Win32 线程的创建&信号量临界资源&事件对象

2020-11-24 20:38


标签:win32   线程   





DWORD WINAPI funAproc(LPVOID lpParameter);
DWORD WINAPI funBproc(LPVOID lpParameter);

int cnt=100;			//共享数据
HANDLE hmutex_cnt;		//cnt的信号量锁
HANDLE hend_even;		//事件

void main()
	HANDLE th1,th2;
	hmutex_cnt = CreateMutex(NULL,FALSE,NULL);
	//true: 创建该事件对象后,触发事件,false:不触发事件。
	hend_even = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL);

	int x=2;//带参线程
	th1 = CreateThread(NULL,0,funAproc,&x,0,NULL);
	th2 = CreateThread(NULL,0,funBproc,NULL,0,NULL);

	while (TRUE)
		if (cnt == 0) break;
		if(WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(hend_even,100)){//主线程等待th2发出“终止th1的事件”,即hend_even
			TerminateThread(th1,1); //终止线程
	printf("back to main thread... \n ");
	int i;
	while (scanf("%d",&i))

DWORD WINAPI funAproc(LPVOID lpParameter){
	int b,c;
	int k = *(int*)lpParameter;

	while (cnt>0)
		cnt -= k;
		printf("thread A delete 2 of cnt = %d\n",cnt);
		ReleaseMutex(hmutex_cnt);				//释放信号量
	return 0;
DWORD WINAPI funBproc(LPVOID lpParameter){
	while (cnt>0)
		cnt = cnt + 1;
		printf("thread B add 1 of cnt = %d\n",cnt);

		if (cnt == 50)	//当cnt == 50的时候,终止th1和th2,此时th2触发hend_even事件,并退出
			printf("proc B stop to sail ticket...\n");
			ReleaseMutex(hmutex_cnt);	//释放信号量
		ReleaseMutex(hmutex_cnt);		//释放信号量
	return 0;


thread A delete 2 of cnt = 98
thread B add 1 of cnt = 99
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 97
thread B add 1 of cnt = 98
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 96
thread B add 1 of cnt = 97
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 95
thread B add 1 of cnt = 96
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 94
thread B add 1 of cnt = 95
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 93
thread B add 1 of cnt = 94
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 92
thread B add 1 of cnt = 93
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 91
thread B add 1 of cnt = 92
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 90
thread B add 1 of cnt = 91
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 89
thread B add 1 of cnt = 90
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 88
thread B add 1 of cnt = 89
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 51
thread B add 1 of cnt = 52
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 50
thread B add 1 of cnt = 51
thread A delete 2 of cnt = 49
thread B add 1 of cnt = 50
proc B stop to sail ticket...
proc B stop to sail ticket...
back to main thread...


Win32 线程的创建&信号量临界资源&事件对象

标签:win32   线程   


