
2021-09-28 11:14


标签:mingw Minimalist GNU for Windows http://www.mingw.org/ 想要在Windows使用wget,之前使用的是单独的安装包,现在又想使用bash的命令提示符来执行wget。因为一个导出wget下载链接的工具,用单引号包括的下载链接,在Windows下不能用,win要用双引号。懒得改,就找到了mingw这个工具。 mingw和cygwin有啥区别呢?以前装过cygwin玩耍。 官网解释: MinGW provides a complete Open Source programming tool set which is suitable for the development of native MS-Windows applications, and which do not depend on any 3rd-party C-Runtime DLLs. (It does depend on a number of DLLs provided by Microsoft themselves, as components of the operating system; most notable among these is MSVCRT.DLL, the Microsoft C runtime library. Additionally, threaded applications must ship with a freely distributable thread support DLL, provided as part of MinGW itself). MinGW compilers provide access to the functionality of the Microsoft C runtime and some language-specific runtimes. MinGW, being Minimalist, does not, and never will, attempt to provide a POSIX runtime environment for POSIX application deployment on MS-Windows. If you want POSIX application deployment on this platform, please consider Cygwin instead. 另外POSIX是 POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) is a set of standard operating system interfaces based on the Unix operating system. 先安装mingw提供的安装工具,这样可以选择性安装utility。 安装器把可安装的东西分了两类: Mingw提供的是开发用的编译器之类的 MSYS (minimal system)一个命令界面的系统,带一些unix工具,可以替代Windows下的cmd这样可以更好的使用开源的一些应用,是cygwin-1.3的一个分支。不解的是msys-wget这个工具在all类别下才能找到,开始在msys上找了半天。勾选之后,在菜单installation-apply changes就可以安装了,很方便。 然后找到安装目录msys/bin/msys.bat,执行之,就可以得到一些命令界面了,默认是sh.exe,这个应该是bash吧。 输入wget,就能执行wget下载东西了。如果要切换目录cd /e/vedio 就能切换到e盘的vedio目录了。在windows下使用gnu的工具标签:原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/mize/p/5042041.html

