02: zabbix API 基本操作
2021-04-07 06:26
标签:group json-rpc red c4c type ble else flags The 02: zabbix API 基本操作 标签:group json-rpc red c4c type ble else flags The 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaonq/p/9116301.html1.1 zabbix api常用操作
#! -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import urllib2
import json
url = ‘‘
username = ‘Admin‘
password = ‘1‘
header = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
################################ 一:登陆脚本 login.py ###########################
def requestJson(url,values):
data = json.dumps(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data, {‘Content-Type‘: ‘application/json-rpc‘})
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, data)
output = json.loads(response.read())
message = output[‘result‘]
message = output[‘error‘][‘data‘]
print message
return output[‘result‘]
def authenticate(url, username, password):
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
‘method‘: ‘user.login‘,
‘params‘: {
‘user‘: username,
‘password‘: password
‘id‘: ‘0‘
idvalue = requestJson(url,values)
return idvalue # 结果是一个token值:cc75ed2a314906a835ac0786266468ac
# 3、获取所有报警信息
def trigger_get():
values = (
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "trigger.get",
"params": {
"output": [
"selectGroups": [
"selectHosts": [
"selectItems": [
"filter": {
"value": 1
"monitored": 1,
"selectLastEvent": "extend",
"expandComment": 1,
"expandDescription": 1,
"sortfield": "priority",
"sortorder": "DESC",
"auth":auth, # 获取认证session值
"id": 1
result = requestJson(url,values)
return result
# 4、获取所有报警信息(简单信息)
def triggerget():
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
"params": {
"output": [
"filter": {
"value": 1
"sortfield": "priority",
"sortorder": "DESC"
‘auth‘: auth,
‘id‘: 1,
output = requestJson(url,values)
return output
‘‘‘ 获取简单的报警信息
u ‘priority‘: u ‘3‘,
u ‘triggerid‘: u ‘15579‘,
u ‘description‘: u ‘登录用户超过2人报警测试‘
}, {
u ‘priority‘: u ‘3‘,
u ‘triggerid‘: u ‘13491‘,
u ‘description‘: u ‘Zabbix agent on {HOST.NAME} is unreachable for 5 minutes‘
# 5、定义通过ip获取主机id的函数
def ipgetHostsid(ip=‘‘):
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
‘method‘: ‘host.get‘,
‘params‘: {
‘output‘: [ "host" ],
‘filter‘: {
‘ip‘: ip
‘auth‘: auth,
‘id‘: ‘3‘
output = requestJson(url,values)
return output # [{u‘host‘: u‘‘, u‘hostid‘: u‘10255‘}]
# 6、定义通过主机id获取开启关闭agent监控
def idupdatehost(status=0,hostid=None):
# status=0 启用agent,status=1 禁用agent
hostid = ipgetHostsid(ip=‘‘)[0][‘hostid‘]
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
‘method‘: ‘host.update‘,
‘params‘: {
"hostid": hostid,
"status": status
‘auth‘: auth,
‘id‘: ‘4‘
output = requestJson(url,values)
return output
# 7、定义通过项目hostid获取itemid函数
def getHostsitemsid(hostid=None, itemsname=None): # 查询items表
hostid = ipgetHostsid(ip=‘‘)[0][‘hostid‘]
itemsname = ‘log_user‘
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
‘method‘: "item.get",
"params": {
"output": ["itemids","name","key_"], # 输出什么值可以在这里填写
"hostids": hostid,
"filter": { # 如果没有给 filter 参数那么就会过滤出这个主机关联的所有item
"key_": itemsname,
‘auth‘: auth,
‘id‘: ‘5‘
output = requestJson(url, values)
if len(output) == 0:
return output
return output[0][‘itemid‘] # 28337 获取
# return output # [{u‘itemid‘: u‘28337‘, u‘key_‘: u‘log_user‘, u‘name‘: u‘login_user‘}]
# 8、定义通过itemid获取监控项目最近n次,值信息的函数
def getHostsitemsvalue(itemid=None):
itemid = getHostsitemsid()
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
‘method‘: "history.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"history": 3,
"itemids": itemid,
"sortfield": "clock",
"sortorder": "DESC",
"limit": 1, # 限制显示多少条历史记录
‘auth‘: auth,
‘id‘: ‘6‘
output = requestJson(url, values)
if len(output) == 0:
return output
# return output[0]["value"] # 3 这个监控项获取的最近一次值为 3
return output # [{u‘itemid‘: u‘28337‘, u‘ns‘: u‘205638409‘, u‘value‘: u‘3‘, u‘clock‘: u‘1527743117‘}]
# 9、定义通过 组名 获取groupid 等信息
def groupnameGroupid(groupname=None):
groupname = ‘Nginx‘
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
‘method‘: ‘hostgroup.get‘,
"params": {
"output": "extend",
"filter": {
"name": [
‘auth‘: auth,
‘id‘: ‘11‘
output = requestJson(url,values)
return output # [{u‘internal‘: u‘0‘, u‘flags‘: u‘0‘, u‘groupid‘: u‘15‘, u‘name‘: u‘Nginx‘}]
# 10、定义通过hostid 和 图形名称 获取图形id graphid的函数
def getgraphid(hostid=None,graphname=None):
graphname = ‘loguser‘
values = {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘,
‘method‘: ‘graph.get‘,
‘params‘: {
"output": [‘graphid‘,‘name‘],
# "output": "extend",
"hostids": hostid,
"sortfield": "name",
‘filter‘: {
"name": graphname
‘auth‘: auth,
‘id‘: ‘14‘
output = requestJson(url,values)
return output # [{u‘graphid‘: u‘811‘, u‘name‘: u‘loguser‘}]
# 11、获取这个zabbix server监控的所有主机信息
def getallhost():
values = {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "host.get",
"params": {
"output": [
"selectInterfaces": [
"id": 2,
"auth": auth
output = requestJson(url,values)
return output
u ‘host‘: u ‘Zabbix server‘,
u ‘hostid‘: u ‘10084‘,
u ‘interfaces‘: [{
u ‘interfaceid‘: u ‘1‘,
u ‘ip‘: u ‘‘
}, {
u ‘host‘: u ‘‘,
u ‘hostid‘: u ‘10255‘,
u ‘interfaces‘: [{
u ‘interfaceid‘: u ‘3‘,
u ‘ip‘: u ‘‘