吴恩达《深度学习》-课后测验-第五门课 序列模型(Sequence Models)-Week 1: Recurrent Neural Networks(第一周测验:循环神经网络)

2021-04-23 22:28


标签:app   ble   likely   ica   code   rem   情况下   激活   selected   

Week 1 Quiz: Recurrent Neural Networks(第一周测验:循环神经网络)

\1. Suppose your training examples are sentences (sequences of words). Which of the following refers to the jth word in the ith training example?( 假设你的训练样本是句子(单词序列),下 面哪个选项指的是第??个训练样本中的第??个词?)

【 】 $??^{(??)?>} $

【 】 \(??^{?>(??) }\)

【 】 \(??^{(??)?>}\)

【 】 \(??^{?>(??)}\)


【★】 ??(??)?> (注:首先获取第??个训练样本(用括号表示),然后到??列获取单词(用括尖括号表示)。)


\2. Consider this RNN: This specific type of architecture is appropriate when: (看一下下面的这 个循环神经网络:在下面的条件中,满足上图中的网络结构的参数是)


【 】$??_?? = ??_?? $

【 】 $??_??

【 】\(??_?? > ??_??\)

【 】$ ??_?? = 1 $


【★】???? = ????


\3. To which of these tasks would you apply a many-to-one RNN architecture? (Check all that apply). (上图中每一个输入都与输出相匹配。 这些任务中的哪一个会使用多对一的 RNN 体 系结构?)

【 】 Speech recognition (input an audio clip and output a transcript) (语音识别(输入语音, 输出文本)。)

【 】 Sentiment classification (input a piece of text and output a 0/1 to denote positive or negative sentiment) (情感分类(输入一段文字,输出 0 或 1 表示正面或者负面的情绪)。)

【 】Image classification (input an image and output a label) (图像分类(输入一张图片,输出 对应的标签)。)

【 】 Gender recognition from speech (input an audio clip and output a label indicating the speaker’s gender) (人声性别识别(输入语音,输出说话人的性别)。)


【★】 Sentiment classification (input a piece of text and output a 0/1 to denote positive or negative sentiment) (情感分类(输入一段文字,输出 0 或 1 表示正面或者负面的情绪)。)

【★】 Gender recognition from speech (input an audio clip and output a label indicating the speaker’s gender) (人声性别识别(输入语音,输出说话人的性别)。)


\4. You are training this RNN language model.


At the \(??^{th}\) time step, what is the RNN doing? Choose the best answer.( 假设你现在正在训练下面 这个 RNN 的语言模型: 在??时,这个 RNN 在做什么?)

【 】 Estimating ??(\(??^{}, ??^{},… , ??^{??1>}\))( 计算 ??(\(??^{}, ??^{},… , ??^{??1>}\)) )

【 】 Estimating ??(\(??^{?>}\)) (计算 ??(\(??^{?>}\)) )

【 】Estimating \(??(?? ∣ ??^{}, ??^{},… , ??^{?>})\) ( 计算 \(??(?? ∣ ??^{}, ??^{},… , ??^{?>})\))

【 】Estimating \(??(?? ∣ ??^{}, ??^{}, … , ??^{??1>})\)( 计算 \(??(?? ∣ ??^{}, ??^{}, … , ??^{??1>})\))


Yes,in a language model we try to predict the next step based on the knowledge of all prior steps

【★】Estimating ??(?? ∣ ?? , ?? ,… , ?? ?>) ( 计算 ??(?? ∣ ?? , ?? , … , ?? ?-1>) )


\5. You have finished training a language model RNN and are using it to sample random sentences, as follows: What are you doing at each time step ???( 你已经完成了一个语言模型 RNN 的训练,并用它来对句子进行随机取样,如下图: 在每个时间步??都在做什么?)


【 】Use the probabilities output by the RNN to pick the highest probability word for that time-step as \(??^{?>}\). (ii) Then pass the ground-truth word from the training set to the next timestep. ((1)使用 RNN 输出的概率,选择该时间步的最高概率单词作为\(??^{?>}\),(2)然后将训练集中 的正确的单词传递到下一个时间步。)

【 】Use the probabilities output by the RNN to randomly sample a chosen word for that time-step as \(??^{?>}\). (ii) Then pass the ground-truth word from the training set to the next timestep. ((1)使用由 RNN 输出的概率将该时间步的所选单词进行随机采样作为 \(??^{?>}\),(2)然后将训 练集中的实际单词传递到下一个时间步。)

【 】Use the probabilities output by the RNN to pick the highest probability word for that time-step as \(??^{?>}\). (ii) Then pass this selected word to the next time-step. ((1)使用由 RNN 输出 的概率来选择该时间步的最高概率词作为 \(??^{?>}\),(2)然后将该选择的词传递给下一个时间步。)

【 】 Use the probabilities output by the RNN to randomly sample a chosen word for that time-step as \(??^{?>}\). (ii) Then pass this selected word to the next time-step. ((1)使用 RNN 该时间 步输出的概率对单词随机抽样的结果作为\(??^{?>}\),(2)然后将此选定单词传递给下一个时间步。)


【★】 (i) Use the probabilities output by the RNN to randomly sample a chosen word for that time-step as ?? ?>. (ii) Then pass this selected word to the next time-step. ((1)使用 RNN 该时间 步输出的概率对单词随机抽样的结果作为?? ?>,(2)然后将此选定单词传递给下一个时间步。)


\6. You are training an RNN, and find that your weights and activations are all taking on the value of NaN (“Not a Number”). Which of these is the most likely cause of this problem?

【 】 Vanishing gradient problem. (梯度消失。)

【 】Exploding gradient problem. (梯度爆炸。)

【 】 ReLU activation function g(.) used to compute g(z), where z is too large. (ReLU 函数作为 激活函数??(. ),在计算??(??)时,??的数值过大了。)

【 】 Sigmoid activation function g(.) used to compute g(z), where z is too large. (Sigmoid 函数 作为激活函数??(. ),在计算??(??)时,??的数值过大了。)


【★】Exploding gradient problem. (梯度爆炸。)


7.Suppose you are training a LSTM. You have a 10000 word vocabulary, and are using an LSTM with 100-dimensional activations a. What is the dimension of Γu at each time step?( 假设你正 在训练一个 LSTM 网络,你有一个 10,000 词的词汇表,并且使用一个激活值维度为 100 的 LSTM 块,在每一个时间步中,????的维度是多少?)

【 】 1

【 】 100

【 】300

【 】 10000


【★ 】 100

(注: ????的向量维度等于 LSTM 中隐藏单元的数量。)


\8. Here’re the update equations for the GRU. Alice proposes to simplify the GRU by always removing the \(??_??\). I.e., setting \(??_??\) = 1. Betty proposes to simplify the GRU by removing the \(??_??\) . I. e., setting \(??_??\)=1 always. Which of these models is more likely to work without vanishing gradient problems even when trained on very long input sequences?( 这里有一些 GRU 的更新方程: 爱丽丝建议通过移除\(??_??\)来简化 GRU, 即设置\(??_??\) = 1。贝蒂提出通过移除\(??_??\)来简化 GRU,即设置\(??_??\)=1。哪种模型更容易在梯度不消失问题的情况下训练,即使在很长的输入序列上也可以进行训练?)


【 】 Alice’s model (removing \(??_??\)), because if \(??_??\) ≈ 0 for a timestep, the gradient can propagate back through that timestep without much decay. (爱丽丝的模型(即移除 ????),因为对于一个 时间步而言,如果???? ≈ 0,梯度可以通过时间步反向传播而不会衰减。)

【 】Alice’s model (removing ????), because if ???? ≈ 1 for a timestep, the gradient can propagate back through that timestep without much decay. (爱丽丝的模型(即移除 ????),因为对于一个 时间步而言,如果???? ≈ 1,梯度可以通过时间步反向传播而不会衰减。)

【 】 Betty’s model (removing ???? ), because if ??u ≈ 0 for a timestep, the gradient can propagate back through that timestep without much decay. (贝蒂的模型(即移除????),因为对于一个时间 步而言,如果??u ≈ 0,梯度可以通过时间步反向传播而不会衰减。)

【 】Betty’s model (removing ???? ), because if ??u ≈ 1 for a timestep, the gradient can propagate back through that timestep without much decay. (贝蒂的模型(即移除????),因为对于一个时 间步而言,如果??u ≈ 1,梯度可以通过时间步反向传播而不会衰减。)


【★ 】 Betty’s model (removing ???? ), because if ??u ≈ 0 for a timestep, the gradient can propagate back through that timestep without much decay. (贝蒂的模型(即移除????),因为对于一个时间 步而言,如果??u ≈ 0,梯度可以通过时间步反向传播而不会衰减。)

(注:要使信号反向传播而不消失,我们需要?? ?>高度依赖于?? ??1>。)


\9. Here are the equations for the GRU and the LSTM: From these, we can see that the Update Gate and Forget Gate in the LSTM play a role similar to _ and __ in the GRU. What should go in the the blanks?( 这里有一些 GRU 和 LSTM 的方程: 从这些 我们可以看到,在 LSTM 中的更新门和遗忘门在 GRU 中扮演类似___与___的角色,空白处应该 填什么?)


【 】???? 与 1 ? ???? (???? 与 1 ? ???? )

【 】????与 ???? (????与 ???? )

【 】1 ? ???? 与???? (1 ? ???? 与???? )

【 】???? 与???? (???? 与???? )


【★】???? 与 1 ? ???? (???? 与 1 ? ???? )


\10. You have a pet dog whose mood is heavily dependent on the current and past few days’ weather. You’ve collected data for the past 365 days on the weather, which you represent as a sequence as \(??^{},… , ??^{}\). You’ve also collected data on your dog’s mood, which you represent as \(??^{}, … , ??^{}\). You’d like to build a model to map from x→y. Should you use a Unidirectional RNN or Bidirectional RNN for this problem?( 你有一只宠物狗,它的心情很大 程度上取决于当前和过去几天的天气。你已经收集了过去 365 天的天气数据 \(??^{},… , ??^{}\),这些数据是一个序列,你还收集了你的狗心情的数据\(??^{}, … , ??^{}\),你想建立一个模型来从??到??进行映射,你应该使用单向 RNN 还是双向 RNN 来解决这个问 题?)

【 】Bidirectional RNN, because this allows the prediction of mood on day ?? to take into account more information. (双向 RNN,因为在??日的情绪预测中可以考虑到更多的信息。)

【 】 Bidirectional RNN, because this allows backpropagation to compute more accurate gradients.( 双向 RNN,因为这允许反向传播计算中有更精确的梯度。)

【 】 Unidirectional RNN, because the value of \(??^{?>}\) depends only on \(??^{},… , ??^{?>}\) ,but not on \(??^{?+1>},… , ??^{}\) (单向 RNN,因为\(??^{?>}\)的值仅依赖于\(??^{},… , ??^{?>}\),而不依赖于 \(??^{?+1>},… , ??^{}\)。)

【 】Unidirectional RNN, because the value of \(??^{?>}\) depends only on \(??^{?>}\), and not other days’ weather.( 单向 RNN,因为\(??^{?>}\)的值只取决于\(??^{?>}\),而不是其他天的天气。)


【★】 Unidirectional RNN, because the value of ?? ?> depends only on ?? ,… , ?? ?> ,but not on ?? ?+1>,… , ?? (单向 RNN,因为?? ?>的值仅依赖于?? ,… , ?? ?>,而不依赖于 ?? ?+1>,… , ?? 。)


吴恩达《深度学习》-课后测验-第五门课 序列模型(Sequence Models)-Week 1: Recurrent Neural Networks(第一周测验:循环神经网络)

标签:app   ble   likely   ica   code   rem   情况下   激活   selected   


