Wamp win10 1077error
2021-05-23 18:32
标签:net round love hit strong rop mes http tar 检查日志发现了1077错误
State of services:
? The service ‘wampapache64‘ is NOT started
EXIT error code:1077
Help message for error code 1077 is:
Son a???tan bu yana, hizmeti ba?latma denemesi olmad?.
? The service ‘wampmysqld64‘ is NOT started
EXIT error code:1077
Help message for error code 1077 is:
Son a???tan bu yana, hizmeti ba?latma denemesi olmad?.
? The service ‘dnscache‘ is started
? WampServer (Apache, PHP and MySQL) will not function properly if any service
is not started.
? 检查80端口是否占用,netstat -ano
? 当然以管理员身份运行,重新安装也能解决
欢迎关注,有问题一起学习欢迎留言、评论 Wamp win10 1077error 标签:net round love hit strong rop mes http tar 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lovebing/p/11125550.html[left click] wampmanager->Apache->Service Administration-> Install Service
[left click] wampmanager->MySQL->Service Administration-> Install Service
[left click] wampmanager->MariaDB->Service Administration-> Install Service