信噪比   network   物理   other   


the important frequency information is lack of effective modelling.

?? what is frequency information in time series? and why other models don‘t model this kind of frequency information?

frequency learning

we propose two deep learning models: 1. residual classification flow for classification. 2. multi-frequency long short-term memory for forecasting


1. two types of time series analysis methods:

与其这样说不如说time series只有两个维度,时间维度和频率维度。 

time-domain methods: analyze correlations among time series

frequency-domain methods: transform time series into a frequency spectrum, Fourier transform/ Z-transform; 

2. How to integrate wavelet transforms into the framework of deep learning models remains a great challenge.


Multilevel Discrete Wavelet Decomposition (MDWD) [26] is a wavelet based discrete signal analysis method, which can extract multilevel time-frequency features from a time series by decomposing the series as low and high frequency sub-series level by level.

解释: 相当于将time series x分解成为i个level 的low frequency 和high frequency的子序列。而分解出来的结果则为时序数据的features;之后将feature输入到CNN和LSTM中,进行分类和预测。

该论文的唯一新意是进行了小波分解,将一个time series分解为l个high frequency and low frequency的子序列,之后将子序列feed in different neural structure. 

Residual classification flow: classification - supervised learning;

a multilayer perceptron + a residual learning method. 

?? 在这里residual learning起了什么作用呢。

Multi-frequency long short term memory:

sub-series + lstm

How to evaluate the performance of models:

MAPE: mean absolute percentage error;

RMSE: root mean square error. 


the outputs of the middle layers in mWDN, i.e., xl (i) and xh (i), inherit the physical meanings of wavelet decompositions 



1. correlation and dependency is any statistical relationship, whether causal or not, between two random variables or bivariate data.

2. frequency-domain methods:

Fourier transform, wavelet transform




PP: Multilevel wavelet decomposition network for interpretable time series analysis

标签:col   time   which   forms   时序   信噪比   network   物理   other   


