TCP窗口扩大选项Window Scale
2021-05-18 02:29
标签:移动 出现 class log traints limit 处理 增加 大小 窗口扩大选项使TCP的窗口定义从16bit增加到32bit。这并不是通过修改TCP首部来实现的,TCP首部仍然使用16bit,而是通过定义一个选项实现对16bit的扩大操作来完成的。于是TCP在内部将实际的窗口大小维持为32bit的值; 窗口扩大选项的取值范围为0
这个选项只能出现在SYN报文段中,因此当连接建立起来后,每个方向上的扩大因子是固定的。为了使用窗口扩大,两端必须在他们的SYN报文段中发送该选项。主动建立连接的一方在其SYN中发送这个选项,但是被动建立连接的一方只能够在接收到带这个选项的SYN之后才可以发送这个选项。每个方向上的扩大因此可以不同; 如果主动连接的一方发送一个非零的扩大因子,但是没有从另一端收到一个扩大选项,它就将发送和接收的移位计数器设置为0。这就允许较新的系统能够与较旧的系统进行互相操作; 假定我们正在使用窗口扩大选项,发送移位计数为S,而接收到的移位计数为R。于是我们从另一端接收到的16bit的通告窗口将被左移R位以获得实际的通告窗口大小。每次当我们向对方发送一个窗口通告的时候,我们将实际的32bit窗口大小右移S位,然后用它来替换TCP首部中的16bit窗口值; TCP根据接收缓存的大小自动选择位移技术。这个大小是由系统设置的,但是通常向应用程序提供了修改途径; 文章来源: TCP窗口扩大选项Window Scale 标签:移动 出现 class log traints limit 处理 增加 大小 原文地址: RFC1323
TCP determines if a data segment is "old" or "new" by testing
whether its sequence number is within 2**31 bytes of the left edge
of the window, and if it is not, discarding the data as "old". To
insure that new data is never mistakenly considered old and vice-
versa, the left edge of the sender‘s window has to be at most
2**31 away from the right edge of the receiver‘s window.
Similarly with the sender‘s right edge and receiver‘s left edge.
Since the right and left edges of either the sender‘s or
receiver‘s window differ by the window size, and since the sender
and receiver windows can be out of phase by at most the window
size, the above constraints imply that 2 * the max window size
must be less than 2**31, or
max window 2**30
Since the max window is 2**S (where S is the scaling shift count)
times at most 2**16 - 1 (the maximum unscaled window), the maximum
window is guaranteed to be 2*30 if S 14. Thus, the shift
count must be limited to 14 (which allows windows of 2**30 = 1
Gbyte). If a Window Scale option is received with a shift.cnt
value exceeding 14, the TCP should log the error but use 14
instead of the specified value.
文章标题:TCP窗口扩大选项Window Scale