2021-05-06 01:30
标签:建议 obj func send ica base 驱动 ini ror 打包了一个桌面应用 打包命令 gui.py是你桌面应用的入口文件 会生成dist目录,该目录下有exe 为了简单,我将程序中的用到的文件目录都改为当前目录,如 这个当前目录会是你执行命令的目录,你的文件(比如上面的conf.yml)要在该目录下 建议将用到的文件都拷贝到dist目录中,并在dist目录中打开cmd运行程序 selinum我用的火狐浏览器,把驱动拷贝到dist目录 驱动路径当时写的: wxpython报了一个错误 你打开路径在core中确实找不到publisher 打开arg1和kwargs这里面则有publisher,咋回事 你打开,发现注释 wxpython自己会选择用哪个文件夹下的publisher 但是pyinstaller不知道,所以打包起来就报错了 我发现程序使用的是kwargs中的文件,我把kwargs中的文件拷贝到core目录下了 并在gui.py中导入 这样打包后就可以运行了 写个一行命令的脚本,在exe的目录中打开cmd并运行gui.exe 出现了 pyinstaller+wxpython+selinum 标签:建议 obj func send ica base 驱动 ini ror 原文地址: --onefile -F
yamlPath = "./conf.yml"
self.driver = Firefox(executable_path=‘./geckodriver.exe‘, firefox_options=self.options) # 配了环境变量第一个参数就可以省了,不然传绝对路径
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘wx.lib.pubsub.core.publisher‘
Core package of pubsub, holding the publisher, listener, and topic
object modules. Functions defined here are used internally by
pubsub so that the right modules can be found later, based on the
selected messaging protocol.
Indeed some of the API depends on the messaging
protocol used. For instance sendMessage(), defined in,
has a different signature (and hence implementation) for the kwargs
protocol than for the arg1 protocol.
The most convenient way to
support this is to put the parts of the package that differ based
on protocol in separate folder, and add one of those folders to
the package‘s __path__ variable (defined automatically by the Python
interpreter when is executed). For instance, code
specific to the kwargs protocol goes in the kwargs folder, and code
specific to the arg1 protocol in the arg1 folder. Then when doing
"from pubsub.core import listener", the correct will be
found for the specified protocol. The default protocol is kwargs.
Only one protocol can be used in an application. The default protocol,
if none is chosen by user, is kwargs, as selected by the call to
_prependModulePath() at end of this file.
from wx.lib.pubsub.core import publisher
from wx.lib.pubsub.core import listenerimpl
cmd /k "cd /d %~dp0&&gui.exe"